TEACHING CONDITIONS. 14.1. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT To protect the health, welfare, and safety of student, the Board shall observe the specified capacity of each teaching station. There shall be a continued alertness to prevent hazardous conditions at all times in all buildings. The preservation of safe, wholesome, and pleasant surroundings shall be a paramount concern of both the Board and the Association. The arrangement of furnishings in the classroom shall be for the optimum educational setting as determined by the teacher in concert with the Principal. Insofar as possible, lounges, conference rooms and lavatories shall be conveniently available for teachers. Lounges and conference rooms shall not be used for regularly scheduled meetings without prior consultation with the building faculty. The Board agrees to meet and confer with the Association to seek mutually acceptable solutions where these conditions do not exist. 14.2. CALENDAR See attached calendar. 14.3. SNOW DAYS Scheduled days of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within the control of school authorities such as inclement weather, fires, epidemics, mechanical break downs, or health conditions as defined by the city, county or state health authorities, will be rescheduled to insure the required amount of student contact hours as per State law. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days which are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensation. 1. The parties agree to meet in an effort to mutually agree on when any make up days/hours should occur. In the event they are unable to agree, the days/hours will be added on to the end of the calendar set forth in Appendix D. 2. Should a day be rescheduled and insufficient students attend to count it as day of instruction, teachers will not be obligated to attend a subsequent rescheduling of the day without being paid at their daily rate. 3. It is understood and agreed that in the event that the rescheduling of the days/hours at the end of the school year interferes with a teacher's scheduled return to school to upgrade his or her skills, the teacher may: a. use his or her personal leave b. use his or her sick leave or c. apply for unpaid leave time. 4. Should the provisions of the state law be altered, the above provisions shall reflect the number of days required by the state
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 14.1A. A copy of the school budget shall be readily available to all teachers.
B. The Board shall equitably provide each teacher with necessary materials required in daily teaching responsibilities.
C. The administration will provide access to a telephone with privacy for professional calls including long distance calls.
D. Each teacher shall report any unsafe or hazardous conditions, in writing, to the principal as soon as practicable.
E. A room shall be provided in each school for necessary teacher conferences with parents or students.
F. The Board shall provide a reserved parking area for teachers except when substantial capital investment would be needed to accomplish this goal.
G. When school is not in session, teachers shall be given access to the building for use in conducting school business. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT To protect This arrangement with the healthprincipal will be equitable and scheduled at reasonable times.
H. Procedure for visitation of a teacher's class by an individual other than School Board Members or district/school administrative/supervisory personnel:
1. Complete the Classroom Visit Request Form (Appendix F) by the visitor;
2. All paperwork shall be completed at least 24 hours prior to classroom visit;
3. Such persons will be issued a visitor’s pass;
4. This procedure may be waived with teacher consent.
I. Teachers and administrators accept the joint responsibility to minimize unnecessary schedule changes and unnecessary interruptions by maintenance, welfarecustodial or construction workers, inter-communication systems or other such disturbances in classroom/school.
J. Principals are encouraged to confer with teachers on the criteria/method for selection of Department Chairperson, Team Leaders, and safety of student, Grade Level Chairperson. Principal shall publish criteria/method for selection. Appointments to these positions will be for one (1) year.
K. Custodial service shall be provided by the Board shall observe the specified capacity to maintain classrooms and other areas of each teaching stationschool in a clean condition except in cases of emergency.
L. Elementary teachers may use the time during which their students are in special classes as preparation periods. There Exceptional student education teachers are entitled to a preparation period the same as elementary classroom teachers. The preparation period will not be preempted for duty or activities not related to lesson planning and preparation.
M. The length of the teachers' professional day shall be seven and one-half (7.5) hours including a preparation period and a duty free lunch period. The preparation period shall be not less than one instructional period in secondary school. In a standard week, elementary teachers will have 225 minutes per week during the student instructional day with at least thirty (30) consecutive guaranteed minutes every day. The duty free lunch period shall be a continued alertness minimum of twenty-five (25) minutes. Teachers may be required to prevent hazardous conditions at all times in all buildingsremain with the students during the lunch period for up to the first five days of school. The preservation of safedistrict recognizes the sooner the students can be placed in their regular routine, wholesomethe better. During an emergency, and pleasant surroundings teachers shall be called back for supervisory duties during the lunch period. (A planned event cannot be considered an emergency.) The duty free lunch period will be waived for preschool handicapped and pre-kindergarten early intervention teachers. However, their work day should be adjusted for a paramount concern twenty-five (25) minute duty-free period sometime during the 7.50 hour day. ESE teachers responsible for IEPs, will be provided four (4) days per school year to complete required paperwork and/or to hold IEP meetings. If an ESE teacher isn't provided a duty period to complete IEP development, or provided a daily paperwork period, in lieu of both taking these four days, the Board and ESE teacher may elect to be paid $750 for the Associationschool year for developing students' IEPs on their caseload. The arrangement of furnishings in the classroom shall be for the optimum educational setting as determined by District ESE department will verify each teacher's caseload. If the teacher in concert chooses this option and fails to complete the student IEP’s, the teacher will forfeit the money and will lose the ability to select the monetary option for three years. Secondary school teachers will have no more than five (5) regular class periods with the Principalat least one
(1) preparation period. Insofar as possible, lounges, conference rooms and lavatories shall be conveniently available for teachers. Lounges and conference rooms The preparation period shall not be used preempted for regularly scheduled meetings without prior consultation duty or activities not related to lesson planning and preparation. Additional assignments related to the instructional program may be made during the specified day as required. Assignment limitations contained in this paragraph may be waived in case of an emergency. High school and Vocational principals will have the authority to assign equitably duties during one of the two (2) non-teaching periods. Secondary school teachers and teachers at Vocational schools who teach academic subjects that are also offered at traditional high schools who agree to teach a 6th period in the 7 period day, the 6th teaching period is in lieu of a duty period. Those teachers with 6 classes will have a planning period and will be paid the building facultyhourly rate for the 6th class per Appendix G. When professional development activities are held during duty periods, the 6th period teachers will attend the professional development during planning period. The Board agrees to meet Newly hired teachers with no experience shall not teach more than five (5) periods. Duties will include but not be limited to:
1. teachers as advisors duties;
2. supervisory duties;
3. study halls;
4. committee assignments for curriculum projects, accreditation projects;
5. teachers who sponsor non-supplemental school clubs and confer supervise other after-school activities will be given consideration when duties for the second non-teaching period are assigned. High school teachers who are earning a supplement will have five (5) regular class periods, a planning period and may have a supplement period. Secondary school teachers and teachers at Vocational schools who teach academic subjects that are also offered at traditional high schools will have no more than five (5) regular class periods with the Association to seek mutually acceptable solutions where these conditions do not existat least one (1) preparation period. Teachers at Vocational Schools shall be given a designated 50 minute time block for planning/preparation.
14.2. CALENDAR See attached calendar.
14.3. SNOW DAYS Scheduled days N. Teachers may be assigned equitably a maximum of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within eight (8) supervisory and professional duties prior to the control of school authorities such as inclement weather, fires, epidemics, mechanical break downs, time when they would otherwise be required to report for duty in the morning or health conditions as defined by subsequent to the city, county or state health authorities, will be rescheduled to insure time they would normally leave in the required amount of student contact hours as per State law. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days which are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensationafternoon.
1. The parties agree to meet in an effort to mutually agree on when any make up days/hours should occur. In No more than four (4) of the event they are unable to agree, the days/hours eight (8) duties will be added on to the end extracurricular activities such as club- sponsored dances and programs, athletic events, etc., when they occur outside of the calendar set forth in Appendix D.contract hours.
2. Should a day be rescheduled and insufficient students attend Teachers are not required to count it as day of instruction, teachers will not be obligated to attend a subsequent rescheduling of the day without being paid at their daily rateparticipate in more than one activity during any one week.
3. It is understood and agreed The aggregate number of such duties should not exceed that in the event that the rescheduling of the days/hours at the end of the school year interferes with a teacher's scheduled return to school to upgrade his or her skills, the teacher may:
a. use his or her personal leave
b. use his or her sick leave or
c. apply for unpaid leave timeprior years unless conditions clearly require an increase.
4. Should When a teacher is required to attend faculty meetings, department, grade level and team meetings that extend beyond the provisions teacher’s contract hours, that meeting will be considered fulfillment of a duty as described in Article V.
5. Participation in each open house or orientation fulfills a duty as described in Article V.
6. A duty is an activity beyond contract hours up to ninety (90) minutes. If a duty extends beyond 90 minutes, it will be counted as two duties.
7. When faculty meetings are held before or after school and the principal declares attendance at the meeting is “voluntary” in order to avoid counting the meeting as a duty as stated above, the principal must send the content of information discussed to all teachers at the school.
O. Teachers' participation in extra-curricular activities beyond the established limit as cited in the above paragraph for which no additional compensation is paid shall be strictly voluntary.
