Teaching Staff. Recruitment and selection of teaching staff
Teaching Staff.
A. The Academy will select its teaching staff from qualified teacher applicants. Application to the Academy will be voluntary and subject to the release from the applicant's employing school district. The Academy will attempt to staff with teachers from the Participating Districts in approximate relationship to each Participating District's pupil count. If a position which needs to be staffed cannot be filled in this manner, the Academy will request that the Participating District with the then lowest ratio of assigned staff to the Participating District's Consortium shares hire a qualified candidate to be assigned to the Academy. This process will be followed whenever the need to fill an Academy staff position cannot be accomplished from existing staff of a Participating District while still keeping the Academy staff balanced according to the approximate relationship of each Participating District's pupil count to the Academy's total teaching staff. The Fiscal Agents at each campus are authorized to administer this provision and to make such adjustments as are necessary to staff the Academy.
B. At the conclusion of each school year, teachers assigned to the Academy will, upon written request, be permitted to return to their home district in accordance with the letters of agreement referred to herein. The Academy's administrator, in conjunction with the Fiscal Agents, may also return a teacher to that teacher's home district at the conclusion of a school year, subject to whatever limitations may apply by operation of the Participating District's collective bargaining agreement applicable to the teacher. If a limitation exists under a Participating District's collective bargaining agreement which temporarily prevents the return of a teacher from the Academy to a home district, the Participating District shall make every effort to accommodate that teacher's return to the home district as soon as possible.
C. Teachers assigned to the Academy will at all times remain exclusively employees of their home district. They will also remain members of their Participating District bargaining unit. As home district employees, they will be assigned by their home district to perform services for the Academy at the Academy site. As the only employment relationship of each Academy teacher is with his/her home participating district, the responsibility for all payment of wages and other benefits and compensation to each teacher, including the responsibility for satisfacti...
Teaching Staff. Teacher seniority shall be defined as the length of continuous service as a teacher and/or administrator in this District which, effective July 1, 2016, begins on the employee’s first day of actual work as a teacher or administrator in the District. Seniority for support staff employees shall be defined as length of full-time continuous service within the employee’s respective category of position. Seniority shall not transfer between categories. Accumulation of seniority shall begin with the support staff employee’s first day of actual work in their respective category of position.
Teaching Staff. All academic, technical and administrative staff have an individual responsibility to:
2.4.1 Follow the annual timetabling process and submit timetabling requests and other timetable information at the times and dates requested, through the School Timetable co-ordinator.
2.4.2 Ensure that the needs of students and the student experience are prioritised
2.4.3 Check thoroughly the relevant timetables published on the web. Inaccuracies must be reported immediately to the School Timetable Co- ordinator.
2.4.4 Adhere to the latest version of the timetable as published on the web.
2.4.5 Formally request any required timetable changes via their School Timetable co-ordinator. Such requests should not be acted upon until confirmation that the change has been agreed.
2.4.6 Report immediately to the School Timetable Co-ordinator when rooms they have booked are no longer required.
2.4.7 All academic staff are required to verify the data from room surveys as and when required.
Teaching Staff. XXXX is responsible for recruiting, training, assigning and supervising teachers in the School who will maintain state required licenses and background checks.
Teaching Staff. If total years of service referred to in Section A are equal between two (2) or more teachers then seniority shall be determined by total service with the District in any capacity.
Teaching Staff. 1. In School Work Year
Teaching Staff. The OP shall have full and complete authority over staffing decisions at the school. District employees shall have the opportunity to apply for an assignment to the REACH Network. All assignments and rescissions of such assignments to the REACH Network shall be determined by the OP.
Teaching Staff. The Board shall furnish the Union with an annual seniority list by February 1 and such list shall show the names of teachers in order of their district seniority. The Board shall furnish the Union with an annual seniority list by February 1 and such list shall show the names of support staff employees in order of their seniority in the following categories:
Teaching Staff. The teaching staff shall comprise all the teachers and/or researchers who participate in the Program at each institution.