SICK LEAVE AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Section 1. All permanent employees shall be granted, with pay, twelve (12) days sick leave per year, granted on January 1 of each calendar year. New hires will be granted a pro-rated total of one (1) day per month from date of hire through the end of the calendar year once their probationary period is completed. Sick days may be accrued up to a maximum of forty-five (45) working days to be used as needed, with pay, in case of prolonged illness.
Section 2. Xxxx leave shall be granted in case of sickness or injury to the employee or to take care of an immediate family member who is sick or injured to include a child, parent, or sibling.
Section 3. Sick leave shall be converted into cash time with the Employer paying sick leave and/or when the employee becomes eligible for Workmen’s Compensation benefits, the Employer shall pay the difference between the amount received by the employee from Workmen’s Compensation and the amount the employee would have received had he been fully employed. Such payments shall be continued by the Employer until all sick leave money accumulated has been paid to the employee.
(a) At the Employer’s option, after twelve (12) months of continuous service, an employee may obtain a leave-of-absence due to a sickness or other causes, without pay, which shall not exceed six (6) months and such leave-of-absence shall be verified in writing, in triplicate, one copy to the Employer, one copy to the employee, and one copy to the Union. At the expiration of such leave, the employee shall be reinstated without loss of any of his rights or privileges of seniority.
(b) An employee who has accumulated the maximum of forty-five (45) days sick leave that carries into the next year shall be paid the difference between sick days used during that year and the 12 days accumulated during the year if sick days used is less than 12 days.
Section 5. If an employee is selected to perform work for the Office and Professional Employees International Union, Local Number 30, including conventions and conferences, at the Employer’s option, the employee may be granted a reasonable time off.
Section 6. In the event an employee is called to serve jury duty, the employee shall be excused from work for each day he/she serves, or reports to serve, and shall be paid for time lost from work, suffering no loss of rights or benefits, provided the employee notifies the Employer of the intended jury duty absence, prior to the date of service. An employee excused from jury d...
SICK LEAVE AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. When an employee is given leave of absence without pay for any reason, or is laid off on account of lack of work and returns to the service of the Employer upon expiration of such leave of absence, etc. he shall not receive sick leave credit for the period of such absence, but shall retain his cumulative credit, if any, existing at the time of such leave or layoff.
Section 1. All permanent employees shall be granted with pay twelve (12) days sick leave per year, accumulated at the rate of one (1) day per month from date of hire.
Section 2. Sick leave shall be granted only in case of sickness or injury. The employee must notify the employer at a minimum of (1) one hour prior to their scheduled shift start time, unless in the case of an emergency the employee will contact the office as soon as possible.
Section 3. All unused sick leave shall be accumulated at the rate of one (1) day per month to a maximum of thirty (30) working days to be used as needed, with pay, in case of prolonged illness.
Section 4. At the Employer's option, after twelve (12) months of continuous service, an employee may obtain a leave-of-absence due to a sickness or other causes, without pay, which shall not exceed six (6) months. Such leave-of-absence shall be verified in writing, in triplicate, one copy to the Employer, one copy to the Union, and one copy to the employee. At the expiration of such leave, the employee shall be reinstated without loss of any of their rights or privileges of seniority.
Section 5. If an employee is selected to perform work for the Office and Professional Employees International Union, Local No. 30, including conventions and conferences, at the Employer's option, the employee may be granted a reasonable time off.
SICK LEAVE AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 11.01 Permanent full-time Employees shall be allowed one (1) day sick leave with pay for each month worked; such leave to be cumulative from year to year to a maximum of one hundred and fifty (150) actual working days. Regular part-time sick time will be a percentage of the full-time (one (1) day per month) based on days worked, i.e., if half-time worked, entitled to 1/2 day per month. If requested by the Employer, a doctor's certificate must be supplied by the Employee for any illness after three (3), one (1) day illnesses per calendar year.
11.02 Permanent full-time Employees shall be granted extended sick leave of absence with pay for up to six (6) months with up to one (1) year of service and twelve (12) months with more than one (1) year of service beyond the paid sick leave entitlement provided in 11.01 above, during periods of lengthy illness or disability as certified by a medical doctor. During the period of leave beyond paid sick leave entitlement, seniority shall be retained. EI sick leave benefits collected by the Employee shall be deducted from the pay amount given to the Employee. The objective being to keep the Employee’s pay whole. The Employee must produce a copy of benefit slip and the difference in pay will be processed by LU 254.