P. The Board shall make efforts to provide teaching stations which it deems appropriate for all special service and special subject teachers.
Q. Substitute teachers shall be employed for all absent teachers, including special areas, when feasible and/or possible. This statement should not be construed to mean that teachers on duty will be assigned to cover the absent teacher's classroom unless in an emergency.
R. Teachers shall not conduct bomb searches. At the direction of the state law principal, teachers shall visually check their area of normal responsibility and report any suspicious items. A teacher’s area of normal responsibility shall be altereddefined prior to any visual check.
S. It will be the teacher's responsibility to provide daily lesson plans. The teacher should have an emergency lesson plan available.
T. When available, substitute assistants will be employed for absent assistants. U. When inclusion is deemed an appropriate placement by the IEP team for a medically fragile student, the above provisions shall reflect teacher, except in emergency situations, will not be responsible for the number delivery of days required by specialized health care procedures not specifically delineated as the stateproper responsibility of certified teaching personnel according to "Guidelines for the Delineation of Roles and Responsibilities for the Safe Delivery of Specialized Health Care in the Educational Setting, May 1, 1990".
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Master Contract, Master Contract
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 14.15.1 Lockable space for storing confidential materials will be provided in each school. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT To protect A copy of the health, welfare, and safety teacher's editions of student, the Board shall observe basic texts used in each subject area he/she teaches will be provided for the specified capacity of each teaching stationteacher's individual use during his/her tenure in that school. There Teaching stations shall be a continued alertness to prevent hazardous conditions at provided for all times in all buildings. teachers.
5.2 The preservation of safe, wholesome, and pleasant surroundings teacher workday shall be seven (7) hours and thirty (30) minutes including a paramount concern duty-free lunch period of both not less than thirty (30) minutes. This time does not include the Board and the Associationtransfer of students. The arrangement of furnishings in the classroom On non-student lunch days, all teachers shall be for the optimum educational setting as determined by the teacher in concert with the Principalentitled to a one (1) hour duty-free lunch period. Insofar as possible, lounges, conference rooms and lavatories shall be conveniently available for teachers. Lounges and conference rooms Teachers shall not be used required to eat in the lunchroom.
5.3 Teachers will not be allowed to use tobacco in any form, electronic cigarettes, personal vaporizers, or any electronic nicotine delivery system on real or personal property owned or under the control of the Bay District School Board.
5.4 In the event of a heating or air conditioning malfunction, the facility manager shall report the condition to the proper Board department who shall make every reasonable effort to correct the condition. Arrangements will be made by the facility manager to relocate classes to areas that are properly heated /cooled and ventilated. If the entire school is affected by the above problems or a water disruption, the district office will address the issue as a priority.
5.5 If a teacher does not have access to his/her classroom during his/her planning then a long distance enabled phone and computer will be made available for regularly his/her use in a confidential setting.
5.6 All elementary teachers, including special subject teachers, shall have at least fifteen (15) continuous minutes relief time during the instructional day. This period shall not include time spent in transferring children to other supervisors. Every effort shall be made to see that the relief time is not scheduled meetings without prior consultation during the same part of the day as the planning period.
5.7 It shall be the responsibility of the teacher to report, in writing, potentially unsafe or hazardous conditions to the immediate supervisor who will investigate the report with the building facultyteacher. If an unsafe or hazardous condition exists, the immediate supervisor will take steps to correct the condition. The Board agrees to meet and confer supervisor will respond in writing within seven (7) working days regarding disposition of the case. If no response is given within seven (7) working days, ABCE will contact the Deputy Superintendent.
5.8 Teacher participation in extra-curricular activities shall be strictly voluntary with the Association exception of PTA/PTO, Open House, parent workshops and graduation activities which shall not exceed four (4) such activities each year. If teachers are required to seek mutually acceptable solutions where these conditions do not exist.
14.2participate in the above activities, the facility manager will schedule compensatory time in writing in advance. CALENDAR See attached Such events requiring compensatory time shall be published on the school calendar.
14.3. SNOW DAYS Scheduled days of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within the control of school authorities such as inclement weather, fires, epidemics, mechanical break downs, or health conditions as defined by the city, county or state health authorities, will 5.9 Teachers may be rescheduled required to insure the required amount of student contact hours as per State law. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days which are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensation.
1. The parties agree to meet in an effort to mutually agree on when any make up days/hours should occur. In the event they are unable to agree, the days/hours will be added on to remain after the end of the calendar set forth regular work day for the purpose of attending faculty or other professional meetings in Appendix D.
2their regularly assigned school center for not more than nine (9) days per year. Should a day be rescheduled and insufficient students attend to count it as day of instruction, teachers will Such meetings shall not be obligated to attend a subsequent rescheduling extend more than thirty (30) minutes beyond the close of the regular work day without being paid at their daily rate.
3and shall be announced twenty-four (24) hours prior, except in cases of emergency involving the health and safety of students or teachers or in case of accreditation studies. It is understood and agreed that in Teachers may choose to leave after the event that thirty (30) minute time limit allowed for the rescheduling of the days/hours at the end of the school year interferes with a teacher's scheduled return to school to upgrade his or her skills, the teacher may:
a. use his or her personal leave
b. use his or her sick leave or
c. apply for unpaid leave time.
4. Should the provisions of the state law be altered, the above provisions shall reflect the number of days required by the statenine
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Master Contract, Master Contract
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 14.1A. The employer shall not intentionally expose a teacher to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT To protect When a teacher is reprimanded and/or criticized (if necessary), it shall be made with proper discretion with regard to the healthdignity of the teacher and the circumstances. Such criticisms and/or reprimands of a teacher, welfareif the situation warrants it, shall not be made in the presence of other students or teachers.
B. The employer shall not engage or allow others to engage in harassment or discriminatory conduct which unreasonably interferes with an individual’s performance of professional or work responsibilities or with the orderly processes of education which creates a hostile, intimidating, abusive, offensive or oppressive environment; and safety of studentshall make reasonable effort to assure that each individual is protected from such harassment or discrimination.
C. Each teacher shall be provided with materials and equipment including usable chalkboard or dry erase board space as required in his/her daily teaching responsibilities and lockable storage space. Each teacher shall be provided with a working computer station in his/her classroom or office that is designated for teacher use only. Each teacher shall be provided a key to his/her classroom, if one is needed or requested.
D. All teachers shall have a duty-free lunch period on the condition that a principal-faculty committee establishes an equitable duty schedule for all teachers that will provide supervision for students during lunch. In the event that a teacher does have lunch duty, the teacher will receive compensation time to match.
E. The length of the teacher's professional day shall be 7.5 hours, unless reduced by the Superintendent or building principal.
F. The Board shall observe the specified capacity of make available in each teaching station. There school restroom and lavatory facilities properly supplied exclusively for adult use and when available at least one room properly ventilated shall be reserved for use as a continued alertness to prevent hazardous conditions at all times in all buildings. The preservation of safe, wholesome, and pleasant surroundings faculty workroom/lounge.
G. Each principal shall be a paramount concern of both the Board responsible to see that there are adequate and the Association. The arrangement of furnishings satisfactory arrangements for teacher parking.
H. Teacher participation in the classroom extra-curricular activities after normal school day (7.5 hours) shall be strictly voluntary.
I. When school is not in session, a teacher shall be given access to the building when scheduled with the principal.
J. Classrooms in which classes are being held shall be free of interruptions by maintenance and custodial workers except for the optimum educational setting emergencies as determined by the teacher principal.
K. A la Carte lunches will be made available to teachers in concert accordance with pricing regulations of the Principal. Insofar as possible, lounges, conference rooms School Food Services.
L. Teachers will be required to keep only those attendance records that are required by the State Department of Education and lavatories Florida Statutes.
X. Xxxxxxxxxxx of a teacher's class by persons other than school administrative/supervisory personnel shall be conveniently available allowed only if the teacher agrees.
N. When the Board provides aides not governed by federal guidelines, the principal, the teacher(s) to whom the aide(s) is assigned, and the aide(s) shall jointly write the job description(s).
O. The teacher shall maintain a reasonable degree of cleanliness and orderliness in the work area.
P. The principal shall post work schedules of custodial staff. It shall be the responsibility of the teacher to notify the principal of any custodial problems.
Q. The district will pay for all costs associated with fingerprinting for teachers. Lounges and conference rooms shall not be used New employees will pay for regularly scheduled meetings without prior consultation with the building faculty. The Board agrees to meet and confer with the Association to seek mutually acceptable solutions where these conditions do not existinitial fingerprint screening.
