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Storage Price Sample Clauses

Storage Price. 1. The overall annual storage price for each storage year of the storage period shall consist of the price for storage, based on the unit price achieved in the electronic auction held on [●], and the variable fee for accompanying services. a) Price for storage The price shall be calculated according the following equation PU = PF + K Where: PU represents a yearly unit price for the storage services and is established in CZK per 1 MWh of the reserved storage capacity for 1 storage year; PF represents fixed costs equal to 46 CZK per 1 MWh of the reserved storage capacity for 1 storage year. K represents a coefficient achieved in the Auction K [●] CZK [●] CZK b) Fee for the provision of the storage-related services Fee for the provision of the storage-related services is set in CZK and shall be determined in accordance with the following principles: A. For each storage year, an account is managed for the Storage User (kept in kWh) which reflects the utilization of the storage capacity and cumulates (progressively adding) values of the last confirmed nomination for injection of each gas day – nomination mark “+” (hereinafter “year account”). B. A daily unit injection rate is determined for each gas day for the injection nominated by the Storage User. The daily unit injection rate is determined based on the dependency of the quantity recorded in the year account against a respective multiplier of the storage capacity reserved for the Storage User for the respective storage year based on this Contract (see Article III, second line of the table), where: i. If, on the respective gas day, the quantity recorded on the year account is lower or equal to the quantity of the reserved storage capacity, the daily unit injection rate for such gas day shall be 11 CZK per 1 MWh; ii. If, on the respective gas day, the quantity recorded on the year account is higher than one fold, but lower or equal to twofold of the quantity of the reserved storage capacity, the daily unit injection rate for such gas day shall be 9 CZK per 1 MWh; or (hereinafter jointly as “rate of respective day”). C. The amount of the fee is determined throughout the storage year after the end of each gas month as the sum of all respective daily fees. D. Daily fee calculation i. Daily fee for the provision of the storage-related services shall be calculated only for such gas days in which the Storage User nominates injection (+). In gas days in which the Storage User nominates withdrawal (-), no daily fee i...
Storage Price. 4.1 The SSO and the Customer agree on the following storage price:
Storage Price. 3.1 The SSO and the Customer agree on the following storage price for the entire Storage Period: Unit Storage Price per 1 MWh (EUR/MWh) [MISSING DATA TO BE INSERTED] Storage Price (EUR) [MISSING DATA TO BE INSERTED] For avoidance of any doubts, the Storage Price for the entire Storage Period shall be calculated by multiplying the Unit Storage Price of [MISSING DATA TO BE INSERTED] EUR/MWh and Maximum Working Volume of [MISSING DATA TO BE INSERTED] MWh. 3.2 The Storage Services for the Storage Period shall be invoiced monthly by the SSO. The SSO shall issue and deliver the invoice to the Customer by the fourteenth (14th) calendar day of the month in which respective Storage Service is provided. The maturity date of the invoice is, at the latest, the twenty-eighth (28th) day of the calendar month in which the invoice was issued. 3.3 For the purposes of Clause 2.2 and 2.3 of this Agreement, within the meaning of Act No. 222/2004 Coll. on value added tax as amended, the fee for the cross border use of storage facilities and the additional charge represent the fees for supply of services, which constitutes repeated supply of services taking place within the agreed periods of time. The related invoices shall be issued within 10 calendar days after the end of the month in which the respective services were provided. The maturity date of the respective invoice is, at the latest, the twenty-eight (28th) day of the calendar month in which the invoice was issued. 3.4 All prices and fees mentioned in this Agreement are exclusive of value added tax. The SSO shall add value added tax to the above prices and fees in compliance with generally binding legal provisions. 3.5 The Parties agree that all invoices issued by the SSO with respect to this Agreement shall be delivered only in the electronic form in pdf via email from SSO´s e-mail address: xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx to Customer´s e-mail address: [MISSING DATA TO BE INSERTED]. The invoice shall be deemed to be delivered by its sending to the Customer. The Parties agree that sent electronic invoice is considered to be received by the Customer by its sending from SSO´s e-mail address to the Customer’s e-mail address defined herein. The Customer declares that the Customer has access to the stipulated e-mail address for electronic invoice delivery. The Customer is obliged to take measures to allow delivery of SSO´s electronic invoices to the stipulated e-mail address.