11.03 Upon severance or retirement, an Employee with ten (10) or more years service shall receive forty percent (40%) of their unused accumulated sick leave unless discharged for just cause.
11.04 Any female Employee who has completed one (1) or more years of continuous service shall be entitled to maternity leave according to Employment Standards dated January 1, 2001. An Employee returning to work from the maternity leave shall be reinstated to the position the Employee held at the time the Employee went on leave without loss of seniority, but without claim to any promotions effected during her absence on leave.
11.05 Any Employee may apply for and, where possible, receive up to six (6) months leave of absence without pay for reasons other than sick leave. Seniority shall accumulate. Permission for such leave must be obtained from the Employer in writing.
11.06 Employees delegated to perform Union activities or appointed to act on various Labour Commissions and Boards shall be granted leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority. Employees hired as a full-time representative of the Union shall be granted leave of absence without loss of seniority.
11.07 Employees disabled or hospitalized or bed ...
SICK LEAVE AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. The parties agree to grandparent the current Sick-leave Credit Plans and Sick Leave Credit Retirement Gratuity Plans for employees hired on the date of or prior to May 1, 1999 as they apply in the respective predecessor Boards’ Collective Agreements. Notwithstanding the above, the gratuity plan of the former Perth County Board of Education is deemed to apply to both full and part-time employees. For employees hired after May 1, 1999, the Sick Leave Credit Plan and Sick Leave Gratuity Plan from the former Perth County Board (Policy 3:11) shall apply to both full and part-time employees. (See Appendix A re: Perth County Plan as per Board policy 3:11 amended as agreed to by the parties and Appendix B re: Huron County Plan from SEIU Local 210 Agreement).
Section 1. All permanent employees shall be granted with pay a maximum eight (8) days sick leave per year accumulated at the rate of one (1) day per month beginning with the first month after completion of a ninety (90) day probationary period.
Section 2. Sick leave shall be granted only in case of sickness or injury.
Section 3. All unused sick leave may be carried to the following year to a maximum of twenty (20) days to be used in the event of a prolonged illness. At the employee’s option, unused sick leave may also be sold to the Employer during the month of December each calendar year. Maximum five (5) days.
(a) Employees shall be granted four (4) paid personal days per anniversary year which shall not be accumulative.
Section 4. At the Employer’s option, after twelve (12) months of continuous service, an employee may obtain a leave of absence due to a sickness or other causes, without pay, which shall not exceed six
SICK LEAVE AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 17.01 Employees will be granted time-off without pay when necessary to perform union duties by mutual agreement. Any request for personal leave, without pay will not unreasonably be denied. All leaves of absence must be requested in writing.
SICK LEAVE AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Unless otherwise provided in the Stock Option Agreement, and to the extent permitted by Section 422 of the Code, an optionee's employment shall not be deemed to terminate by reason of sick leave, military leave or other leave of absence approved by the Company if the period of any such leave does not exceed a period approved by the Company, or, if longer, if the optionee's right to reemployment by the Company is guaranteed either contractually or by statute. A Stock Option Agreement may contain such additional or different provisions with respect to leave of absence as the Committee may approve, either at the time of grant of an option or at a later time.
SICK LEAVE AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. There will be a maximum of nine (9) sick days per year (Dec. 1st-Dec. 1st). Sick time is only to be used when the Employee is sick. Exploitation of sick leave benefits by fabrication, forgery or misrepresentation may be subject to immediate disciplinary action. Should the Employee or the Union be of the opinion that the discipline is unjust; the discipline may be the subject of a grievance and processed in accordance with the grievance procedure of this Agreement. In addition to the above sick leave, each Employee is entitled to four (4) paid personal days per calendar year with pre-approval from the Employer where possible. When pre-approval is not possible, the use of this benefit will be based on the operational requirements of the Employer and shall be at the Employers’ sole discretion.
SICK LEAVE AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE. (a) Effective May 1, 1996, the Corporation shall provide to the members of Local 573 a sick leave plan in accordance with that provided the Corporation’s administrative/ management employees. A copy of said plan is attached as Schedule “A” to this agreement (b) For the purpose of elimination days members of Local 573 shall be granted 2 days leave. Said days shall if not used in the year in which credited shall be carried to subsequent year(s).