14.2. CALENDAR See attached calendar.
14.3. SNOW DAYS Scheduled days of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within R. During the control of pre-school authorities such as inclement weatheryear planning days, fires, epidemics, mechanical break downs, or health conditions as defined by the city, county or state health authorities, will teachers shall be rescheduled to insure the required amount of student contact hours as per State law. Teachers will receive their regular pay for provided (2) consecutive days which are canceled unscheduled so that teachers have ample time to plan and set up classrooms in preparation for the school year. These days shall not include district-or school scheduled events including, but not limited to: in service workshops, professional development training, faculty/team/department/grade level meetings, meet the teacher events, PLC meetings, or any other scheduled meetings which take time away for the stated purpose of preparing for the school year. Prior to the first day of pre-school year planning, principals shall work on any rescheduled provide notice to teachers of which two (2) consecutive days with no additional compensation.
1. The parties agree to meet in an effort to mutually agree on when any make up days/hours should occur. In the event they are unable to agree, the days/hours will be added on to the end of the calendar set forth in Appendix D.
2. Should a day be rescheduled and insufficient students attend to count it as day of instruction, teachers will not be obligated to attend a subsequent rescheduling of the day without being paid at their daily ratedetermined unscheduled days.
3. It is understood and agreed that in the event that the rescheduling of the days/hours at the end of the school year interferes with a teacher's scheduled return to school to upgrade his or her skills, the teacher may:
a. use his or her personal leave
b. use his or her sick leave or
c. apply for unpaid leave time.
4. Should the provisions of the state law be altered, the above provisions shall reflect the number of days required by the state
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Master Contract, Master Contract
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 14.18.1 Thirty-minute duty free lunch periods will be provided to teachers as per the Illinois School Code. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT To protect Lunch times will be adjusted by the healthadministration, welfareas needed, to accomplish this.
8.2 All teachers will be provided with an average of at least forty-five (45) minutes per day preparation time. Teachers working less than full time will have their preparation time pro-rated as to time employed.
8.3 Teachers who fill in for an absent teacher will be reimbursed, if requested on the proper form, at the rate of $15.00 per period for each period covered.
8.4 The district will notify teachers in writing of all open position(s)/class(es) and safety of studentsaid openings will be posted in a place agreed upon by both parties one week prior to advertising the position to the general public. Interested, the Board shall observe the specified capacity of each teaching station. There shall be a continued alertness to prevent hazardous conditions at all times in all buildings. The preservation of safe, wholesome, and pleasant surroundings shall be a paramount concern of both the Board and the Association. The arrangement of furnishings in the classroom shall be certified/licensed teachers who apply during that week will receive first consideration for the optimum educational setting as determined by opening. All teaching positions will be filled with personnel certified to teach the teacher in concert with the Principal. Insofar as possible, lounges, conference rooms and lavatories shall be conveniently available for teachers. Lounges and conference rooms shall not be used for regularly scheduled meetings without prior consultation with the building faculty. The Board agrees to meet and confer with the Association to seek mutually acceptable solutions where these conditions do not existposted position(s)/class(es).
14.2. CALENDAR See attached calendar.
14.3. SNOW DAYS Scheduled days of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within the control of school authorities such as inclement weather, fires, epidemics, mechanical break downs, or health conditions as defined by the city, county or state health authorities, 8.5 Teachers will be rescheduled to insure the required amount of student contact hours as per State law. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days which are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensation.
1. The parties agree to meet in an effort to mutually agree on when any make up days/hours should occur. In the event they are unable to agree, the days/hours will be added on evaluated according to the end of the calendar procedures set forth in Appendix D.
2Performance Evaluation Reform Act and the Scales Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx #000 Teacher Evaluation Plan adopted in 2015. Should Job descriptions will be reevaluated periodically as needed. Each teacher will be supplied with a day be rescheduled and insufficient students attend to count it as day of instruction, teachers will not be obligated to attend a subsequent rescheduling copy of the day without being paid at their daily rateevaluation plan as changes are made.
38.6 A yearly schedule of early dismissal days will be developed by the administration for the purpose of faculty meetings. It is understood and agreed that in Attendance at these meetings will be mandatory unless prior approval for an absence has been granted by the event that the rescheduling of the days/hours at the end of the school year interferes with a teacher's scheduled return to school to upgrade his Principal or her skills, the teacher may:
a. use his or her personal leave
b. use his or her sick leave or
c. apply for unpaid leave timeSuperintendent. This section does not preclude special faculty meetings on an as needed basis without early dismissals.
48.7 School shall be dismissed at 2:00 p.m. on the day preceding Thanksgiving, and Winter & Spring vacations. Should School will resume no sooner than January 3 following Winter break. Spring break will include the provisions of Monday following the state law be altered, break unless all emergency days have been used.
8.8 The Superintendent shall place on the above provisions shall reflect the number of days required by the statecalendar for certified/licensed staff members each year
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Professional Services
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 14.1The parties recognize that the availability of optimum school facilities for both student and teacher is desirable to insure the high quality of education that is the goal of both teachers and the Board. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT To protect It is also acknowledged that the healthprimary duty and responsibility of the teacher is to teach and that the organization of the school and the school day should be directed at insuring that the energy of the teacher is primarily utilized to this end.
A. When a teacher is burdened with conditions that are contrary to the above intent in terms of class size or school facilities, welfaresaid teacher should call the matter to the attention of the Building Principal. If the matter cannot be remedied by the Principal, the teacher, the Association and Principal shall meet with the Superintendent with the idea of affecting a remedy.
B. The Superintendent or his designee will meet with representatives from the Association to review class size on a district-wide basis. The initial meeting to review secondary class sizes will be held no later than the fifth (5th) day of each quarter if applicable. The initial meetings to review elementary class sizes shall be held within five (5) days of the fourth Friday of the school year and within five (5) days of the end of the first semester.
C. The Board shall, whenever possible, make available in each school adequate lunchroom, restroom, and safety lavatory facilities primarily for faculty use and at least one (1) furnished room which shall be reserved for use as a faculty lounge.
D. Telephone facilities shall be made available to teachers for their reasonable use.
E. Teachers shall report unsafe working conditions to the Administration; if the Administration concurs, appropriate steps shall be taken to remedy the situation.
F. Thirty (30) hours shall be set aside for Professional Development and twelve (12) hours for parent-teacher conferences. New teachers shall be given an additional day for special orientation. These days will be identified in the mutually developed district calendar.
G. When a school is dismissed early because of studentweather conditions, the Board teachers of that school may leave as soon as it is reasonably sure that the students will arrive home.
H. Supervisory teachers of student teachers shall observe be tenured teachers who voluntarily accept the specified capacity assignment. The parties recognize that "supervisory teachers" are not supervisory teachers under Public Act 379 of each teaching station1965.
I. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days that are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensation.
1. There If at any time during the life of this Agreement, it becomes lawful to count (for the purpose of state member aid) as days of pupil instruction days when pupil instruction is not provided due to conditions not within the control of school authorities due to severe storms, fires, epidemics, or health conditions, it is agreed that the following provision shall become immediately in effect:
2. Per State of Michigan mandate (MCL 388.1701), there shall be a continued alertness minimum of one thousand ninety-eight (1,098) hours (not to prevent hazardous conditions at all times in all buildingsexceed one hundred eighty (180) days of student instruction and one hundred eighty three (183) teacher attendance days. The preservation Act of safe, wholesome, and pleasant surroundings God days shall be included in instruction days. If a paramount concern of both the Board and the Association. The arrangement of furnishings in the classroom shall be school is closed to students for the optimum educational setting as determined by the teacher in concert with the Principal. Insofar as possibleconstruction, loungestransportation, conference rooms and lavatories shall be conveniently available for teachers. Lounges and conference rooms shall or health problems, teachers need not be used for regularly scheduled meetings without prior consultation with the building faculty. The Board agrees to meet and confer with the Association to seek mutually acceptable solutions where these conditions do not existreport.
14.23. CALENDAR See attached calendar.
14.3. SNOW DAYS Scheduled days of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within the control of school authorities such as inclement weather, fires, epidemics, mechanical break downsbreakdowns, or health conditions as defined by the city, county or state health authorities, may be rescheduled at the discretion of the Board of Education to ensure that there are a minimum of one thousand ninety-eight student instructional hours.
J. On Act of God days no teacher will be rescheduled to insure charged personal business or sick days and shall suffer no loss of pay.
K. Both parties mutually agree that they share as a primary objective the required amount enhancement of student contact hours learning in the classroom. Both parties recognize that variety of factors interact in numerous ways to influence optimal student learning in the classroom. Both parties recognize that one factor, optimal class size, is desirable as per State lawit contributes to the quality of instruction and learning which is a mutual goal. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days which are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensation.With this in mind, both parties agree that:
1. The parties agree to meet Elementary Schools Maximum Class Size Success Starts Early 20 Kindergarten… 30 1st Grade 32 2nd Grade 32 3rd Grade 00 0xx Xxxxx 00 0xx Xxxxx 00
0. 6th through 8th grades shall have no more than 186 students in an effort to mutually agree on when any make up days/hours should occur. In the event they are unable to agree, the days/hours will be added on to the end of the calendar set forth in Appendix D.