Storage Price. 1. Storage User shall pay for services under Clause I. of this Agreement a storage price and an energy fee. 2. The total monthly price for the storage service consists of the monthly storage price for storage of gas, expressed in CZK/per month, calculated on the basis of a unit price arrived at in the electronic auction carried out on 30.. 7. 2020, and of the energy fee (in the case that in that particular month the Storage User injects gas), where: a) Monthly storage price Based on the results arrived at auction carried out on 30. 7. 2020, the storage price amounts to [●] CZK per each 1 (one) MWh of the reserved storage capacity for each gas month of the storage period under this Agreement. The monthly storage price shall be determined as the product of the unit price and the reserved storage capacity given in Clause II. (1) of this Contract. b) Energy fee The energy fee represents the costs of technological gas, electricity and CO2 emissions incurred in connection with provision of the storage service by the Storage Operator. The energy fee is calculated by means of multiplying the amount of actually injected Natural Gas by a flat rate. Such flat rate is set as CZK 11 per 1 (one) MWh of injected volume. 3. VAT shall be applied in accordance with the mandatory legal regulations. 4. Unless stated otherwise, all price provisions associated with the word “month” shall be considered for the gas month period, and those associated with the word “year” shall be considered for the storage year period.
Storage Price. 4.1 The SSO and the Customer agree on the following storage price for Firm Flexible Storage Capacity for the entire Storage Period: Unit Storage Price per 1 MWh (EUR/MWh) [MISSING DATA TO BE INSERTED] Storage Price (EUR) [MISSING DATA TO BE INSERTED] For the avoidance of any doubts, the Storage Price for the entire Storage Period shall be calculated by multiplying the Unit Storage Price of [MISSING DATA TO BE INSERTED] EUR/MWh and Maximum Working Volume of [MISSING DATA TO BE INSERTED] MWh. The Storage Price does not include the purchase price for the Subject of Purchase according to this Agreement nor the purchase price for the Subject of Purchase No. 2 according to the Purchase Agreement. The purchase price for the sale of the Subject of Purchase is determined separately in compliance with Article V. of this Agreement and the purchase price for the sale of the Subject of Purchase No. 2 is determined separately in compliance with the Article II. of the Purchase Agreement. 4.2 The Firm Flexible Storage Capacity for the Storage Period shall be invoiced monthly by the SSO according to the clause 11.5 a) of the Rules of Operation. Invoicing and payment terms stipulated in the Rules of Operation shall apply to the invoicing and payments related to respective Storage Services, if not agreed otherwise. 4.3 For the purposes of Clause 3.2 and 3.3 of this Agreement, within the meaning of Act No. 222/2004 Coll. on value added tax as amended, the fee for the cross border use of storage facilities and the additional charge represent the fees for supply of services, which constitutes repeated supply of services taking place within the agreed periods of time. The related invoices shall be issued within 10 calendar days after the end of the month in which the respective services were provided. The maturity date of the respective invoice is, at the latest, the twenty-eight (28th) day of the calendar month in which the invoice was issued. 4.4 The SSO shall add value-added tax to the above prices and fees in compliance with generally binding legal provisions. 4.5 The Parties agree that invoices shall be delivered only in the electronic form in pdf via email from SSO´s e-mail address: xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx to Customer´s e-mail address: [MISSING DATA TO BE INSERTED]. The invoice shall be deemed to be delivered by its sending to the Customer. The Parties agree that sent electronic invoice is considered to be received by the Customer by its sending from SSO´s e-mail address to the ...
