Parenthood Leave A. A regular, limited-term or probationary employee shall be granted, upon request, a Parenthood Leave Without Pay of up to six (6) months in connection with the birth or placement for legal adoption of a child provided the employee meets the following conditions: 1. The requested Leave is commenced within six (6) months before or after the date of birth or placement for legal adoption of the child. 2. Sufficient documentation of such birth or placement for legal adoption is submitted with the request for Leave. 3. Such employee has completed new probation. 4. All accrued vacation, compensatory time or annual leave subject to 100% payoff has been applied toward the absence. B. Unless otherwise required by law, employees shall not be eligible for more than one (1) such Leave within any twelve (12) month period. C. Healthcare leave or annual leave must be applied toward any portion of the absence which qualifies under Section 1.B.1. of this Article provided the employee has furnished the agency/department with a certificate signed by a licensed physician stating the nature of the medical condition and period of disability. D. Pregnant employees may also apply for a Nonoccupational Disability Leave for the term of disability as provided in Section 4. of this Article. E. Parenthood Leave shall not be credited toward continuous service. F. For employees on Parenthood Leave, merit increase dates, probation periods and performance evaluation dates shall be treated as if the employee were on Official Leave.
Unpaid Parental Leave (a) An employee is entitled to a period of up to 52 weeks unpaid parental leave in respect of the: (i) birth of a child to the employee or employee’s partner; or (ii) adoption of a child who is not the natural child or step child of the employee or employee’s partner; is under the age of sixteen; and has not lived continuously with the employee for six months or longer.
Parenting Leave Parenting Leave consists of Maternity Leave and Parental Leave. Parental Leave includes Paternity and Adoption Leave.
Maternity and Parental Leave Employees are eligible for unpaid leave of absence from employment subject to the conditions in this article. Every employee who intends to take a leave of absence under this article will give at least four weeks' notice in writing to the Employer unless there is a valid reason why such notice cannot be given and will inform the Employer in writing of the length of leave intended to be taken. Each employee who wishes to change the effective date of approved leave will give four weeks' notice of such change unless there is a valid reason why such notice cannot be given.
Maternity/Parental Leave The term of the temporary posting shall be for the term of the illness or maternity/parental leave but shall not exceed eighteen (18) continuous months.
Paid Parental Leave Employees who meet the eligibility requirements of the Seattle Municipal Code Chapter 4.27, “Paid Parental Leave,” may take leave for bonding with their new child.
Pregnancy/Parental Leave Pregnancy/Parental Leave will be granted in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act as amended from time to time. (a) The service requirement for eligibility for pregnancy/parental leave shall be thirteen (13) weeks. (b) The Nurse shall give written notification which shall include the expected date of return and a certificate from a legally qualified medical practitioner at least two (2) weeks in advance of the date of commencement of such leave. This notice will be waived in the event of pregnancy complications, premature birth or the sudden coming into care of an adopted child. (c) The Nurse has the right to return to their former position, if it still exists, or to a comparable position, if it does not. (d) The Nurse shall be granted seventeen (17) weeks pregnancy leave and up to sixty-one (61) weeks of parental leave. Natural mothers, if they take parental leave, must take it at the end of the pregnancy leave, or such time as the child comes into their care, but not more than fifty-two (52) weeks after the child is born or comes into care. I.) waiting period. (e) A Nurse shall be permitted to commence their pregnancy leave at any time up to seventeen (17) weeks before the expected date of delivery. (f) During pregnancy/parental leave a Nurse shall continue to accumulate seniority rights for all purposes and the Employer must continue to make Employer contributions to pension, life insurance, accidental death, extended health and dental plans unless the employee has advised the Employer, in writing, that they do not wish to continue to make the employee contributions to such plans. (g) Parents shall be defined to include adoptive parents and a person in a relationship of some permanence with the natural or adoptive mother or father of the child and who intends to treat the child as own. (h) A Nurse shall have the right to a personal leave of absence without pay to commence immediately following a parental/pregnancy/ adoption leave of absence, provided the sum of all such leaves of absence do not exceed twelve continuous months per pregnancy/ adoption.
Maternity Adoption and Parental Leave For the purposes of granting Maternity, Adoption and Parental Leave, the provisions of the Canada Labour Code and of its Regulations shall apply.
Unpaid Leave - Union Business (a) Short-term leave of absence without pay to a maximum of fourteen (14) days at one time shall be granted to employees designated by the Union to transact Union business including conventions and conferences unless this would unduly interrupt the operation of the department provided, however, that these designated employees shall be paid by the Employer for time lost in attending meetings during working hours whenever their attendance is requested by the Employer. The Union shall give reasonable notice to minimize disruption of the department and the Union shall make every effort to give a minimum of seven (7) days’ notice. (b) Long-term leave of absence without pay shall be granted to employees designated by the Union to transact Union business for specific periods of not less than fourteen (14) days unless this would unduly interrupt the operation of the department. Such requests shall be made in writing sufficiently in advance to minimize disruption of the department. Employees granted such leave of absence shall retain all rights and privileges accumulated prior to obtaining such leave. Seniority shall continue to accumulate during such leave and shall apply to such provisions as annual vacations, increments and promotions. (c) Leave of absence without pay shall be granted to employees designated by the Union for the purpose of collective bargaining. Seniority and all benefits shall accumulate during such leave. (d) The foregoing provisions shall not limit the provisions of Article 5.10, 9.01, 9.02, 9.03, 11.05, 11.06, 12.01, 12. (e) Every effort will be made by the Employer to retain employees on unpaid leave of absence for Union business on the Employer’s payroll and where such employees are retained, the Union shall reimburse the Employer for the wages and benefits involved. This provision does not apply to employees on extended leaves of absence who are employed by the Union on a regular full-time basis.
Communication during parental leave (a) Where an employee is on parental leave and a definite decision has been made to introduce significant change at the workplace, the employer shall take reasonable steps to: (i) make information available in relation to any significant effect the change will have on the status or responsibility level of the position the employee held before commencing parental leave; and (ii) provide an opportunity for the employee to discuss any significant effect the change will have on the status or responsibility level of the position the employee held before commencing parental leave. (b) The employee shall take reasonable steps to inform the employer about any significant matter that will affect the employee’s decision regarding the duration of parental leave to be taken, whether the employee intends to return to work and whether the employee intends to request to return to work on a part-time basis. (c) The employee shall also notify the employer of changes of address or other contact details which might affect the employer’s capacity to comply with (a) above.