2. Should a day be rescheduled and insufficient students attend to count it as day total over their periods of instruction, teachers will not 9th through 12th grades shall have no more than 165 students in total over their periods of instruction, excluding seminar, and the parties mutually agree to work toward maintaining a class load below these levels. Both parties, however, recognize that the attainment of such optimal conditions is largely dependent upon the financial resources available to the District. The parties further agree that traditionally large and small classes may be obligated exempt from the optimal size. When an overload arises and is brought to attend a subsequent rescheduling the attention of the day without being paid at their Building Principal, a remedy shall be agreed upon or a remedy shall be affected by the Superintendent and the Association. The remedy may include, but is not limited to the reassignment of students, or the District will pay a daily raterate of $2.50 per student over the cap limit.
3. It is understood and agreed that in L. Both parties mutually recognize the event that importance of teachers’ attendance at extra-curricular events throughout the rescheduling of the days/hours at the end of the school year interferes with a teacher's scheduled return to school to upgrade his or her skills, the teacher may:
a. use his or her personal leave
b. use his or her sick leave or
c. apply for unpaid leave timedistrict.
4. Should the provisions of the state law be altered, the above provisions shall reflect the number of days required by the state
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 14.1. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT To protect the health, welfare, and safety of student, the Board shall observe the specified capacity of each teaching station. There shall be a continued alertness to prevent hazardous conditions at all times in all buildings. The preservation of safe, wholesome, and pleasant surroundings shall be a paramount concern of both the Board and the Association. The arrangement of furnishings in the classroom shall be for the optimum educational setting as determined by the teacher in concert with the Principal. Insofar as possible, lounges, conference rooms and lavatories shall be conveniently available for teachers. Lounges and conference rooms shall not be used for regularly scheduled meetings without prior consultation with the building faculty. The Board agrees to meet and confer with the Association to seek mutually acceptable solutions where these conditions do not exist.
14.2. CALENDAR (See attached calendar.Appendix D)
14.3. SNOW DAYS Scheduled days of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within the control of school authorities such as inclement weather, fires, epidemics, mechanical break downs, or health conditions as defined by the city, county or state health authorities, will be rescheduled to insure the required amount of student contact hours as per State law. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days which are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensation.
1. The parties agree to meet in an effort to mutually agree on when any make up days/hours should occur. In the event they are unable to agree, the days/hours will be added on to the end of the calendar set forth in Appendix D.
2. Should a day be rescheduled and insufficient students attend to count it as day of instruction, teachers will not be obligated to attend a subsequent rescheduling of the day without being paid at their daily rate.
3. It is understood and agreed that in the event that the rescheduling of the days/hours at the end of the school year interferes with a teacher's scheduled return to school to upgrade his or her skills, the teacher may:
a. use his or her personal leave
b. use his or her sick leave or
c. apply for unpaid leave time.
4. Should the provisions of the state law be altered, the above provisions shall reflect the number of days required by the state
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 14.1A. The employer shall not intentionally expose a teacher to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT To protect When a teacher is reprimanded and/or criticized (if necessary), it shall be made with proper discretion with regard to the healthdignity of the teacher and the circumstances. Such criticisms and/or reprimands of a teacher, welfareif the situation warrants it, shall not be made in the presence of other students or teachers.
B. The employer shall not engage or allow others to engage in harassment or discriminatory conduct which unreasonably interferes with an individual’s performance of professional or work responsibilities or with the orderly processes of education which creates a hostile, intimidating, abusive, offensive or oppressive environment; and safety of studentshall make reasonable effort to assure that each individual is protected from such harassment or discrimination.
C. Each teacher shall be provided with materials and equipment including usable chalkboard or dry erase board space as required in his/her daily teaching responsibilities and lockable storage space. Each teacher shall be provided with a working computer station in his/her classroom or office that is designated for teacher use only. Each teacher shall be provided a key to his/her classroom, if one is needed or requested.
D. All teachers shall have a duty-free lunch period on the condition that a principal-faculty committee establishes an equitable duty schedule for all teachers that will provide supervision for students during lunch. In the event that a teacher does have lunch duty, the teacher will receive compensation time to match.
E. The length of the teacher's professional day shall be 7.5 hours, unless reduced by the Superintendent or building principal.
F. The Board shall observe the specified capacity of make available in each teaching station. There school restroom and lavatory facilities properly supplied exclusively for adult use and when available at least one room properly ventilated shall be reserved for use as a continued alertness to prevent hazardous conditions at all times in all buildings. The preservation of safe, wholesome, and pleasant surroundings faculty workroom/lounge.
G. Each principal shall be a paramount concern of both the Board responsible to see that there are adequate and the Association. The arrangement of furnishings satisfactory arrangements for teacher parking.
H. Teacher participation in the classroom extra-curricular activities after normal school day (7.5 hours) shall be strictly voluntary.
I. When school is not in session, a teacher shall be given access to the building when scheduled with the principal.
J. Classrooms in which classes are being held shall be free of interruptions by maintenance and custodial workers except for the optimum educational setting emergencies as determined by the teacher principal.
K. A la Carte lunches will be made available to teachers in concert accordance with pricing regulations of the Principal. Insofar as possible, lounges, conference rooms School Food Services.
L. Teachers will be required to keep only those attendance records that are required by the State Department of Education and lavatories Florida Statutes.
M. Observation of a teacher's class by persons other than school administrative/supervisory personnel shall be conveniently available allowed only if the teacher agrees.
N. When the Board provides aides not governed by federal guidelines, the principal, the teacher(s) to whom the aide(s) is assigned, and the aide(s) shall jointly write the job description(s).
O. The teacher shall maintain a reasonable degree of cleanliness and orderliness in the work area.
P. The principal shall post work schedules of custodial staff. It shall be the responsibility of the teacher to notify the principal of any custodial problems.
Q. The district will pay for all costs associated with fingerprinting for teachers. Lounges and conference rooms shall not be used New employees will pay for regularly scheduled meetings without prior consultation with the building faculty. The Board agrees to meet and confer with the Association to seek mutually acceptable solutions where these conditions do not existinitial fingerprint screening.
14.2. CALENDAR See attached calendar.
14.3. SNOW DAYS Scheduled days of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within R. During the control of pre-school authorities such as inclement weatheryear planning days, fires, epidemics, mechanical break downs, or health conditions as defined by the city, county or state health authorities, will teachers shall be rescheduled to insure the required amount of student contact hours as per State law. Teachers will receive their regular pay for provided (2) consecutive days which are canceled unscheduled so that teachers have ample time to plan and set up classrooms in preparation for the school year. These days shall not include district-or school scheduled events including, but not limited to: in service workshops, professional development training, faculty/team/department/grade level meetings, meet the teacher events, PLC meetings, or any other scheduled meetings which take time away for the stated purpose of preparing for the school year. Prior to the first day of pre-school year planning, principals shall work on any rescheduled provide notice to teachers of which two (2) consecutive days with no additional compensation.
1. The parties agree to meet in an effort to mutually agree on when any make up days/hours should occur. In the event they are unable to agree, the days/hours will be added on to the end of the calendar set forth in Appendix D.
2. Should a day be rescheduled and insufficient students attend to count it as day of instruction, teachers will not be obligated to attend a subsequent rescheduling of the day without being paid at their daily ratedetermined unscheduled days.
3. It is understood and agreed that in the event that the rescheduling of the days/hours at the end of the school year interferes with a teacher's scheduled return to school to upgrade his or her skills, the teacher may:
a. use his or her personal leave
b. use his or her sick leave or
c. apply for unpaid leave time.
4. Should the provisions of the state law be altered, the above provisions shall reflect the number of days required by the state
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Contract
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 14.1The parties recognize that the availability of optimum school facilities for both student and teacher is desirable to insure the high quality of education that is the goal of both teachers and the Board. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT To protect It is also acknowledged that the healthprimary duty and responsibility of the teacher is to teach and that the organization of the school and the school day should be directed at insuring that the energy of the teacher is primarily utilized to this end.
A. When a teacher is burdened with conditions that are contrary to the above intent in terms of class size or school facilities, welfaresaid teacher should call the matter to the attention of the Building Principal. If the matter cannot be remedied by the Principal, the teacher, the Association and Principal shall meet with the Superintendent with the idea of affecting a remedy.
B. The Board shall, whenever possible, make available in each school adequate lunchroom, restroom, and safety lavatory facilities primarily for faculty use and at least one (1) furnished room which shall be reserved for use as a faculty lounge.
C. Telephone facilities shall be made available to teachers for their reasonable use.
D. Teachers shall report unsafe working conditions to the Administration; if the Administration concurs, appropriate steps shall be taken to remedy the situation.
E. Thirty (30) hours shall be set aside for Professional Development and twelve (12) hours for parent-teacher conferences. New teachers shall be given an additional day for special orientation. These days will be identified in the mutually developed district calendar.
F. When a school is dismissed early because of studentweather conditions, the Board teachers of that school may leave as soon as it is reasonably sure that the students will arrive home.