Storage Price. 1. Storage User shall pay for services under Clause I. of this Agreement a storage price and an energy fee. 2. The total monthly price for the storage service consists of 1/12 of the yearly price for storage of gas, and of the energy fee (in the case that in that particular month the Storage User injects gas), where: a) Monthly storage price Based on the results arrived at auction carried out on [●], the yearly unit storage price amounts to [●] EUR per each thousand m3 of the reserved storage capacity under this Agreement; the monthly storage price shall represent one twelfth of the yearly storage price. b) Energy fee The energy fee represents the costs of technological gas, electricity and CO2 emissions incurred in connection with provision of the storage service by the Storage Operator. The energy fee is calculated by means of multiplying the amount of actually injected Natural Gas by a flat fee. At the moment of the auction, the flat rate is estimated at 0.0025 EUR per each m3 of injected gas. Notwithstanding the previous sentence, the Storage Operator shall finally calculate the flat fee and announce to the Storage User by 30. April 2019 through the following formula: The flat fee is set for each Storage Year as the sum of Flat fee energy (EUR/m3)t = (total Energy Costs (EUR)t-1) / (total injected Natural Gas (m3)t-1) and Flat fee CO2 (EUR/m3)t = ((total CO2 emissions (tonnes)t-1) x (CO2 price (EUR/tonne)t)) / (total injected Natural Gas (m3)t-1) In the above formulas, the abbreviations have the following meanings: t = current Storage Year; t-1 = previous Storage Year; total Energy Costs = total Energy Costs incurred due to actual withdrawal and injection of Natural Gas; total CO2 emissions = total volume of CO2 emissions produced due to actual withdrawal and injection of Natural Gas; CO2 price = price of European Carbon Futures contract published by the European Energy Exchange. By the 30 April 2020 or with respect to costs of emission allowances as soon as possible under then valid law, the Storage Operator shall invoice the difference between the sum of all Energy fees paid by the Storage User in during the Storage Period and the sum of the technological gas and electricity costs and the costs of emission allowances actually accrued during the Storage Period as a result of injection and/or withdrawal of gas. For the avoidance of doubt: if the sum of all Energy fees paid in the Storage Period exceeds the sum of the technological gas and electricity c...
Storage Price. 3.1 The SSO and the Customer agree on the Unit Storage Price and the Storage Price for the Storage Capacity for the entire Storage Period as stipulated in Annex No. 1 to this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, the Storage Price for the entire Storage Period shall be calculated by multiplying the Unit Storage Price stipulated in Annex No. 1 to this Agreement and the Maximum Working Volume stipulated in Annex No. 1 to this Agreement.
Storage Price. 1. Storage User shall pay for services under Clause I. of this Agreement a storage price and an energy fee. 2. The total monthly price for the storage service consists of the monthly storage price for storage of gas, expressed in EUR/per month, calculated on the basis of a unit price arrived at in the electronic auction carried out on 27.6.2017, and of the energy fee (in the case that in that particular month the Storage User injects gas), where: a) Monthy storage price
Storage Price. 3.1 The SSO and the Customer agree on the following Storage Price for the entire Storage Season 1:
Storage Price. 1. Total price for storage service Total price for storage service consists of the gas storage price which includes also the price for technological gas, and of the price for gas storage-related activities, where: Gas storage price Annual unit price for natural gas storage, fixed on the basis of the results of auction held/ended date [●], amounts to [●] CZK/m3 of operating volume (price stipulated in auction). For the 1st storage year a price according to the Auction results will be applied. For the 2nd and the following storage years of the duration of the Contract, in April of the respective year price shall be determined using the following valorization formula: JCnr = JCnr-1 x (0,85 x PPI + 0,15 x CPI) JCnr - Annual unit price effective in relevant year JCnr-1 - Annual unit price effective in the year just preceding the relevant year CPI - Average monthly wage increase index (within branch of industry) for 1st to 4th Quarter of calendar year of just preceding year in which the price is being fixed. The index is disclosed by Czech Statistical Office [Český statistický úřad] (hereinafter the “CSU“), table “Počet zaměstnanců a průměrné hrubé měsíční mzdy podle CZ-XXXX (fyzické osoby) / The number of employees and average monthly gross wages and salaries by CZ-XXXX (actual persons)”, index line “B-E Industry total”.1 PPI - Industrial manufacturer price index (ratio between averages of indices for the last 12 months and average of indices for the just preceding 12 months) for March of the relevant year. The index is disclosed by CSU, table “Index cen průmyslových výrobců podle sekce a subsekce CZ-CPA v České republice (podíl klouzavých průměrů) / Industrial Producer Price Index by Section and Subsection of CZ-CPA in the Czech Republic (ratio of rolling averages)”, index line “B,C,D,E TOTAL”.2 Price for gas storage-related activities CSC is the annual price for gas storage-related activities, and is expressed in CZK/year, and calculated as the annual expense ratio / total daily max withdrawal output of Storage Operator (inside virtual gas storage tank) disclosed for respective year in line with the Rules, in kWh x Daily max withdrawal or injection output cited in point 1 of Article III of this Contract, in kWh, depending on which value is higher. Annual expense ratio for the first year of Contract duration which is the year 2013, will be at the level of 12 000 000, and will be adjusted for the following years in accord with the following valorization formula...