G. Supervisory teachers of student teachers shall observe be tenured teachers who voluntarily accept the specified capacity assignment. The parties recognize that "supervisory teachers" are not supervisory teachers under Public Act 379 of each teaching station1965.
H. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days that are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensation.
1. There If at any time during the life of this Agreement, it becomes lawful to count (for the purpose of state member aid) as days of pupil instruction days when pupil instruction is not provided due to conditions not within the control of school authorities due to severe storms, fires, epidemics, or health conditions, it is agreed that the following provision shall become immediately in effect:
2. Per State of Michigan mandate (MCL 388.1701), there shall be a continued alertness minimum of one thousand ninety-eight (1,098) hours (not to prevent hazardous conditions at all times in all buildingsexceed one hundred eighty (180) days of student instruction and one hundred eighty-three (183) teacher attendance days. The preservation Act of safe, wholesome, and pleasant surroundings God days shall be included in instruction days. If a paramount concern of both the Board and the Association. The arrangement of furnishings in the classroom shall be school is closed to students for the optimum educational setting as determined by the teacher in concert with the Principal. Insofar as possibleconstruction, loungestransportation, conference rooms and lavatories shall be conveniently available for teachers. Lounges and conference rooms shall or health problems, teachers need not be used for regularly scheduled meetings without prior consultation with the building faculty. The Board agrees to meet and confer with the Association to seek mutually acceptable solutions where these conditions do not existreport.
14.23. CALENDAR See attached calendar.
14.3. SNOW DAYS Scheduled days of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within the control of school authorities such as inclement weather, fires, epidemics, mechanical break downsbreakdowns, or health conditions as defined by the city, county or state health authorities, may be rescheduled at the discretion of the Board of Education to ensure that there are a minimum of one thousand ninety-eight student instructional hours.
I. On Act of God days no teacher will be rescheduled to insure charged personal business or sick days and shall suffer no loss of pay.
J. Both parties mutually agree that they share as a primary objective the required amount enhancement of student contact hours learning in the classroom. Both parties recognize that variety of factors interact in numerous ways to influence optimal student learning in the classroom. Both parties recognize that one factor, optimal class size, is desirable as per State lawit contributes to the quality of instruction and learning which is a mutual goal. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days which are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensation.With this in mind, both parties agree that:
1. The parties agree to meet in an effort to mutually agree on when any make up days/hours should occur. In the event they are unable to agree, the days/hours will be added on to the end of the calendar set forth in Appendix D.Elementary Schools Maximum Class Size Young 5’s (Y5’s) 20 Kindergarten… 30 1st Grade 32 2nd Grade 32 3rd Grade 32 4th Grade 32 5th Grade 32
2. Should a day be rescheduled and insufficient 6th through 12th grades shall have no more than 165 students attend to count it as day in total over their periods of instruction, teachers will not excluding seminar, and the parties mutually agree to work toward maintaining a class load below these levels. Both parties, however, recognize that the attainment of such optimal conditions is largely dependent upon the financial resources available to the District. The parties further agree that traditionally large and small classes may be obligated exempt from the optimal size. When an overload arises and is brought to attend a subsequent rescheduling the attention of the day without being paid at their Building Principal, a remedy shall be agreed upon or a remedy shall be affected by the Superintendent and the Association. The remedy may include, but is not limited to the reassignment of students, or the District will pay a daily raterate of $2.50 per student over the cap limit.
3. It is understood and agreed that in L. Both parties mutually recognize the event that importance of teachers’ attendance at extra-curricular events throughout the rescheduling of the days/hours at the end of the school year interferes with a teacher's scheduled return to school to upgrade his or her skills, the teacher may:
a. use his or her personal leave
b. use his or her sick leave or
c. apply for unpaid leave timedistrict.
4. Should the provisions of the state law be altered, the above provisions shall reflect the number of days required by the state
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 14.1. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT To protect the health, welfare, and safety of student, the A. The Board shall observe determine the specified capacity adequacy of each teaching station. There shall be a continued alertness to prevent hazardous conditions at all times in all buildings. The preservation of safeeducational facilities and provide, wholesome, and pleasant surroundings shall be a paramount concern of both the Board and the Association. The arrangement of furnishings in the classroom shall be for the optimum educational setting as determined by the teacher in concert with the Principal. Insofar nearly as possible, lounges, conference rooms a uniform system of schools in the district.
B. The beginning and lavatories ending time of the teacher workday may be varied to meet local school needs. The workday for teachers shall be conveniently seven hours, thirty minutes, consecutively, except that duty teachers may be required to work an 8 consecutive hour day, on a rotating basis. This 15 minute increase in the workday will result in a pay increase commensurate with each teacher’s hourly rate on the current salary placement schedule. The workday shall include a planning-preparation period, teaching periods, and time for other daily, routine duties. Teachers will not be asked to substitute during the planning-preparation period except in cases of emergencies.
C. All teachers shall have a planning-preparation period. In instances when the employee who regularly supervises the students during the music and physical education period is absent, a substitute shall be provided.
D. During pre-planning, a duty roster shall be developed by a committee comprised of faculty, staff and administrator which shall allow each teacher the maximum number of duty free lunch periods per week.
E. All teachers are entitled to fair, reasonable, and equitable treatment.
F. The Board shall make available in each school, lunchroom, restroom, and lavatory facilities for teachersstaff use and at least one room, furnished and ventilated, which shall be reserved for use as a staff lounge. Lounges and conference rooms Students shall not be used permitted to use these areas unless approved by the building administrator.
G. A private room or space equipped with a telephone shall be assigned by the principal for regularly scheduled parent-teacher conferences.
H. The principal may make teacher assignments for activities and pupil supervision as he/she deems necessary during the workday. Duty assignments will be made on a fair, reasonable, and equitable basis.
I. Teacher participation in extra-curricular activities beyond the normal workday, for which no additional compensation is paid, shall be strictly voluntary. However, the principal will have the option to require attendance at graduation activities, annual school open house, awards night and homecoming activities during the teacher workday.
J. Appropriate release time shall be made by the principal. The Association shall encourage all teachers to participate in the aforementioned activities.
K. The principal shall schedule faculty meetings without prior consultation as deemed necessary. Faculty meetings may extend the working day by not more than thirty (30) minutes.
L. When school is not in session, teachers may be given access to their classrooms or work areas by arranging such access with the building faculty. The Board agrees to meet and confer with the Association to seek mutually acceptable solutions where these conditions do not existprincipal.
14.2M. Teachers shall not be required to perform tasks which would endanger their health or safety. CALENDAR See attached calendarIn an emergency, teachers shall take necessary action to provide for the safety of the students and themselves, and as soon as possible the principal shall be advised of the situation.
14.3. SNOW DAYS Scheduled days N. Observations of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within the control of a teacher’s class by persons other than school authorities such as inclement weather, fires, epidemics, mechanical break downs, district or health conditions as defined state administrative/supervisory personnel shall be allowed only after consent has been granted by the city, county or state health authorities, will be rescheduled building administrator and a 24-hour notification is given to insure the required amount of student contact hours as per State law. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days which are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensationteacher involved.
1O. Regular custodial service shall be provided by the Board to maintain classrooms, and other learning areas of each school, in a clean condition. The parties agree It is the responsibility of teachers to meet see that students clear paper, books, etc. from the floor daily and the room is kept in an effort to mutually agree on when any make up days/hours should occur. In the event they are unable to agreeneat order.
P. Occasionally, the days/hours will be added on teachers may leave school prior to the end of the calendar set forth in Appendix D.
2. Should a teaching day be rescheduled and insufficient students attend to count it as day of instruction, teachers will not be obligated to attend a subsequent rescheduling with prior approval of the principal providing that the teacher has arranged for coverage of all duties.
Q. Travel time for out-of-town conferences or inservice activities may extend the working day without being paid at their daily ratefurther compensation.
3. It is understood and agreed that in R. Effort shall be made to give all employees notice of their assignment for the event that the rescheduling of the days/hours at the end of the school year interferes with a teacher's scheduled return to school to upgrade his or her skills, the teacher may:
a. use his or her personal leave
b. use his or her sick leave or
c. apply for unpaid leave timeforthcoming semester as soon as possible.
4. Should the provisions of the S. Drug testing shall be in accordance with applicable state law be altered, the above provisions shall reflect the number of days required for current employees sought by the stateDistrict will be paid for by the District. Job applicants are responsible for initial drug testing.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 14.1The workday for all teachers shall be no more than 7 ¾ hours except when mutually agreed upon by the faculty and the Principal. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT To protect Teachers’ time shall be spent in the healthfollowing areas: student instruction, welfareclassroom management, classroom/program planning, and safety other such duties which may be assigned by the Principal/supervisor including faculty meetings and regularly scheduled duty. Scheduled school in-service days must relate to legislative mandates, school improvement, accountability activities, or effective schools. On non-student days there shall be a one hour lunch break. Teachers are to make arrangements with the Principal or his/her designee prior to leaving the school grounds during the school day. Middle school teachers shall have not less than 300 minutes per week of studentscheduled duty free planning time. This planning shall include an uninterrupted continuous block of time of no fewer than 30 minutes per day. In an 8 period day, the Board shall observe the specified capacity of each normal teaching stationload will be 7 classes per day. There shall be be, insofar as possible, a continued alertness fair and equitable distribution of non-instructional duties and responsibilities among all teachers and staff. When a problem with planning or distribution of non-instructional duties and responsibilities becomes apparent, a committee of teachers and administrators will make appropriate recommendations which will not adversely affect the educational process or student control. Teachers shall have a duty free lunch period equivalent to prevent hazardous conditions at all times in all buildingsthat of the students. The preservation of safe, wholesome, and pleasant surroundings Arrangements for classroom visits made during the prescribed teaching day shall be a paramount concern of both the Board and the Association. The arrangement of furnishings in the classroom shall be for the optimum educational setting as determined made by the teacher in concert with the approval of the Principal/immediate supervisor. Insofar as possible, lounges, conference rooms and lavatories Visits to a teacher’s classroom by persons not connected with Compass shall be conveniently available for teachersconducted only with the teacher’s prior approval. Lounges and conference rooms Such access to public school classrooms shall not be used unreasonably denied. Teacher approval is not required for regularly scheduled meetings without prior consultation with the building faculty. The Board agrees to meet and confer with the Association to seek mutually acceptable solutions where these conditions do not exist.
14.2. CALENDAR See attached calendar.
14.3. SNOW DAYS Scheduled days of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within the control of school authorities such as inclement weather, fires, epidemics, mechanical break downs, or health conditions as defined visits planned by the city, county or state health authorities, will be rescheduled to insure the required amount of student contact hours as per State law. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days which are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensationfaculty and administration.
1. The parties agree to meet in an effort to mutually agree on when any make up days/hours should occur. In the event they are unable to agree, the days/hours will be added on to the end of the calendar set forth in Appendix D.
2. Should a day be rescheduled and insufficient students attend to count it as day of instruction, teachers will not be obligated to attend a subsequent rescheduling of the day without being paid at their daily rate.
3. It is understood and agreed that in the event that the rescheduling of the days/hours at the end of the school year interferes with a teacher's scheduled return to school to upgrade his or her skills, the teacher may:
a. use his or her personal leave
b. use his or her sick leave or
c. apply for unpaid leave time.
4. Should the provisions of the state law be altered, the above provisions shall reflect the number of days required by the state
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Personnel Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 14.1. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT To protect A. Teachers may be expected to devote to their assignments the health, welfare, and safety of student, the Board shall observe the specified capacity of each teaching station. There shall be a continued alertness time necessary to prevent hazardous conditions at all times in all buildings. The preservation of safe, wholesome, and pleasant surroundings shall be a paramount concern of both the Board and the Association. The arrangement of furnishings in the classroom shall be for the optimum educational setting as determined by the teacher in concert with the Principal. Insofar as possible, lounges, conference rooms and lavatories shall be conveniently available for teachers. Lounges and conference rooms meet their responsibilities but they shall not be used required to clock-out by hours or minutes. Unless another reporting procedure is established by the individual building principal, teachers shall sign in at the main office of the school building at least fifteen (15) minutes before the official arrival time of students at the beginning of the school day and shall remain in the school building at least fifteen (15) minutes after the students have been dismissed. The foregoing is not intended to change or restrict the opportunity for regularly each teacher to exercise his/her recognized professional responsibility to assist students after school has been dismissed when such help is needed or requested. On Fridays or on days preceding holidays or vacations, the teachers' day shall end at the close of the pupils' day, except that the dismissal time for those teachers assigned bus duty, or other similar responsibilities, on Fridays and days preceding holidays, shall be the same as for other workdays. On pupil half days devoted to professional development the teacher workday shall end at the same time as their regular full workday. The administration of each building shall use its best efforts to rotate duties assigned during the time before and after the student day so that teachers are not assigned the same duties in consecutive years. A Board of Education and EWEA Committee will be formed to review and propose potential solutions for duty assignments and will endeavor to submit a recommendation to the Board for the 2004-2005 school year. To accommodate program needs, teachers, on a voluntary basis, may have their work hours or a day or all days adjusted, with the approval of the building principal, to either begin or end earlier or later than the hours stated in Section A above. The flexible hours will be limited to variations within the total number of contracted hours provided in the contract and may not result in more instructional time and/or less planning time for the teacher(s) with flexible schedules than that of similar teachers in that school not on a flexible schedule. Flexible-hours schedules will be renewed annually to insure the continuation of their voluntary status. The workday for school psychologists, LDTCS, social workers, and occupational therapists shall be 7 1/2 hours. These hours normally will be scheduled meetings without prior between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., beginning no later than the teacher arrival time for the building in which they are assigned. However, the starting and stopping times on individual days may be adjusted through the mutual agreement of the Child Study Team Member and his/her principal/immediate supervisor. If the need arises, social workers, LDTCs and psychologists, on a voluntary basis, may adjust their work schedule with the approval of the Director of Student Services to better accommodate the needs of the individual students and their families. The flexible hours will be limited to the variations within the total number of contractual hours provided for in the contract. In no case shall the workday for other teachers exceed 7 hours 15 minutes including lunch, except as outlined in Section D of this Article.
B. Teaching schedules shall remain under the authority of the building principal. Schedules for LDTC'S, school psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists shall be under the authority of the Assistant Superintendent in consultation with the building faculty. The Board agrees to meet principals and confer with the Association to seek mutually acceptable solutions where these conditions do not existDirector of Student Services.
14.2. CALENDAR See attached calendarC. Teachers shall have a duty free lunch period of at least thirty (30) minutes.
14.3. SNOW DAYS Scheduled days of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within the control of school authorities such as inclement weather, fires, epidemics, mechanical break downs, or health conditions as defined by the city, county or state health authorities, will D. Building based teachers may be rescheduled required to insure the required amount of student contact hours as per State law. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days which are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensation.
1. The parties agree to meet in an effort to mutually agree on when any make up days/hours should occur. In the event they are unable to agree, the days/hours will be added on to remain after the end of the calendar set forth in Appendix D.
2regular workday, without additional compensation, for the purpose of attending faculty or other professional meetings one day per week, but no more than four meetings per month. Should a day School psychologists, LDTCS, social workers, occupational therapists, and content specialists will be rescheduled and insufficient students attend required to count it as day of instruction, teachers will not be obligated to attend a subsequent rescheduling of the day without being paid at their daily rate.
3. It is understood and agreed that in the event that the rescheduling of the days/hours at remain after the end of the school year interferes with a teacher's scheduled return to school to upgrade his regular workday, without additional compensation, for the purpose of attending faculty or her skillsother professional meetings five (5) days each month. Such meetings shall begin no later than ten (10) minutes after the student dismissal time and shall run for no more than sixty (60) minutes. If additional time is needed by mutual agreement, the teacher may:
a. use his or her personal leave
b. use his or her sick leave or
c. apply time may be extended. Content Specialists shall also be required to attend one additional two-hour meeting monthly for unpaid leave purposes of curriculum articulation. By mutual agreement within a building, such meetings may occur in the morning before regular student starting time.
4E. Appointment to extracurricular activities shall be offered and accepted without coercion either way, yearly.
F. Participation in overnight field trips shall be on a voluntary basis only.
G. Teachers who volunteer to cover after school administrative detention shall substitute said coverage for a duty period. Should For example, teachers who are interested in covering detention shall express their interest, in writing, on a quarterly basis to the provisions of administration. The administration shall rotate coverage based upon the state law be altered, the above provisions shall reflect the number of days required by the statevolunteer list.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 14.16.1 The teacher workday shall be seven (7) hours thirty (30) minutes. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT To protect Each school year the healthBoard shall establish the work schedule, welfare, and safety which thereafter will not change unless the needs of studentthe District clearly require. When such change is necessary, the Board will first seek volunteers. If lunch duty for teachers is necessary, each school will develop a rotating lunch duty schedule, which will provide the opportunity for duty-free lunch to the extent feasible considering student safety, teaching time and instructional quality. On non-student workdays, teachers shall observe have a one (1) hour lunch period.
6.2 A room or space will be assigned by the specified capacity principal for parent- teacher conferences.
6.3 When school is not in session, teachers may be given access to the building by arranging such access with the principal or his designee.
6.4 Observation of each teaching station. There a teacher’s class in operation by parents, prospective teachers, and non-administrative personnel shall be allowed only after consent of the building principal and at least three (3) days prior notice to the teacher.
6.5 The Board shall provide such safety clothing and equipment as required by law.
6.6 The principal shall schedule faculty meetings as deemed necessary and such meetings shall be as brief and well planned as possible. Attendance at such faculty meeting will be obligatory except where prior permission for an employee to be absent was given by the principal.
6.7 All elementary teachers, including special subject teachers, shall have at least fifteen (15) minutes relief time in the morning or the afternoon. This period shall not include time spent in transferring children to other supervisors.
6.8 High school and middle school teachers shall have an instructional supervisory load that will include a continued alertness to prevent hazardous conditions minimum 60 minutes of planning. Upon written approval by the principal, superintendent and school board a teacher may be compensated at all times an hourly rate based on the salary schedule for teaching in all buildingsexcess of above stated instructional loads. Teachers shall not have more than two (2) different subject area preparations per day except with mutual consent of the teacher and principal. Each secondary teacher shall have one preparation/conference period per day. The preservation of safepreparation period should not be preempted for duty or activities unrelated to lesson planning and preparation, wholesomeexcept by mutual consent. A regularly scheduled study hall shall not be considered a preparation/conference period except as the teacher’s choice.
6.9 All elementary teachers will have no less than sixty (60) minutes during the teacher day for planning and conferences, which shall not be preempted by activities not related to planning. Upon written approval by the principal, superintendent and pleasant surroundings shall school board the teacher will be a paramount concern of both compensated at an hourly rate based on the Board and the Association. The arrangement of furnishings in the classroom shall be for the optimum educational setting as determined salary schedule, unless agreed to by the teacher in concert with the Principal. Insofar as possible, lounges, conference rooms and lavatories shall be conveniently available for teachers. Lounges and conference rooms shall not be used for regularly scheduled meetings without prior consultation with the building faculty. The Board agrees to meet and confer with the Association to seek mutually acceptable solutions where these conditions do not existinvolved.
14.2. CALENDAR See attached calendar.
14.3. SNOW DAYS Scheduled days of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within the control of school authorities such as inclement weather, fires, epidemics, mechanical break downs, or health conditions as defined by the city, county or state health authorities, 6.10 Teachers will be rescheduled subject to insure the required amount of student contact hours as per State law. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days which are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensation.
1. The parties agree to meet in an effort to mutually agree on when any make up days/hours should occur. In the event they are unable to agree, the days/hours will be added on compliance to the end of the calendar set forth in Appendix D.
2. Should a day be rescheduled and insufficient students attend to count it as day of instruction, teachers will not be obligated to attend a subsequent rescheduling of the day without being paid at their daily rate.
3. It is understood and agreed that in the event that the rescheduling of the days/hours at the end of the school year interferes with a teacher's scheduled return to school to upgrade his or her skills, the teacher may:
a. use his or her personal leave
b. use his or her sick leave or
c. apply for unpaid leave time.
4. Should the provisions of the state law be altered, the above provisions shall reflect the number of days required by the stateSchool Board Policy
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Teacher Contract
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 14.1A. The BOARD agrees to provide teachers with materials ordinarily required in their daily teaching responsibility. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT To protect Teachers will be kept informed of the healthstatus of all requests for materials.
B. The starting and ending times for all teachers shall be posted at each school site. However, welfarethe regular work day for teachers shall consist of seven and one half (7 1/2 i.e., 7 hours and 30 minutes) hours which shall include a thirty (30) minute duty free lunch as provided below in Section J. On days when students are not in school, the teacher work day shall be seven (7) hours including lunch. Teachers shall be allowed to leave school immediately following student dismissal on those days when students are in attendance but not in attendance the following day or on a day when a meeting will be held in the evening at which the teacher will be in attendance. Teachers who attend the four (4) two (2) hour open houses or any portion thereof shall be entitled to an equal portion of early release time at Thanksgiving and Winter Break. Such teachers, should they be granted leave for/on these early release days shall be charged only one half (1/2) day leave. Faculty meetings and conferences may require additional time outside the regular work day. However, faculty meetings that require additional time beyond the regular work day shall be limited to one (1) thirty (30) minute meeting per month. Additional meetings that are essential and whose purpose cannot be accomplished with a written memorandum may be called with 72 hours advanced notice. The 30 minute maximum time limit applies to all faculty meetings and may only be extended by agreement of the faculty. This limitation does not apply to conferences. Teachers shall be available for parent conferences and to provide extra help for pupils (by a prearranged appointment between parent and teacher.)
C. The BOARD shall make available in each school area, clean restrooms and lavatory facilities exclusively for staff use and at least one room per school appropriately furnished and properly ventilated, which shall be reserved for use as a staff lounge.
D. When school is not in session, teachers should be given access to the building for the purpose of performing activities related to their teaching assignment, by arranging such access with the principal.
E. The BOARD shall provide protective clothing and safety equipment for teachers assigned to work in areas where such clothing and equipment is needed. Teachers working in such areas shall use all needed safety equipment.
F. The BOARD will make every reasonable effort to maintain clean, air-conditioned classrooms.
G. Each teacher must notify his/her Principal of student, any forthcoming absences as soon as the Board shall observe the specified capacity of each teaching stationnecessity to be absent is determined. There The BOARD agrees that every reasonable attempt will be made to employ substitutes when teachers are absent. Under no circumstances will students be left without adult supervision.
H. Lesson plans shall be a continued alertness to prevent hazardous conditions at all times kept five (5) days in all buildingsadvance. The preservation of safeIn addition, wholesome, and pleasant surroundings an emergency lesson plan shall be kept on file which can be used by a paramount concern substitute if the teacher is unexpectedly absent.
I. Secondary teachers (7-12) shall have one (1) planning period per day equal time to a student period. Elementary (K-6) teachers shall have one (1) planning period of both the Board and the Association. The arrangement of furnishings in the classroom forty-five (45) minutes per day.
J. All teachers shall be for the optimum educational setting entitled to a minimum of thirty (30) minutes duty-free, uninterrupted lunch period except in cases of emergency as determined by the teacher in concert with Superintendent.
K. The District and the Principal. Insofar as possible, lounges, conference rooms and lavatories GCTA agree that the school calendar shall be conveniently available for teachers. Lounges developed by a committee composed of three members appointed by the Superintendent, three members appointed by the GCTA President and conference rooms shall not be used for regularly scheduled meetings without prior consultation with three members appointed by the building facultySEIU President. The Board agrees to meet and confer with committee will submit the Association to seek mutually acceptable solutions where these conditions do not existproposed calendar for approval.
14.2. CALENDAR See attached calendar.
14.3. SNOW DAYS Scheduled days of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within the control of school authorities such as inclement weather, fires, epidemics, mechanical break downs, or health conditions as defined by the city, county or state health authorities, will be rescheduled to insure the required amount of student contact hours as per State law. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days which are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensation.
1. The parties agree to meet in an effort to mutually agree on when any make up days/hours should occur. In the event they are unable to agree, the days/hours will be added on to the end of the calendar set forth in Appendix D.
2. Should a day be rescheduled and insufficient students attend to count it as day of instruction, teachers will not be obligated to attend a subsequent rescheduling of the day without being paid at their daily rate.
3. It is understood and agreed that in the event that the rescheduling of the days/hours at the end of the school year interferes with a teacher's scheduled return to school to upgrade his or her skills, the teacher may:
a. use his or her personal leave
b. use his or her sick leave or
c. apply for unpaid leave time.
4. Should the provisions of the state law be altered, the above provisions shall reflect the number of days required by the state
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 14.1The parties recognize that the availability of optimum school facilities for both student and teacher is desirable to insure the high quality of education that is the goal of both teachers and the Board. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT To protect It is also acknowledged that the healthprimary duty and responsibility of the teacher is to teach and that the organization of the school and the school day should be directed at insuring that the energy of the teacher is primarily utilized to this end.
A. When a teacher is burdened with conditions that are contrary to the above intent in terms of class size or school facilities, welfaresaid teacher should call the matter to the attention of the Building Principal. If the matter cannot be remedied by the Principal, the teacher, the Association and Principal shall meet with the Superintendent with the idea of affecting a remedy.
B. The Superintendent or his designee will meet with representatives from the Association to review class size on a district-wide basis. The initial meeting to review secondary class sizes will be held no later than the fifth (5th) day of each quarter if applicable. The initial meetings to review elementary class sizes shall be held within five (5) days of the fourth Friday of the school year and within five (5) days of the end of the first semester.
C. The Board shall, whenever possible, make available in each school adequate lunchroom, restroom, and safety lavatory facilities primarily for faculty use and at least one (1) furnished room which shall be reserved for use as a faculty lounge.
D. Telephone facilities shall be made available to teachers for their reasonable use.
E. Teachers shall report unsafe working conditions to the Administration; if the Administration concurs, appropriate steps shall be taken to remedy the situation.
F. Thirty (30) hours shall be set aside for Professional Development and twelve (12) hours for parent-teacher conferences. New teachers shall be given an additional day for special orientation. These days will be identified in the mutually developed district calendar.
G. When a school is dismissed early because of studentweather conditions, the Board teachers of that school may leave as soon as it is reasonably sure that the students will arrive home.
H. Supervisory teachers of student teachers shall observe be tenured teachers who voluntarily accept the specified capacity assignment. The parties recognize that "supervisory teachers" are not supervisory teachers under Public Act 379 of each teaching station1965.
I. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days that are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensation.
1. If at any time during the life of this Agreement, it becomes lawful to count (for the purpose of state member aid) as days of pupil instruction days when pupil instruction is not provided due to conditions not within the control of school authorities due to severe storms, fires, epidemics, or health conditions, it is agreed that the following provision shall become immediately in effect:
2. There shall be a continued alertness one thousand ninety-eight (1,098) hours (not to prevent hazardous conditions at all times in all buildingsexceed one hundred eighty (180) days) of student instruction and one hundred eightyfour (184)-teacher attendance days. The preservation Act of safe, wholesome, and pleasant surroundings God days shall be included in instruction days. If a paramount concern of both the Board and the Association. The arrangement of furnishings in the classroom shall be school is closed to students for the optimum educational setting as determined by the teacher in concert with the Principal. Insofar as possibleconstruction, loungestransportation, conference rooms and lavatories shall be conveniently available for teachers. Lounges and conference rooms shall or health problems, teachers need not be used for regularly scheduled meetings without prior consultation with the building faculty. The Board agrees to meet and confer with the Association to seek mutually acceptable solutions where these conditions do not existreport.
14.23. CALENDAR See attached calendar.
14.3. SNOW DAYS (Scheduled days of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within the control of school authorities such as inclement weather, fires, epidemics, mechanical break downsbreakdowns, or health conditions as defined by the city, county or state health authorities, may be rescheduled at the discretion of the Board of Education to ensure that there are a minimum of one thousand ninety-eight student instructional hours.).
J. On Act of God days no teacher will be rescheduled to insure charged personal business or sick days and shall suffer no loss of pay.
X. Both parties mutually agree that they share as a primary objective the required amount enhancement of student contact hours learning in the classroom. Both parties recognize that variety of factors interact in numerous ways to influence optimal student learning in the classroom. Both parties recognize that one factor, optimal class size, is desirable as per State lawit contributes to the quality of instruction and learning which is a mutual goal. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days which are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensation.With this in mind, both parties agree that:
1. The parties agree to meet in an effort to mutually agree on when any make up days/hours should occur. In the event they are unable to agree, the days/hours Class size for kindergarten will be added twenty five (25) students. If the average kindergarten class exceeds twenty four (24) on the first day of class, then a meeting will be held between administration and teachers within three days to attempt to remedy the end situation. Class size for grades 1-3 will be twenty-eight (28) students or less. Class size for grades 4-6 will be thirty (30) students or less. Within two (2) weeks of the calendar set forth in Appendix D.
2. Should a day be rescheduled and insufficient students attend to count it as day of instruction, teachers will not be obligated to attend a subsequent rescheduling of the day without being paid at their daily rate.
3. It is understood and agreed that in the event that the rescheduling of the days/hours at the end beginning of the school year interferes all classes will be within these limits or will have a maximum of no more than two (2) higher. Cross leveling of classes will be attempted to equalize class loads across the district.
2. Class sizes for grades 7-12 in excess of thirty-two (32) are not desirable, and the parties mutually agree to work toward maintaining class size below these levels. Both parties, however, recognize that the attainment of such optimal conditions is largely dependent upon the financial resources available to the District. The parties further agree that traditionally large and small classes may be exempt from the optimal size. Special students with mental, emotional, or physical handicaps will be considered as extra teaching responsibility when assigned to a teacher's scheduled return to school to upgrade his or her skillsregular classroom. When such assignments are anticipated, the beginning class size will be set at less than the maximum contract limit; (i.e., K - 3 = 30; 4 - 6 = 32) in order to allow for them. Students who move in after the September count day shall not be counted for purposes of this language. When an overload arises and is brought to the attention of the Building Principal, a remedy shall be agreed upon or a remedy shall be affected by the Superintendent and the Association. The remedy may include, but is not limited to the reassignment of students, provision for teacher may:
a. use his or her personal leave
b. use his or her sick leave or
c. apply assistance, and provision for unpaid leave timeadditional pay.
4L. Both parties mutually recognize the importance of teachers’ attendance at extra curricular events throughout the district. Should the provisions Both parties will encourage teacher participation in extra-curricular events and duties, recognizing that such participation is one criterion of the state law be altered, the above provisions shall reflect the number of days required by the stateteacher evaluative process.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 14.1A. The BOARD agrees to provide teachers with materials ordinarily required in their daily teaching responsibility. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT To protect Teachers will be kept informed of the healthstatus of all requests for materials.
B. The starting and ending times for all teachers shall be posted at each school site. However, welfarethe regular work day for teachers shall consist of seven and one half (7 1/2 i.e., 7 hours and 30 minutes) hours which shall include a thirty (30) minute duty free lunch as provided below in Section J. On days when students are not in school, the teacher work day shall be seven (7) hours including lunch. Teachers shall be allowed to leave school immediately following student dismissal on those days when students are in attendance but not in attendance the following day or on a day when a meeting will be held in the evening at which the teacher will be in attendance. Teachers who attend the four (4) two (2) hour open houses or any portion thereof shall be entitled to an equal portion of early release time at Thanksgiving and Winter Break. Such teachers, should they be granted leave for/on these early release days shall be charged only one half (1/2) day leave. Faculty meetings and conferences may require additional time outside the regular work day. However, faculty meetings that require additional time beyond the regular work day shall be limited to one (1) thirty (30) minute meeting per month. Additional meetings that are essential and whose purpose cannot be accomplished with a written memorandum may be called with 72 hours advanced notice. The 30-minute maximum time limit applies to all faculty meetings and may only be extended by agreement of the faculty. This limitation does not apply to conferences. Teachers shall be available for parent conferences and to provide extra help for pupils (by a prearranged appointment between parent and teacher.)
C. The BOARD shall make available in each school area, clean restrooms and lavatory facilities exclusively for staff use and at least one room per school appropriately furnished and properly ventilated, which shall be reserved for use as a staff lounge.
D. When school is not in session, teachers should be given access to the building for the purpose of performing activities related to their teaching assignment, by arranging such access with the principal.
E. The BOARD shall provide protective clothing and safety equipment for teachers assigned to work in areas where such clothing and equipment is needed. Teachers working in such areas shall use all needed safety equipment.
F. The BOARD will make every reasonable effort to maintain clean, air-conditioned classrooms.
G. Each teacher must notify his/her Principal of student, any forthcoming absences as soon as the Board shall observe the specified capacity of each teaching stationnecessity to be absent is determined. There The BOARD agrees that every reasonable attempt will be made to employ substitutes when teachers are absent. Under no circumstances will students be left without adult supervision.
H. Lesson plans shall be a continued alertness to prevent hazardous conditions at all times kept five (5) days in all buildingsadvance. The preservation of safeIn addition, wholesome, and pleasant surroundings an emergency lesson plan shall be kept on file which can be used by a paramount concern substitute if the teacher is unexpectedly absent.
I. Secondary teachers (7-12) shall have one (1) planning period per day equal time to a student period. Elementary (K-6) teachers shall have one (1) planning period of both the Board and the Association. The arrangement of furnishings in the classroom forty-five (45) minutes per day.
J. All teachers shall be for the optimum educational setting entitled to a minimum of thirty (30) minutes duty-free, uninterrupted lunch period except in cases of emergency as determined by the teacher in concert with Superintendent.
K. The District and the Principal. Insofar as possible, lounges, conference rooms and lavatories GCTA agree that the school calendar shall be conveniently available for teachers. Lounges developed by a committee composed of three members appointed by the Superintendent, three members appointed by the GCTA President and conference rooms shall not be used for regularly scheduled meetings without prior consultation with three members appointed by the building facultySEIU President. The Board agrees to meet and confer with committee will submit the Association to seek mutually acceptable solutions where these conditions do not existproposed calendar for approval.
14.2. CALENDAR See attached calendar.
14.3. SNOW DAYS Scheduled days of student instruction which are not held because of conditions not within the control of school authorities such as inclement weather, fires, epidemics, mechanical break downs, or health conditions as defined by the city, county or state health authorities, will be rescheduled to insure the required amount of student contact hours as per State law. Teachers will receive their regular pay for days which are canceled but shall work on any rescheduled days with no additional compensation.
1. The parties agree to meet in an effort to mutually agree on when any make up days/hours should occur. In the event they are unable to agree, the days/hours will be added on to the end of the calendar set forth in Appendix D.
2. Should a day be rescheduled and insufficient students attend to count it as day of instruction, teachers will not be obligated to attend a subsequent rescheduling of the day without being paid at their daily rate.
3. It is understood and agreed that in the event that the rescheduling of the days/hours at the end of the school year interferes with a teacher's scheduled return to school to upgrade his or her skills, the teacher may:
a. use his or her personal leave
b. use his or her sick leave or
c. apply for unpaid leave time.
4. Should the provisions of the state law be altered, the above provisions shall reflect the number of days required by the state
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement