TEACHING CONDITIONS. The Association and the Board shall mutually agree upon the Calendar(s) for each year of this Agreement. Said Calendar(s) shall be set forth in Appendix "C" attached hereto. The Calendar for each year of this Agreement shall provide at least one (1) day of jointly planned (by the Board and Association) in-service training for all teachers. B. Working Hours 1. Teachers will report for duty not less than ten (10) minutes prior to the start of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after the close of the school day to attend to those matters which require the teacher's attention, but not less than ten (10) minutes, except for the high school staff, following the close of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the time between the starting time and ending time for pupils in the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted by the administration for a particular administrative unit or the District at large. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedules. 2. It is expressly understood that psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensation. 3. A teacher shall be expected to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal or his/her designee. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-related items on the agenda for the building meetings. The agenda for building meetings should be presented to the teacher at least one day in advance of the meeting. 4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to the designated prevailing lunch period for the particular school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the duty-free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between the building principal and the teacher involved. 5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers are not expected to report for duty on those scheduled attendance days when the school district is closed to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there shall be no deductions from a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administration. 6. At the end of each semester a time shall be provided for all teachers to complete necessary records and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotes.) 7. The daily length of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers shall be seven (7) hours or the daily length of the normal school working hours of the high school, whichever is greater. 8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending shall be voluntary. 9. The schedule of student classes for the High School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 10. The student schedule at the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05 B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32 a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high school will be mutually agreed upon by said parties no later than February 15 of each year, for the following school year. b. Any changes in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon. 11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years. C. Teacher Assignments 1. Teachers shall be assigned, except temporarily and for good cause, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study. 2. All secondary teachers shall have at least one period per day, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers). 3. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers). a. A full time middle school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments. 4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (200) minutes of unassigned time per week during the student day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused by the building principal. 5. Item 3 above shall not be changed during the life of this contract, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Association. The Board contemplates no increases in the number of assigned periods during the life of the contract.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Professional Negotiation Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. The Association A. Calendar
1. 2007-08 calendar is attached hereto as Appendix C. It is understood that the Superintendent or his designee and a representative of the Board KFT shall mutually agree upon negotiate the Calendar(s) calendars for each year of this Agreement. Said Calendar(s) 2008-2010 and that said calendar shall be set forth subject to ratification by both parties and shall not be in Appendix "C" attached heretoconflict with state rules or regulations.
2. The Calendar for each year Board of this Agreement shall provide at least one (1) Education reserves the right to reschedule any student instruction days in the calendar which are canceled and are not allowed to be counted as a day of jointly planned (instruction as per state law of Department of Education regulations.
3. Adjustments in the school calendar to reduce or extend the school year to comply with no more than 181 student instruction days and no more than 184 teacher work days will be made and announced by the Board Employer on or before May 1 each school year. All such adjustments shall impact only the end of the school year. Exams will always be held on the last days of school.
4. Calendars for subsequent school years covered by this agreement shall be mutually agreed upon and Association) inshall comply with all existing rules and regulations of the State of Michigan. In the contract of 1999-service training 2000, the KFT agreed to add 15 minutes to the school day at a compensation of 1.8%. However, it is understood that compensation for all teachersany extra time added to future calendars beyond what was included in the 2001/2002 school year shall be subject to negotiations.
B. Working Hours
1. Teachers will report for duty not less than ten (10) shall be at their teaching stations 45 minutes prior to before the start of school and will remain in the building until 10 minutes after dismissal of students or unless other arrangements are made with their immediate supervisor. On Wednesday mornings, teachers shall report 70 minutes before the start of school day as established for to work on PLC or other staff development activities. All teachers are required to participate in appropriate school improvement activities during this time. When conferences are scheduled with parents or persons interested in the administrative unit in which welfare of the teacher is employedchild, teachers shall remain until the conference has been completed. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after the close of the school day may not be required to attend to those matters which require the teacher's attention, but hold said conference when one (1) days advance notice has not less than ten (10) minutes, except for the high school staff, following the close of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the time between the starting time and ending time for pupils in the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted by the administration for a particular administrative unit or the District at large. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedulesbeen given.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensation.
3. A teacher shall be expected to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal or his/her designeeprincipal. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-educationally related items on the agenda for the building meetingsmeeting. The agenda for building meetings should be presented to the teacher at least one day in advance of the meeting.
3. All teachers shall be scheduled for a duty-free midday period, of at least thirty (30) minutes.
4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, teachers shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, provided no less than 50 minutes duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to during the designated prevailing lunch period school day for the particular school in which the teacher is employedpurpose of planning, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes durationpreparing lessons, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the dutystudent conferences, parent conferences and in-free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between the building principal and the teacher involvedservice meetings.
5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers are not expected For the elementary building, the student day will begin at 8:25 a.m. and end at 3:15 p.m. For the middle school building the student day will begin at 8:29 and end at 3:15. For the high school building the student day will begin at 8:20 a.m. and end at 3:05 p.m.
C. Class Size
1. The Board agrees to report strive for duty on those scheduled attendance days when an average class size of 25 pupils per individual section in grades K-2 and for 28 pupils per individual sections in grades 3-6.
2. Should the average in any given grade exceed this number for more than 30 school district is closed to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there days, a committee shall be no deductions formed of the teachers from the affected area, the principal and the superintendent. This committee has one month in which to agree to: 1) a teacher's leave days solution to the problem or 2) waive the rule for a set period of absencetime. Should severe weather the committee fail to agree to either of these alternatives, then the Board shall add general teacher aide time according to the following: Less than one pupil above average. . 0 aide hrs/day 0-1.99 . . . . . 1 aide hrs/day 0-2.99 . . . . . 2 aide hrs/day 0-3.99 . . . . . 3 aide hrs/day 0-4.99 . . . . . 4 aide hrs/day 0-5.99 . . . . . 5 aide hrs/day
3. The aide hours are total for the affected grade level groups and shall be assigned by the principal where he/she sees the need.
4. If the pupil number reverts to the agreed averages or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school daylower, the teacher will remain added aide time shall be canceled.
5. In case of failure of an operating millage (including a regional millage) request, this section on duty class size shall be held in abeyance until dismissed by the administrationmillage passes.
6. At the end of each semester a time shall be provided The KFT Ed Committee would meet in mid-May to make specific recommendations regarding K- 12 class size referring them to Board Ed Programming Committee for all teachers to complete necessary records and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotes.)
7. The daily length of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers shall be seven (7) hours or the daily length of the normal school working hours of the high school, whichever is greatertheir action.
8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal D. Teacher Assignments: Since pupils are entitled to be taught by teachers who are working hours for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attendingwithin their area of competence, said attending shall be voluntary.
9. The schedule of student classes for the High School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39
10. The student schedule at the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high school will be mutually agreed upon by said parties no later than February 15 of each year, for the following school year.
b. Any changes in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
1. Teachers shall be assigned, except temporarily and for good cause, within cause outside the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study.
2. All secondary teachers shall have at least one period per day, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
3. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
a. A full time middle school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments.
4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (200) minutes of unassigned time per week during the student day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused by the building principal.
5. Item 3 above shall not be changed during the life of this contract, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Association. The Board contemplates no increases in the number of assigned periods during the life of the contract.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. Section A - The Association teachers and Principal shall confer from time to time for the Board shall mutually agree upon purpose of improving the Calendar(s) for each year selection and use of this Agreement. Said Calendar(s) shall be set forth in Appendix "C" attached hereto. The Calendar for each year of this Agreement shall provide at least one (1) day of jointly planned (by the Board and Association) in-service training for all teachers.
B. Working Hours
1such educational tools as deemed necessary. Teachers will report for duty not less than ten (10) minutes prior are encouraged to make recommendations to the start of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employedPrincipal. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after the close of the school day to attend to those matters which require the teacher's attention, but not less than ten (10) minutes, except for the high school staff, following the close of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the time between the starting time and ending time for pupils in the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted by the administration for a particular administrative unit or the District at large. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedules.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensation.
3. A teacher shall be expected to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal or his/her designee. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-related items on the agenda for the building meetings. The agenda for building meetings should be presented to the teacher at least one day in advance of the meeting.
4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to the designated prevailing lunch period for the particular school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the duty-free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between the building principal and the teacher involved.
5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers are not expected to report for duty on those scheduled attendance days when the school district is closed to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there shall be no deductions from a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administration.
6. At the end of each semester a time shall be provided for all teachers to complete necessary records with a room/program budget and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotes.)
7. The daily length of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers shall be seven (7) hours or the daily length of the normal school working hours of the high school, whichever is greater.
8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending shall be voluntary.
9. The schedule of student classes for the High School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39
10. The student schedule at the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high school will be mutually agreed upon by said parties no later than February 15 of each year, their tentative teaching assignments for the following school year.
b. Any changes in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
by June 1. Teachers shall submit their requisitions for the following year by June 15. The principal shall return the requisition form indicating what has been ordered from the various vendors by June 30. If any of the items requisitioned are not to be assignedapproved, except temporarily the principal shall meet with the teacher prior to June 30 to explain the reasons therefore and for good cause, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of studywork out mutually acceptable alternatives.
2. All secondary teachers Section B - The Board shall have make available at least one period per dayroom which shall be reserved for use as a faculty room in which teachers may confer, equivalent to a normal teaching periodwork on class preparation, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers)or otherwise discuss school matters.
3Section C - The telephone facilities will be made available to teachers. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers)The cost of personal long distance calls is the responsibility of the teacher.
a. A full time middle school assignment would Section D - Pertinent information about a student’s health or learning problems can be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignmentsfound in child’s folder which is available to teachers seeking such information unless restricted by law.
4Section E - Any action including an assault upon a teacher should be promptly reported by the teacher to the Board or its designated representatives. Elementary classroom Any disciplinary action taken by a teacher shall be subject to administrative review. The teacher may seek assistance from the Principal in the
Section F - The Board, in conjunction with the Administration, shall promulgate rules and regulations setting forth procedures to be utilized in disciplining, suspending or expelling students for misbehavior. Such rules and regulations shall be distributed to students, teachers, and parents in a timely manner with the understanding that the current published rules and regulations will be in effect until the new rules and regulations are distributed. In the absence of a published school policy teachers shall be provided free to employ reasonable punishment consistent with two hundred (200) minutes the Corporal Punishment Law. Section G - If any teacher is complained against or sued by reason of unassigned time per week during disciplinary action taken by the teacher against a student day for class preparationthe Board shall provide liability insurance coverage, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused by the building principal.
5. Item 3 above shall not be changed during the life of this contract, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Association. The Board contemplates no increases in the number of assigned periods during the life of the contract.amount of
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. A. The Association and Board will continue its efforts to make available in each school appropriate facilities, equipment, material, clerical personnel to implement the Board shall mutually agree upon educational program of the Calendar(s) for each year of this Agreementdistrict. Said Calendar(s) The term appropriate shall be set forth in Appendix "C" attached hereto. The Calendar for each year of this Agreement shall provide at least one (1) day of jointly planned (determined by the Board based on its financial ability.
B. The Board shall make available in each school a work-study room for the teachers. When practicable and Association) in-service training possible, lavatory facilities exclusively for all teacher use shall also be made available.
C. Existing telephone facilities shall be made available to teachers for their reasonable use. Adequate parking facilities shall be made available to teachers.
B. Working Hours
1. Teachers will report for duty not less than ten (10) minutes prior to D. The Board recognizes that appropriate texts, library reference facilities, maps and globes, laboratory equipment, audio-visual equipment, art supplies, athletic equipment, current periodicals, standard tests and questionnaires, and similar materials are the start tools of the school day as established for teaching profession. Further, efforts shall be continued to seek and use textbooks and supplementary reading materials which contain the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after the close contribution of minority groups to history, scientific and social development of the school day to attend to those matters which require the teacher's attention, but not less than ten (10) minutes, except for the high school staff, following the close of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the time between the starting time and ending time for pupils in the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted by the administration for a particular administrative unit or the District at large. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedules.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensation.
3. A teacher shall be expected to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal or his/her designee. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-related items on the agenda for the building meetingsUnited States. The agenda for building meetings should be presented parties will confer from time to the teacher at least one day in advance of the meeting.
4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to the designated prevailing lunch period for the particular school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the duty-free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between the building principal and the teacher involved.
5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers are not expected to report for duty on those scheduled attendance days when the school district is closed to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there shall be no deductions from a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administration.
6. At the end of each semester a time shall be provided for all teachers to complete necessary records and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotes.)
7. The daily length of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers shall be seven (7) hours or the daily length of the normal school working hours of the high school, whichever is greater.
8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending shall be voluntary.
9. The schedule of student classes for the High School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39
10. The student schedule at the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high school will be mutually agreed upon by said parties no later than February 15 of each year, for the following school year.
b. Any changes in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
1. Teachers shall be assigned, except temporarily and for good cause, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study.
2. All secondary teachers shall have at least one period per day, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply improving the selection and use of such educational tools and the Board undertakes promptly to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time consider all joint recommendations thereon made by its representative and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
3. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
a. A full time middle school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments.
4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (200) minutes of unassigned time per week during the student day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused by the building principal.
5. Item 3 above shall not be changed during the life of this contract, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Association. The Board contemplates agrees at all times to keep the schools as well equipped and maintained as is financially possible.
E. The goals of professional development in St. Xxxxx are to maintain and improve teaching performance, increase student learning, align curriculum with district, and/or building school improvement plans, and/or the implementation of a teacher IDP. The scheduling, subject matter, and expectations of professional development will be decided upon collaboratively by the Association or its designee and the District.
F. It is understood that attendance at released-time is mandatory unless permission is granted from the principal to deviate from the planned released-time meeting.
G. If a building meeting is necessary on a records day, one meeting may occur no increases longer than one hour in length.
H. An individual teacher will not be expected or required by the Board to accept a student teacher.
I. Parent teacher conference days will be established as part of the district calendar. Building school improvement teams shall have input into the general schedule with one evening conference per term with ½ day off compensation time per evening. Additional evenings may be negotiated by the association and the administration with additional compensatory time given to that level. An effort will be made to schedule “common” conference days and compensatory time. In addition, an effort will be made to avoid scheduling extra-curricular activities at the same time as the evening conferences.
J. When a building is without heat, or experiences plumbing or electrical problems, the safety and comfort of children will be the first priority in determining dismissal of school. If the electrical, heating, or plumbing problem cannot be repaired within a reasonable period of time, school will be dismissed.
K. Teachers are encouraged to interpret the program of the schools to the community in ways which will improve the public's understanding of purposes and procedures and encourage its involvement and support.
L. The Board will provide school building keys and ID Badges necessary to the normal function of the teacher, provided such keys and ID Badges shall be turned in upon the termination of the teacher's employment and/or upon completion of the school year. The employee shall not incur any costs for ID Badges that need to be replaced due to normal wear and tear, limited to a two year cycle. Lost ID Badges shall be replaced at a cost to the employee not to exceed the cost of replacement. If the teacher is using the building after normal hours, it will be the responsibility of the teacher to secure areas of the building that he/she used and/or notify administration of any problem(s).
M. Whenever conditions beyond the control of school authorities such as severe storms, fires, health conditions, etc. occur, the district will follow current state law as it pertains to making up scheduled pupil instructional time. All make-up time shall be without additional compensation. If school is cancelled during the exams/records day, the next available day(s) will be used for exams/records day.
N. Each bargaining unit member in his/her first three (3) years in the classroom shall be assigned a mentor teacher. The mentor teacher will be available to provide professional support, instruction and guidance. The purpose of the mentor assignment is to provide a peer who can offer assistance, resources and information in a non-threatening collegial fashion.
1. Participation as a mentor shall be on a volunteer basis. The mentor position will be first offered to a current bargaining unit member with at least five (5) successful years of teaching completed and a satisfactory record of evaluation. Should the number of beginning teachers exceed the number of volunteer bargaining unit mentors, then the position(s) may be offered to non-bargaining unit personnel at the discretion of the Administration. The Administration shall notify the Association when a mentor teacher is matched with a bargaining unit mentee. Every effort will be made to match mentor teacher with mentees who work in the same building and have the same area of certification. The mentee shall be assigned periods to one (1) mentor teacher at a time, unless otherwise mutually agreed. A mentor teacher shall be assigned to only (1) mentee at a time, unless otherwise mutually agreed. The mentor teacher assignment shall be for one (1) year, subject to review by the mentor teacher, mentee and the building principal after ninety (90) working days. The appointment may be renewed in succeeding years. Should either the mentor teacher of the mentee present cause to dissolve the relationship subsequent to the initial six (6) months, representatives of the parties will meet with the mentor teacher and the mentee to determine an appropriate course of action.
2. Neither the mentor teacher nor the mentee shall be permitted to participate in any matter related to the evaluation of the other
3. The Administration shall attempt to arrange for a common preparation time for the mentor and mentee.
4. Professional development training required by law or regulation, such as section 1526 of the Michigan School Code, may occur during the life regular work day and work year. However, satisfying such professional development requirements is the sole responsibility of the contractteacher. It shall be the obligation of the teachers to satisfy state laws or regulations pertaining to professional development training, certification requirement, and continuing education requirements. The board shall not be obligated to pay for expenses related to these requirements, except for providing release time if approved by the board.
O. Proper dress from all staff is expected throughout the school year. Staff should dress for respect and success. Clothing that is torn, worn, or revealing is never appropriate. Monitoring of these guidelines is the responsibility of the building administrator. Teachers in violation may be asked to go home and change their clothing and return to work.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. Section 1. The Association parties agree that duties, other than teaching responsibilities will be assigned on an equitable basis. The administration will schedule playground supervision, bus duty, and other similar duties after input from the teachers.
Section 2. As funds permit the Board shall mutually agree upon the Calendar(s) for each year of this Agreementagrees to supply teachers with normal supplies incident to teaching responsibilities. Said Calendar(s) shall An effort will be set forth in Appendix "C" attached hereto. The Calendar for each year of this Agreement shall provide at least one (1) day of jointly planned (made by the Board to provide each teacher with a key to the rooms he/she is assigned and Associationlockable space (filing cabinet, desk or closet) in-service training for securing materials. Within a reasonable period of time after the Board is aware of a shortage in anticipated instructional materials, teachers will be notified.
Section 3. The Board agrees to provide necessary equipment and instructional materials for each
Section 4. When possible, the Board will provide adequate teaching stations for all teachersspecial subjects.
B. Working HoursSection 5. Student contact days and professional development days shall be seven (7) hours and fifteen (15) consecutive minutes unless specified differently in the approved school calendar.
1Section 6. If it becomes economically feasible, the Board will provide restrooms for non-student use in each school wing (elementary and secondary).
Section 7. An adequate off-street parking area will be provided for non-student use. Such area will be property maintained.
Section 8. Teachers shall not be required to work under unsafe and/or hazardous conditions.
Section 9. Adequate space will report be provided for duty not less than ten (necessary teacher and/or principal conferences with parents or students.
Section 10) minutes prior to the start of the school day as established for the administrative unit . Teacher participation in which the teacher is employed. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after the close of the school day to attend to those matters which require extracurricular activities shall be voluntary and the teacher's attention, but ability or inability to participate shall not less than ten (10) minutesbe a valid item for teacher evaluation purposes. Only in the case of emergency shall teachers be required to perform unscheduled duties.
Section 11. Faculty meetings, except for in emergencies, will be held not more frequently than bi- monthly and will be as brief as possible. However, this section shall not prevent the high school staffprincipal, following the close when necessary, from meeting with a specific group of the school day as established for the administrative unit teachers (committees, etc.) in which the teacher is employedexcess of bi- monthly.
Section 12. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the time between the starting time and ending time for pupils in the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) Observations of pupils, the a teacher's day class by persons other than school or district administrative personnel shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted allowed only after consent has been granted by the administration for a particular administrative unit or the District at large. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedules.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensation.
3. A teacher shall be expected to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal or his/her designee. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-related items on the agenda for the building meetings. The agenda for building meetings should be presented to the teacher at least one day in advance of the meeting.
4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to the designated prevailing lunch period for the particular school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the duty-free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between the building principal and the teacher involved.
5Section 13. Emergency Conditions - Teachers Classrooms in which classes are not expected being held shall be free of unnecessary interruptions by maintenance or custodial staff.
Section 14. The Board will attempt to report for duty on those scheduled attendance days when provide custodial service to maintain classrooms and other learning areas of the school district is closed in a clean condition conducive to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there shall be no deductions from a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administrationeffective teaching and learning.
6Section 15. At Air conditioning and heating facilities will be reasonably kept in proper working order.
Section 16. The Board will provide clerical support services to each school.
Section 17. Upon request the end of each semester a time Board shall be provided provide smocks and safety glasses for all teachers assigned subject areas where the teacher is subjected to complete necessary records more-than-to-be-expected grease, dirt, chemicals, art materials and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotessimilar agents.)
7Section 18. The daily length principal of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers shall be seven (7) hours or the daily length of the normal school working hours of the high school, whichever is greater.
8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending shall be voluntary.
9. The schedule of student classes for the High School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39
10. The student schedule at the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high each school will be mutually agreed upon by said parties no later than February 15 establish, to every degree possible, a duty roster for student lunch supervision that will permit teachers to have a lunch period of each year, for the following school year.
b. Any changes in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
1. Teachers shall be assigned, except temporarily and for good cause, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study.
2. All secondary teachers shall have at least one period per day, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G twenty-five (Alternative Education Teachers).
3. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
a. A full time middle school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments.
4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (20025) minutes daily without direct supervision of unassigned time per week during the student day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused by the building principalstudents.
5. Item 3 above shall not be changed during the life of this contract, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Association. The Board contemplates no increases in the number of assigned periods during the life of the contract.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. The Association A. Teacher Work Days. Teachers are contracted to work one hundred eighty (180) days of teaching, and the Board shall mutually agree upon the Calendar(stwo (2) for each year days of this Agreement. Said Calendar(s) shall be set forth in Appendix "C" attached hereto. The Calendar for each year of this Agreement shall provide at least one (1) day of jointly planned (by the Board and Association) in-service training for all teachers.
B. Working Hours
1. Teachers will report for duty not less than ten (10) minutes prior to the school year starting. We have no more than 27 days of late start to make up the rest of the Professional Days required. The calendar is attached as Appendix C.
B. Teaching Hours K - 4 Teachers: Report Time - 7:45 am Start Time - 7:50 am End Time - 3:15 pm 5 - 12 Teachers: Report Time - 7:45 am Start Time - 8:05 am End Time - 3:15 pm The school day as established for ends with the administrative unit in which departure of the teacher is employedlast regularly scheduled bus. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after the close of the school day are required to attend to those matters which require the teacher's attention, but not less than ten (10) minutes, except for the high school staff, following the close of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the time between the starting time and ending time for pupils in the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted by the administration for a particular administrative unit or the District at large. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedules.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensation.
3. A teacher shall be expected to attend professional staff meetings when called respective buildings during this time unless otherwise excused by the building principal or his/her designee. A teacher the superintendent; provided, however, that teachers may place appropriate educationally-related items on the agenda for leave the building meetings. The agenda for building meetings should be presented to the teacher at least one day in advance of the meeting.
4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to the designated prevailing lunch period for the particular school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the during their duty-free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between with prior notification to the principal. A building principal and may schedule one 45-minute staff meeting per month outside of the teacher involved.
5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers are not expected to report for duty on those scheduled attendance days when the school district is closed to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there shall be no deductions from a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administration.
6. At the end of each semester a time shall be provided for all teachers to complete necessary records and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotes.)
7. The daily length of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers shall be seven (7) hours or the daily length of the normal school working hours of the high school, whichever is greater.
8with adequate prior notification. In the event a staff meeting is rescheduled, staff who are required to attend shall receive at least (5) work days notice of the meeting date except in an emergency that necessitates an earlier rescheduling of the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond meeting as determined by the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours superintendent. A tentative agenda for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending any staff meeting shall be voluntary.
provided at least one school day in advance of a scheduled meeting. A teacher with dual building assignments shall only be required to attend nine (9) staff meetings per school year outside the regular teacher day. The schedule of student classes Generally, such teachers will attend the staff meeting in the building where they are scheduled for the High School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39
10majority of their instructional time, unless otherwise advised by the majority building principal. The student schedule at the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high school will be mutually agreed upon by said parties no later than February 15 of each year, for the following school year.
b. Any changes in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
1Teaching Responsibilities. Teachers shall be assignedresponsible for attendance, except temporarily pass slips, basic hall duty, assemblies, and for good cause, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study.
2. All secondary teachers shall have at least one period per day, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
3. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
a. A full time middle school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual siteother teaching-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments.
4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (200) minutes of unassigned time per week related duties during the student teacher’s teaching day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused assigned by the building principal, as well as classroom instruction.
5. Item 3 above shall not be changed during the life of this contract, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Association. The Board contemplates no increases in the number of assigned periods during the life of the contract.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. The Association Board recognizes that appropriate curriculum and supplies to support the curriculum are the tools of the teaching profession. For the purpose of selection and recommendation of curriculum, a stakeholder team will be assembled and will consist of professional staff and administrator(s) and may also include parents, students, community members and Board members. If the stakeholder team fails to reach consensus, the Board shall mutually agree upon have authority to proceed with the Calendar(s) for each year of this Agreementchanges it considers necessary and to implement them. Said Calendar(s) In all instances, the affected professional staff shall be set forth in Appendix "C" attached heretogiven 60 days notice of curriculum selection unless an alternative timeline is mutually agreed upon by all staff affected by the curriculum change. The Calendar Board agrees that at all times the schools should be as well-equipped and maintained as may be possible within existing financial limitations. Support will be provided through timely professional development. Teacher materials shall be provided no less than 30 days before the implementation of new curriculum.
A. The Board shall make available in each school, adequate lunchroom, restroom, and a lactation/medical room exclusively for each year of this Agreement shall provide teacher use and as far as possible at least one (1) day room appropriately furnished which shall be reserved for use as a faculty conference room. Existing facilities of jointly planned (by the Board type mentioned will continue to be provided and Association) in-service training provisions for all teachersthe above facilities shall be included in any future expansion plans in those schools.
B. Working HoursAdequate restricted parking facilities shall be made available to teachers for their use during the school day.
1. C. Telephone facilities shall be made available throughout the buildings for the use of the teaching staff.
D. Teachers will report for duty not less than ten required to travel to or from an in-town elementary building during their work day shall have scheduled a minimum of thirty (1030) minutes prior to the start of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after the close of the school day to attend to those matters which require the teacher's attention, but not less than ten (10) minutes, except for the high school staff, following the close of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the combined travel and transition time between the starting end time of teaching at one school and ending the start time for pupils in of teaching at another school. When a teacher is required to travel to or from Lincoln Heights Elementary School during their work day the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day combined travel and transition time shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted by the administration for a particular administrative unit or the District at large. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedules.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensation.
3. A teacher shall be expected to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal or his/her designee. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-related items on the agenda for the building meetings. The agenda for building meetings should be presented to the teacher at least one day in advance minimum of the meeting.
4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to the designated prevailing lunch period for the particular school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception minutes. Travel time and transition time are exclusive of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the duty-a teacher’s duty free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between the building principal and the teacher involvedscheduled planning time.
5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers E. This agreement covers all intellectual property including those which are not expected to report for duty on those scheduled attendance days when the school district is closed to studentspatentable or copyright protected. It is understood recognized that during days when the Board of Education supports the development, production, and dissemination of intellectual property by its staff members. Intellectual property developed on the employees own initiative, outside of contractual school is not day and without district resources, shall remain the property of the staff creator. The district shall own copyright of any intellectual property only in session there the following circumstances: ● The district specifically directs a staff member to create the task as an expectation of their job duties ● A staff member voluntarily transfers the copyright to the district. Such transfer shall be expressed as a written document, signed by staff. ● If the district has significantly contributed to the task, whereby the staff utilized district tools or materials, or contractual time The district reserves the right to have shared access to any intellectual property developed utilizing district resources, at no deductions from a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing cost, regardless of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administration.
6. At the end of each semester a time shall be provided for all teachers to complete necessary records and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotes.)
7. The daily length employment status of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers shall be seven (7) hours or the daily length of the normal school working hours of the high school, whichever is greaterbargaining unit member.
8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending shall be voluntary.
9. The schedule of student classes for the High School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39
10. The student schedule at the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high school will be mutually agreed upon by said parties no later than February 15 of each year, for the following school year.
b. Any changes in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
1. Teachers shall be assigned, except temporarily and for good cause, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study.
2. All secondary teachers shall have at least one period per day, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
3. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
a. A full time middle school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments.
4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (200) minutes of unassigned time per week during the student day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused by the building principal.
5. Item 3 above shall not be changed during the life of this contract, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Association. The Board contemplates no increases in the number of assigned periods during the life of the contract.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. A. The Association Board recognizes that appropriate texts, library reference facilities, maps and globes, laboratory equipment, audiovisual equipment, art supplies, athletic equipment, current periodicals, standard tests and questionnaires and similar materials are the tools of the teaching profession. For the purpose of selection and recommendation of curriculum, a stakeholder team will be assembled and will consist of professional staff and administrator(s) and may also include parents, students, community members and Board members. If the stakeholder team fails to reach consensus, the Board shall mutually agree upon have authority to proceed with the Calendar(s) for each year of this Agreementchanges it considers necessary and to implement them. Said Calendar(s) In all instances, the affected professional staff shall be set forth in Appendix "C" attached heretogiven 60 days notice of curriculum selection unless an alternative time line is mutually agreed upon by all staff affected by the curriculum change. The Calendar Board agrees that at all times the schools should be as well-equipped and maintained as may be possible within existing financial limitations. Support will be provided through timely professional development. Teacher materials shall be provided no less than 30 days before the implementation of new curriculum.
B. The Board shall make available in each school, adequate lunchroom, restroom and lavatory facilities exclusively for each year of this Agreement shall provide teacher use and as far as possible at least one (1) day room appropriately furnished which shall be reserved for use as a faculty conference room. Existing facilities of jointly planned (by the Board type mentioned will continue to be provided and Association) provisions for the above facilities shall be included in any future expansion plans in those schools.
C. Adequate restricted parking facilities shall be made available to teachers for their use during the school day.
D. Telephone facilities shall be made available in the work area of each teacher the district for the professional and personal use of the teaching staff.
E. Teachers required to travel to or from an in-service training for all teachers.
B. Working Hours
1. Teachers will report for duty not less than ten town elementary building during their work day shall have scheduled a minimum of thirty (1030) minutes prior to the start of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after the close of the school day to attend to those matters which require the teacher's attention, but not less than ten (10) minutes, except for the high school staff, following the close of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the combined travel and transition time between the starting end time of teaching at one school and ending the start time for pupils in of teaching at another school. When a teacher is required to travel to or from Lincoln Heights Elementary School during their work day the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day combined travel and transition time shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted by the administration for a particular administrative unit or the District at large. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedules.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensation.
3. A teacher shall be expected to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal or his/her designee. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-related items on the agenda for the building meetings. The agenda for building meetings should be presented to the teacher at least one day in advance minimum of the meeting.
4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to the designated prevailing lunch period for the particular school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception minutes. Travel time and transition time are exclusive of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the duty-a teacher’s duty free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between the building principal and the teacher involvedscheduled planning time.
5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers are not expected to report for duty on those scheduled attendance days when the school district is closed to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there shall be no deductions from a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administration.
6. At the end of each semester a time shall be provided for all teachers to complete necessary records and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotes.)
7. The daily length of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers shall be seven (7) hours or the daily length of the normal school working hours of the high school, whichever is greater.
8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending shall be voluntary.
9. The schedule of student classes for the High School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39
10. The student schedule at the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high school will be mutually agreed upon by said parties no later than February 15 of each year, for the following school year.
b. Any changes in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
1. Teachers shall be assigned, except temporarily and for good cause, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study.
2. All secondary teachers shall have at least one period per day, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
3. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
a. A full time middle school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments.
4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (200) minutes of unassigned time per week during the student day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused by the building principal.
5. Item 3 above shall not be changed during the life of this contract, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Association. The Board contemplates no increases in the number of assigned periods during the life of the contract.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 6.1 The Association Board shall provide:
A. A separate desk for each regular classroom teacher in the district with a lockable drawer space wherever possible.
B. Lockable closet space for each regular classroom teacher to store coats and other personal items.
C. Chalkboard or marker board in every regular classroom.
D. Storage space in each classroom for instructional materials.
6.2 The Board shall reimburse a teacher for personal property either stolen or damaged that is being used for strictly instructional purposes, provided advance approval for instructional use is given in writing by the building principal. The building principal shall be informed of the use of such articles, the dates of such use, place of storage, and the Board value of the property. If, in the opinion of the principal, the risk is not equal to the instructional gain, such property shall mutually agree upon not be used in the Calendar(s) for each year schools. Property not reported to the principal shall not require reimbursement if damaged or stolen.
6.3 Classroom discipline is primarily the responsibility of this Agreementthe classroom teacher. Said Calendar(s) shall be set forth in Appendix "C" attached hereto. The Calendar for each year of this Agreement shall provide at least Whenever it appears that a particular pupil requires assistance which the classroom teacher cannot provide, the administration will act to assist the teacher with respect to said pupil.
6.4 A teacher may exclude a pupil from one (1) day class period when the continued presence of jointly planned (by the student in the classroom becomes intolerable. In such cases, the teacher will comply with the rules established in Board and Association) in-service training for all teacherspolicy.
B. Working Hours6.5 Any case of assault upon a teacher shall be promptly reported to the principal or superintendent. The Board will render all reasonable assistance to the teacher in connection with handling of the incident by law enforcement and judicial authorities.
1. 6.6 Teachers will shall report for duty not less than ten work fifteen (1015) minutes prior before the beginning of classes and shall be free to leave fifteen (15) minutes after the start schedule of classes has ended. On days preceding holidays or vacations, the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after teachers may leave at the close of the school day to attend to those matters which require the teacherpupil's attention, but not less than ten (10) minutes, except for the high school staff, following the close of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the time between the starting time and ending time for pupils in the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted by the administration for a particular administrative unit or the District at large. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedules.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensation.
3. A teacher shall 6.7 All teachers will be expected to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal or his/her designee. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-related items on the agenda for the building meetings. The agenda for building meetings should be presented to the teacher at least one day in advance of the meeting.
4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, guaranteed a duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to The Association recognizes that emergencies may occur requiring temporary supervision and assistance by the designated prevailing teaching staff until such emergencies cease. Changes in length of lunch period for the particular school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the duty-free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between the building principal and the teacher involved.
5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers are not expected to report for duty on those scheduled attendance days when the school district is closed to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there shall be no deductions from a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administration.
6. At the end of each semester a time shall be provided for all teachers to complete necessary records and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotes.)
7. The daily length of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers shall be seven (7) hours or the daily length of the normal school working hours of the high school, whichever is greater.
8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending shall be voluntary.
9. The schedule of student classes for the High School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39
10. The student schedule at the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high school will be mutually agreed upon discussed with building administration and staff and brought to superintendent and EA president for review before implementation.
6.8 Should regular elementary or secondary teachers volunteer and be assigned for recess/lunch duty, they shall be compensated for such duty at the same daily rate as School Improvement activities or comp time may be earned. Comp time will be granted on a 1 to 1 ratio (1 minute worked = 1 minute comp time).
6.9 Under Section 1284 of the Revised School Code, some aspects of the calendar shall be set by said parties no later than February 15 the ISD. Should it become necessary to increase instructional hours/days to meet the state requirements for full funding, or change the daily schedule in any way, the Board and Association will meet to seek a mutually acceptable solution to satisfy those requirements. All areas of the curriculum including calendar, schedule times and recess will be considered. This meeting shall occur by August 1st of each year, for the following school year.
b. . Any changes additional time is to be scheduled and approved in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
1. Teachers shall be assigned, except temporarily and for good cause, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study.
2. All secondary teachers shall have at least one period per day, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
3. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
a. A full time middle school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments.
4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (200) minutes of unassigned time per week during the student day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused writing by the building principalAssociation president and the superintendent.
5. Item 3 above shall not be changed during the life of this contract, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Association. The Board contemplates no increases in the number of assigned periods during the life of the contract.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. The Association and the Board shall mutually agree upon the Calendar(s) for each year of this Agreement. Said Calendar(s) shall be set forth in Appendix "C" attached hereto. The Calendar for each year of this Agreement shall provide at least one (1) day of jointly planned (by the Board and Association) in-service training for all teachers.
B. Working Hours
1. Teachers will report for duty not less than ten Grading periods in the Iron Mountain Public Schools shall be standardized to 9-10 weeks each semester. Official grades and reports to parents shall be issued at the end of the first marking period (1010 weeks), at the end of the first semester (19 weeks), at the end of the third marking period (9 weeks - second semester) minutes prior to and at the start end of the school day as established year (10 weeks). A system has been devised for reporting to parents at mid-marking periods or at any other time deemed necessary regarding unsatisfactory pupil accomplishment. The provisions for doing this shall be worked out mutually between the teacher and the administrative staff. It shall be the duty and responsibility of teachers to maintain contact with parents whenever deemed necessary for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after the close mutual understanding of the school day problems relating to attend to those matters which require the teacher's attention, but not less than ten (10) minutes, except for the high school staff, following the close of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the time between the starting time and ending time for pupils in the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted by the administration for a particular administrative unit or the District at large. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedulespupil achievement.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in Dates for Parent/Teacher Conferences shall be scheduled by the past as required in District. The length of the future for attendance at meetings before and after scheduled conferences shall be determined by the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensationDistrict.
3. A The only excuse for a teacher not participating in a scheduled Parent/Teacher conference shall be expected to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal illness, death in family, or his/her designee. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-related items on the agenda for the building meetings. The agenda for building meetings should be presented to the teacher at least one day in advance of the meetingany such obviously excusable reason.
4. All teachers, with Orientation for teachers who are new in the exception of Central High Iron Mountain School teachers, System shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform held prior to the designated prevailing lunch period for the particular opening of school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the duty-free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between the building principal and the teacher involvedfall.
5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers are not expected to report for duty Dismissal time on those scheduled attendance days when the school district is closed to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there Friday shall be no deductions from made uniform for all teachers unless a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administrationclass with students in attendance prohibits this.
6. At The Board will maintain a reasonable pupil-teacher ratio in classrooms as recommended by North Central Association. Where class overloads are indicated, the end affected teachers may request a meeting of a committee of the Board, superintendent, Principals and representatives of the Association to review the situation and seek possible remedies. The Board will make every effort to equalize class size in the elementary schools before the beginning of each semester a time shall be provided for all teachers to complete necessary records and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotesschool year.)
7. The daily length of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers Field trips - request should be made to building principal two weeks in advance:
a. Local trips which shall be seven (7) hours or paid for by the daily length Board are subject to review by the Superintendent before final permission is granted.
b. Out of town trips, the normal cost of which shall be shared by the Board, must be approved with the presentation of a plan financing any trip.
c. If any class is required by the school working hours of curriculum as approved by the high schoolcurriculum coordinators and building principals to have a field trip, whichever is greaterthe Board shall provide the transportation.
8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours The Board shall make every reasonable effort to provide additional typing and duplicating services for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending shall be voluntaryteachers.
9. The schedule of student classes for the High School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39
10. The student schedule at the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE SENIOR HIGH SCHEDULE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 SCHEDULE TEAM Time 8:00 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high school will be mutually agreed upon by said parties no later than February 15 of each year, for the following school year.
b. Any changes in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
1. Teachers shall be assigned, except temporarily and for good cause, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study.
2. All secondary teachers shall have at least one period per day, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
3. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
a. A full time middle school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments.
4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (200) minutes of unassigned time per week during the student day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused by the building principal.
5. Item 3 above shall not be changed during the life of this contract, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Association. The Board contemplates no increases in the number of assigned periods during the life of the contract.8:19
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. A. The Association District recognizes the necessity of keeping schools reasonably and properly equipped and maintained within the established budget. The District further recognizes its responsibility to maintain schools in a safe and sanitary condition and will consult with other responsible officials when necessary to achieve this end. Teachers shall not be required to work under unsafe or unsanitary conditions when so determined by such responsible officials or the school Superintendent.
B. The Board recognizes that appropriate texts, library reference facilities, maps and globes, laboratory equipment, audio visual equipment, art supplies, athletic equipment, current periodicals, standard tests and questionnaires and similar materials are the tools of the teaching profession. The Board agrees to provide adequate materials and supplies to the extent finances will permit.
C. The Board shall mutually agree upon the Calendar(s) make available in each school adequate lunchroom, restroom, and lavatory facilities for each year of this Agreement. Said Calendar(s) teachers' use and faculty lounges.
D. Telephone facilities shall be set forth made available for teachers' use in Appendix "C" attached heretomaking calls within the attendance area for school business. Personal long distance calls may not be charged to school accounts. The Calendar personal use of cell phones during instructional time, unless used for each year emergencies, is prohibited.
E. All teachers shall aid in the supervision and safety of this Agreement students in the school building and on the school grounds.
F. Teachers are expected to exercise care in their use of school equipment.
G. Teachers shall provide at least not leave a class unattended during the time instruction is normally scheduled, except in an emergency. The use of a teacher aide or student assistant does not satisfy the supervision requirement except during an emergency or a scheduled supervisory period assigned by the principal.
H. All classroom teachers will make available a hard copy or electronic access (district provided electronic plan book) general plans for one (1) day of jointly planned (by the Board and Association) in-service training for all teachersweek in advance.
B. Working Hours
1I. Lesson plans shall enable the substitute to conduct the class in a manner that will provide lesson continuity. Teachers will report Plans must be available for duty not less than ten (10) minutes a substitute prior to the start of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. Teachers will remain reporting time on duty for a sufficient period after the close of the school day to attend to those matters which require the teacher's attention, but not less than ten (10) minutes, except for the high school staff, following the close of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school any given day" shall encompass the time between the starting time and ending time for pupils in the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted by the administration for a particular administrative unit or the District at large. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedules.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologistsJ. When available, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensation.
3. A teacher shall be expected to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal or his/her designee. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-related items on the agenda for the building meetings. The agenda for building meetings should be presented to the teacher at least one day in advance of the meeting.
4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to the designated prevailing lunch period for the particular school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the duty-free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between the building principal and the teacher involved.
5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers are not expected to report for duty on those scheduled attendance days when the school district is closed to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there shall be no deductions from a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administration.
6. At the end of each semester a time shall be provided for all teachers to complete necessary records and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotes.)
7. The daily length of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers shall be seven (7) hours or the daily length of the normal school working hours of the high school, whichever is greater.
8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending shall be voluntary.
9. The schedule of student classes for the High School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39
10. The student schedule at the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high school will be mutually agreed upon by said parties no later than February 15 of each year, for the following school year.
b. Any changes in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
1. Teachers shall be assigned, except temporarily and for good cause, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study.
2. All secondary teachers shall have at least one period per day, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
3. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
a. A full time middle school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments.
4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (200) minutes of unassigned time per week during the student day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain stationed in the building unless excused by the building principalhallway at their classroom doorway between class changes.
5. Item 3 above shall not be changed during the life of this contract, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Association. K. The Board contemplates no increases agrees to establish procedures for visitations by parents to classrooms.
L. The Board shall establish/create staff parking areas at each building site. These areas shall be located off city streets and restricted in the number of assigned periods during the life of the contracta manner to be apart from students.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. The Association and 8.1 Thirty-minute duty free lunch periods will be provided to teachers as per the Board shall mutually agree upon Illinois School Code. Lunch times will be adjusted by the Calendar(sadministration, as needed, to accomplish this.
8.2 All teachers will be provided with an average of at least forty-five (45) minutes per day preparation time. Teachers working less than full time will have their preparation time pro-rated as to time employed.
8.3 Teachers who fill in for an absent teacher will be reimbursed, if requested on the proper form, at the rate of $15.00 per period for each year period covered.
8.4 The district will notify teachers in writing of this Agreementall open position(s)/class(es) and said openings will be posted in a place agreed upon by both parties one week prior to advertising the position to the general public. Said Calendar(s) shall Interested, certified/licensed teachers who apply during that week will receive first consideration for the opening. All teaching positions will be filled with personnel certified to teach the posted position(s)/class(es).
8.5 Teachers will be evaluated according to the procedures set forth in Appendix "C" attached heretoPerformance Evaluation Reform Act and the Scales Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx #000 Teacher Evaluation Plan adopted in 2015. The Calendar for each year Job descriptions will be reevaluated periodically as needed. Each teacher will be supplied with a copy of this Agreement shall provide at least one (1) day of jointly planned (by the Board and Association) in-service training for all teachersevaluation plan as changes are made.
B. Working Hours
1. Teachers 8.6 A yearly schedule of early dismissal days will report for duty not less than ten (10) minutes prior to the start of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after the close of the school day to attend to those matters which require the teacher's attention, but not less than ten (10) minutes, except for the high school staff, following the close of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the time between the starting time and ending time for pupils in the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted developed by the administration for a particular administrative unit the purpose of faculty meetings. Attendance at these meetings will be mandatory unless prior approval for an absence has been granted by the Principal or the District at largeSuperintendent. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedulesThis section does not preclude special faculty meetings on an as needed basis without early dismissals.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensation.
3. A teacher shall be expected to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal or his/her designee. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-related items on the agenda for the building meetings. The agenda for building meetings should be presented to the teacher at least one day in advance of the meeting.
4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to the designated prevailing lunch period for the particular school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the duty-free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between the building principal and the teacher involved.
5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers are not expected to report for duty on those scheduled attendance days when the school district is closed to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there shall be no deductions from a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administration.
6. At the end of each semester a time shall be provided for all teachers to complete necessary records and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotes.)
7. The daily length of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers shall be seven (7) hours or the daily length of the normal school working hours of the high school, whichever is greater.
8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending shall be voluntary.
9. The schedule of student classes for the High 8.7 School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39dismissed at 2:00 p.m. on the day preceding Thanksgiving, and Winter & Spring vacations. School will resume no sooner than January 3 following Winter break. Spring break will include the Monday following the break unless all emergency days have been used.
10. 8.8 The student schedule at Superintendent shall place on the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” calendar for the middle schools and the high school will be mutually agreed upon by said parties no later than February 15 of certified/licensed staff members each year, for the following school year.
b. Any changes in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
1. Teachers shall be assigned, except temporarily and for good cause, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study.
2. All secondary teachers shall have at least one period per day, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
3. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
a. A full time middle school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments.
4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (200) minutes of unassigned time per week during the student day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused by the building principal.
5. Item 3 above shall not be changed during the life of this contract, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Association. The Board contemplates no increases in the number of assigned periods during the life of the contract.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Professional Services
TEACHING CONDITIONS. A. The Association agrees that although the primary responsibility of the instructional staff is concerned with the classroom, the responsibility of supervising students at all times is necessary. Auxiliary personnel will be utilized to perform non- instructional duties (i.e. clerical, such as entering previous quarter transfer grades into Skyward, filing/organizing CUME folders, etc.) as much as possible.
B. In the event that it is necessary to assign instructional staff a non-instructional duty, it shall be on a fair and equitable basis and does not interfere with their instructional duties.
C. Instructional staff shall have a duty-free lunch period of at least thirty (30) minutes. Instructional staff shall not be required to perform supervisory duties during their duty-free lunch period.
D. The workday shall consist of seven (7) hours, fifteen (15) minutes, with the times being set by the Principal or immediate supervisor according to the needs of each school or assignment with the approval of the Superintendent. Maximum student instructional contact time shall be twenty-seven (27) hours per week. Instructional staff starting and ending times shall be recommended to the Principal by the faculty of each school. The Principal shall make the final decision based on the needs of each school or assignment. Instructional staff participation in extracurricular activities outside the normal working day, for which no additional compensation is paid, shall be strictly voluntary.
E. Exceptions to the workday on occasion may be made for unusual circumstances with the consent of the Principal or immediate supervisor.
F. The Board agrees to continue to provide a faculty work area and separate designated and marked restroom facilities as currently provided, and furnished, in those schools where such facilities already exist for the use of instructional staff. All newly constructed schools shall provide a faculty workroom and separate faculty restroom facilities.
G. Instructional staff are expected to make themselves available for student and parent conferences which shall be during the normal workday, except when parents cannot meet during the school day. Such meetings before and/or after school hours shall be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time between the instructional staff and parents except in cases of emergency. If an elementary school principal chooses to host “parent conference weeks”, the principal shall communicate to identified instructional staff that they have the option of completing parent conferences (equivalent to 6.25 hours) outside the workday in lieu of the subsequent instructional staff workday. If a secondary school principal chooses to host parent and community engagement events outside of the teacher’s workday, the principal shall communicate to identified instructional staff that they have the option of participating in these family engagement events in lieu of the equivalent number of hours (up to 6.25 hours) on the subsequent instructional staff workday.
H. It is understood and accepted that instructional staff attendance at school affiliated evening meetings is desirable and beneficial. Except for illness or other emergencies, instructional staff will be expected to attend up to (2) such meetings each year where parents visit classrooms and/or confer with instructional staff. Each meeting shall last no longer than one and one half hour.
I. Regularly scheduled monthly faculty meetings will be held. One (1) faculty meeting per month may exceed the normal working day but in no event exceed thirty (30) minutes beyond the working day, except that in emergency situations, faculty meetings may be called when necessary. During pre-planning and post- planning, no faculty meetings shall run beyond the normal working day.
J. During pre-planning, instructional staff shall have at least the equivalent of one and a half days to work, uninterrupted by meetings of any kind, in their classrooms to prepare for the start of school with students. This time shall be organized into three half-day segments of planning time.
K. When school is not in session, instructional staff shall be given access to the building by arranging such access with the principal.
L. The Association and the Board wholeheartedly support parent and community involvement in schools. Classroom visits, other than by Flagler Schools employees, will be announced through email with the anticipated date and time. When the visit is by a parent(s), it will be scheduled through administration and the instructional staff.
M. Both parties agree that it is necessary for interruptions to be made from time to time during the instructional periods for the efficient operation of the school. Principals will be advised to keep interruptions from maintenance, custodial, and intercom to a minimum as is feasible.
N. Department heads/lead instructional staff shall mutually agree upon be defined as instructional staff appointed by the Calendar(s) principal. The principal may appoint department heads/lead instructional staff for each year of this Agreementsubject/grade level.
O. All high school instructional staff shall have a planning/preparation period during the workday which shall not be less than fifty (50) continuous minutes. Said Calendar(sAll middle school instructional staff shall have a planning/preparation period during the workday which shall not be less than forty-five (45) continuous minutes. In addition, instructional staff shall be set forth in Appendix "C" attached heretoguaranteed an additional five (5) minutes of planning/preparation time during the instructional staff workday. The Calendar for each year of this Agreement All elementary instructional staff shall provide at least one (1) have a planning/preparation time during the student day of jointly planned (by the Board and Association) in-service training for all teachers.
B. Working Hours
1. Teachers will report for duty which shall not be less than forty-five (45) continuous minutes with an additional five (5) minutes for transitions for a total of fifty (50) continuous minutes. In addition, instructional staff shall be guaranteed an additional ten (10) minutes prior of planning/preparation time during the instructional staff workday. An instructional staff may choose to waive their planning in accordance with Article XX Section K. Instructional staff who do not have a roster of students for consistent instructional contact are not entitled to a planning period and are ineligible for additional compensation as defined in Article XXV, Section K. These employees shall work with their administration/supervisors to establish a flexible work schedule conducive to the start expectations of their work duties.
P. Flexible time is defined as the altering of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employednormal work schedule. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after the close Employees are entitled to one hundred fifty (150) minutes of the school day to attend to those matters which require the teacher's attentionflexible time per month during non-instructional time (i.e., but not less than ten (10) minutes, except for the high school staff, following the close of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the time between the starting time and ending time for pupils in the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted by the administration for a particular administrative unit or the District at large. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedules.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hoursschool, including parent during lunch and staff training meetings in the eveningsplanning). This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensation.
3. A teacher shall Prior notice of when flexible time will be expected to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal or his/her designee. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-related items on the agenda for the building meetings. The agenda for building meetings should be presented to the teacher at least one day in advance of the meeting.
4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to the designated prevailing lunch period for the particular school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the duty-free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between the building principal and the teacher involved.
5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers are not expected to report for duty on those scheduled attendance days when the school district is closed to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there shall be no deductions from a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administration.
6. At the end of each semester a time shall taken must be provided for all teachers to complete necessary records and reports as administration along with make-up dates/times. Unless prior written notice is provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotes.)
7. The daily length of the scheduled school working hours for psychologiststo administration, social workers and psychologist-social workers shall be seven (7) hours or the daily length of the normal school working hours of the high school, whichever is greater.
8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending shall be voluntary.
9. The schedule of student classes for the High School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39
10. The student schedule at the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high school will be mutually agreed upon by said parties no later than February 15 of each year, for the following school year.
b. Any changes in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
1. Teachers shall be assigned, except temporarily and for good cause, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study.
2. All secondary teachers shall have at least one period per day, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
3. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
a. A full time middle school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments.
4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (200) minutes of unassigned time per week during the student day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused by the building principal.
5. Item 3 above an employee’s absence from work shall not be changed during the life counted as flexible time. Any amount of this contract, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Associationflexible time used by an instructional staff shall be made up within a two-week timeframe. The Board contemplates no increases in phrase “after school” shall be defined as when the number first group of assigned periods students is dismissed from class, not including the dismissal of students that may require earlier dismissal due to special needs. Reasons for use of flex shall not be required.
Q. Instructional staff shall have adequate access to telephone facilities to ensure safety and parent contact. Efforts will be made to afford privacy to the employee for school related calls. Instructional staff shall not be required to use personal cell phones or electronic devices for school related purposes.
R. At times, instructional staff may be required to attend meetings during the life of the contract.planning/preparation time. Instructional staff may be required to attend up to six
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
A. The Association and the Board shall mutually agree upon the Calendar(s) for each year of this Agreement. Said Calendar(s) teacher workday shall be set forth 7.5 hours. All full-time teachers shall have a minimum of 250 minutes of planning time per week. To the extent possible, all teachers shall have planning time during the student instructional day. If the nature of a subject or program requires the instructional schedule to be organized in Appendix "C" attached heretoblocks of time which makes this provision unworkable, planning time shall still be provided.
B. Both Parties agree that a quiet, orderly and well-structured classroom environment is essential in providing successful learning experiences for students. The Calendar for Board agrees to support teachers and administrators in efforts to minimize unnecessary interruptions/observations to classroom activities.
C. When school is not in session, a teacher may be given access to the building by arranging such access with the administrator.
D. Faculty meetings in each year school may be scheduled as needed and determined by the administrator. Any meeting called to solicit funds from teachers shall be announced in advance, as to the purpose of this Agreement the meeting. Attendance at such meetings shall provide be voluntary. When possible and where practicable, the administrator or his/her designee will notify teachers at least one (1) working day before faculty meetings.
E. Private telephone access shall be made available for all confidential calls.
F. Administrators at each school shall designate a room for private conferences with parents and the community.
G. Teachers shall report in writing to their administrator alleged unsafe or hazardous conditions. Such report shall include the nature of jointly planned (the alleged condition, location and date observed. A copy of the report or action taken by school/district maintenance will be placed in the teacher’s box.
H. The School Board agrees to continue the practice of providing custodial services at each school.
I. The School Board agrees to provide a lounge for use by faculty and staff at each school.
J. In the event teachers are utilized to supervise students during their normal lunch period, an equivalent amount of release time shall be granted to those teachers during the school day.
K. If requested, every effort will be made to employ a qualified substitute for all full day teacher absences, if deemed necessary and appropriate by the Board and Association) in-service training for all teachersadministrator.
B. Working Hours
1L. The Board shall reimburse a teacher for clothing or other personal items that are damaged or destroyed as a result of assault and/or battery upon him/her suffered in the course of legal performance of his/her assigned duties unless such loss is covered by insurance or reimbursement is obtained from other sources. Teachers will report for duty not less than ten (10) minutes prior Full details of the incident that allegedly caused the damage and/or destruction shall be reported immediately to the start administrator along with evidence, where practicable, of clothing or other personal item damage for which reimbursement is being requested. All disciplinary actions regarding assaults upon teachers shall be administered in compliance with the adopted Code of Student Conduct.
M. Teachers shall maintain the right and responsibility to determine grades and other evaluations of students within the grading policy of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after the close of the school day to attend to those matters which require the teacher's attentionDistrict, but not less than ten (10) minutes, except for the high school staff, following the close of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the time between the starting time based upon his/her professional judgment and ending time for pupils in the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted by the administration for a particular administrative unit or the District at large. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedulesdocumentation.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensation.
3. N. A teacher shall be expected permitted to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal or hisuse necessary and reasonable force to quell a disturbance, to protect him/her designee. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-related items on the agenda for the building meetings. The agenda for building meetings should be presented or others from possible injury, to the teacher at least one day in advance of the meetingrestrain a disruptive student, or to protect personal and/or district property.
4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to the designated prevailing lunch period for the particular school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the duty-free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between the building principal and the teacher involved.
5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers are not expected to report for duty on those scheduled attendance days when the school district is closed to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there shall be no deductions from a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administration.
6. At the end of each semester a time shall be provided for all teachers to complete necessary records and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotes.)
7. The daily length of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers shall be seven (7) hours or the daily length of the normal school working hours of the high school, whichever is greater.
8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending shall be voluntary.
9. The schedule of student classes for the High School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39
10. The student schedule at the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high school will be mutually agreed upon by said parties no later than February 15 of each year, for the following school year.
b. Any changes in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
1. Teachers shall be assigned, except temporarily and for good cause, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study.
2. All secondary teachers shall have at least one period per day, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
3. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
a. A full time middle school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments.
4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (200) minutes of unassigned time per week during the student day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused by the building principal.
5. Item 3 above shall not be changed during the life of this contract, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Association. The Board contemplates no increases in the number of assigned periods during the life of the contract.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Contract
TEACHING CONDITIONS. The Association and the Board shall mutually agree upon the Calendar(s) for each year of this Agreement. Said Calendar(s) shall be set forth in Appendix "C" attached hereto. The Calendar for each year of this Agreement shall provide at least one (1) day of jointly planned (by the Board and Association) in-service training for all teachers.
B. Working Hours
1. Teachers will report for duty not less than ten (10) minutes prior to the start of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after the close of the school day to attend to those matters which require the teacher's attention, but not less than ten (10) minutes, except for the high school staff, following the close of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the time between the starting time and ending time for pupils in the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted by the administration for a particular administrative unit or the District at large. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedules.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensation.
3. A teacher shall be expected to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal or his/her designee. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-related items on the agenda for the building meetings. The agenda for building meetings should be presented to the teacher at least one day in advance of the meeting.
4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to the designated prevailing lunch period for the particular school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the duty-free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between the building principal and the teacher involved.
5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers are not expected to report for duty on those scheduled attendance days when the school district is closed to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there shall be no deductions from a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administration.
6. At the end of each semester a time shall be provided for all teachers to complete necessary records and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotes.)
7. The daily length of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers shall be seven (7) hours or the daily length of the normal school working hours of the high school, whichever is greater.
8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending shall be voluntary.
9. The schedule of student classes for the High School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 1st Hour 1st Hour 1st Hour 2nd Hour 2nd Hour 2nd Hour 3rd Hour 3rd Hour 3rd Hour 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39Hour
10. The student schedule at the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 A2 Core 8:30 A2 Core ends 9:45 A2 Specials 8:30 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 9:26 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Lunch 11:31 – 12:11 B1 Core begins 11:31 A5 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 12:14 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 B2 B3 B1 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high school will be mutually agreed upon by said parties no later than February 15 of each year, for the following school year.
b. Any changes in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
1. Teachers shall be assigned, except temporarily and for good cause, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study.
2. All secondary teachers shall have at least one period per day, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
3. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
a. A full time middle school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments.
4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (200) minutes of unassigned time per week during the student day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused by the building principal.
5. Item 3 above shall not be changed during the life of this contract, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Association. The Board contemplates no increases in the number of assigned periods during the life of the contract.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Professional Negotiation Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. 6.1 The Association and the Board shall mutually agree upon the Calendar(s) for each year of this Agreement. Said Calendar(s) shall be set forth in Appendix "C" attached hereto. The Calendar for each year of this Agreement shall provide at least one (1) day of jointly planned (by the Board and Association) in-service training for all teachers.
B. Working Hours
1. Teachers will report for duty not less than ten (10) minutes prior to the start of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after the close of the school day to attend to those matters which require the teacher's attention, but not less than ten (10) minutes, except for the high school staff, following the close of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the time between the starting time and ending time for pupils in the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted by the administration for a particular administrative unit or the District at large. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedules.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensation.
3. A teacher shall be expected to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal or his/her designee. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-related items on the agenda for the building meetings. The agenda for building meetings should be presented to the teacher at least one day in advance of the meeting.
4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to the designated prevailing lunch period for the particular school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the duty-free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between the building principal and the teacher involved.
5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers are not expected to report for duty on those scheduled attendance days when the school district is closed to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there shall be no deductions from a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administration.
6. At the end of each semester a time shall be provided for all teachers to complete necessary records and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotes.)
7. The daily length of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers workday shall be seven (7) hours or thirty (30) minutes. Each school year the daily length Board shall establish the work schedule, which thereafter will not change unless the needs of the normal District clearly require. When such change is necessary, the Board will first seek volunteers. If lunch duty for teachers is necessary, each school working hours will develop a rotating lunch duty schedule, which will provide the opportunity for duty-free lunch to the extent feasible considering student safety, teaching time and instructional quality. On non-student workdays, teachers shall have a one (1) hour lunch period.
6.2 A room or space will be assigned by the principal for parent- teacher conferences.
6.3 When school is not in session, teachers may be given access to the building by arranging such access with the principal or his designee.
6.4 Observation of a teacher’s class in operation by parents, prospective teachers, and non-administrative personnel shall be allowed only after consent of the high school, whichever is greaterbuilding principal and at least three (3) days prior notice to the teacher.
8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending 6.5 The Board shall be voluntaryprovide such safety clothing and equipment as required by law.
9. 6.6 The principal shall schedule of student classes for the High School faculty meetings as deemed necessary and such meetings shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39
10brief and well planned as possible. The student schedule Attendance at the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high school such faculty meeting will be mutually agreed upon obligatory except where prior permission for an employee to be absent was given by said parties no later than February 15 of each year, for the following school yearprincipal.
b. Any changes in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for 6.7 All elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
1. Teachers shall be assignedteachers, except temporarily and for good causeincluding special subject teachers, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study.
2. All secondary teachers shall have at least fifteen (15) minutes relief time in the morning or the afternoon. This period shall not include time spent in transferring children to other supervisors.
6.8 High school and middle school teachers shall have an instructional supervisory load that will include a minimum 60 minutes of planning. Upon written approval by the principal, superintendent and school board a teacher may be compensated at an hourly rate based on the salary schedule for teaching in excess of above stated instructional loads. Teachers shall not have more than two (2) different subject area preparations per day except with mutual consent of the teacher and principal. Each secondary teacher shall have one preparation/conference period per day. The preparation period should not be preempted for duty or activities unrelated to lesson planning and preparation, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
3except by mutual consent. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
a. A full time middle school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments.
4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (200) minutes of unassigned time per week during the student day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused by the building principal.
5. Item 3 above regularly scheduled study hall shall not be changed considered a preparation/conference period except as the teacher’s choice.
6.9 All elementary teachers will have no less than sixty (60) minutes during the life of this contractteacher day for planning and conferences, except in cases of emergency which shall not be preempted by activities not related to planning. Upon written approval by the principal, superintendent and then only after full consultation with school board the Association. The teacher will be compensated at an hourly rate based on the salary schedule, unless agreed to by the teacher involved.
6.10 Teachers will be subject to compliance to the School Board contemplates no increases in the number of assigned periods during the life of the contract.Policy
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Teacher Contract
TEACHING CONDITIONS. The Association and 9.1 Thirty-minute duty free lunch periods will be provided to teachers as per the Board shall mutually agree upon Illinois School Code. Lunch times will be adjusted by the Calendar(sadministration, as needed, to accomplish this.
9.2 All teachers will be provided with an average of at least forty-five (45) minutes per day preparation time. Teachers working less than full time will have their preparation time pro-rated as to time employed.
9.3 Teachers who fill in for an absent teacher will be reimbursed, if requested on the proper form, at the rate of $15.00 per period for each year period covered.
9.4 The district will notify teachers in writing of this Agreementall open position(s)/class(es) and said openings will be posted in a place agreed upon by both parties one week prior to advertising the position to the general public. Said Calendar(s) shall Interested, certified teachers who apply during that week will receive first consideration for the opening. All teaching positions will be filled with personnel certified to teach the posted position(s)/class(es).
9.5 Teachers will be evaluated according to the procedures set forth in Appendix "C" attached heretoPerformance Evaluation Reform Act and the Scales Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx #000 Teacher Evaluation Plan adopted in 2015. The Calendar for each year Job descriptions will be reevaluated periodically as needed. Each teacher will be supplied with a copy of this Agreement shall provide at least one (1) day of jointly planned (by the Board and Association) in-service training for all teachersevaluation plan as changes are made.
B. Working Hours
1. Teachers 9.6 A yearly schedule of early dismissal days will report for duty not less than ten (10) minutes prior to the start of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after the close of the school day to attend to those matters which require the teacher's attention, but not less than ten (10) minutes, except for the high school staff, following the close of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the time between the starting time and ending time for pupils in the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted developed by the administration for a particular administrative unit the purpose of faculty meetings. Attendance at these meetings will be mandatory unless prior approval for an absence has been granted by the Principal or the District at largeSuperintendent. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedulesThis section does not preclude special faculty meetings on an as needed basis without early dismissals.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensation.
3. A teacher shall be expected to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal or his/her designee. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-related items on the agenda for the building meetings. The agenda for building meetings should be presented to the teacher at least one day in advance of the meeting.
4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to the designated prevailing lunch period for the particular school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the duty-free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between the building principal and the teacher involved.
5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers are not expected to report for duty on those scheduled attendance days when the school district is closed to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there shall be no deductions from a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administration.
6. At the end of each semester a time shall be provided for all teachers to complete necessary records and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotes.)
7. The daily length of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers shall be seven (7) hours or the daily length of the normal school working hours of the high school, whichever is greater.
8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending shall be voluntary.
9. The schedule of student classes for the High 9.7 School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39
10dismissed at 2:00 p.m. on the day preceding Thanksgiving, and Winter & Spring vacations. The student schedule at School will resume no sooner than January 3 following Winter break. Spring break will include the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in Monday following the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high school will be mutually agreed upon by said parties no later than February 15 of each year, for the following school yearbreak unless all emergency days have been used.
b. Any changes in 9.8 The Superintendent shall place on the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day calendar for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school certified staff members each year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
1. Teachers shall be assigned, except temporarily and for good cause, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study.
2. All secondary teachers shall have at least one period per day, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
3. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periodsregularly scheduled Association meeting dates. Secondary high school classroom teachers The Superintendent shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each dayallow 45 minutes for such meetings. This These meetings shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning be placed during teacher contract time and class periods are set forth in Article VIIif allowable, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers)once a quarter.
a. A full time middle school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments.
4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (200) minutes of unassigned time per week during the student day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused by the building principal.
5. Item 3 above shall not be changed during the life of this contract, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Association. The Board contemplates no increases in the number of assigned periods during the life of the contract.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Professional Services
TEACHING CONDITIONS. A. The Association District shall provide appropriate texts, library reference facilities, maps and globes, laboratory equipment, audiovisual equipment, art supplies, athletic equipment, current periodicals, standard tests and questionnaires, and other instructional materials required by the Board shall mutually agree upon the Calendar(s) for each year of this Agreement. Said Calendar(s) shall be set forth in Appendix "C" attached heretoDistrict.
1. The Calendar site principal will make a reasonable effort to fill requisitions for each year of this Agreement shall provide at least one (1) day of jointly planned (by the Board and Association) in-service training for all teacherssupplemental curriculum materials within his/her school budget.
B. Working HoursThe District shall provide lunchroom, rest room, and lavatory facilities exclusively for employee use at each school site.
1. C. Teachers will shall not be required to perform tasks which endanger their health, safety, or well-being.
D. Teachers shall immediately report for duty not less than ten (10) minutes prior to cases of physical assault or threats of physical harm suffered by them during the start of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after the close course of the school day to attend their building office. The District shall immediately report the incident to those matters which require law enforcement personnel.
E. Employees shall be included in the teacherconsideration of changes in the District's attention, but not less than ten (10) minutes, except for student discipline policy.
1. The school site discipline procedures shall be implemented uniformly within the high constraints of state law. Modifications to school staff, following site discipline procedures shall be implemented with the close mutual agreement of site staff and administration.
F. Each employee shall be provided with a written job description.
G. Student transfers during the first four weeks of each semester shall be made at the discretion of school site management. Teachers shall receive notice of each student transfer. The primary consideration in transferring a student shall be the needs of the school day as established student.
1. After the fourth week of each semester, parents and/or students who initiate a request for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the time between the starting time and ending time for pupils in the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect a transfer are to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted encouraged by the administration to discuss the reasons for a particular administrative unit or the District at largerequest with the student's current teacher(s). Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from An administrator shall attend the normal conference if requested by the teacher and/or parent/student.
a. Not more than one parent and/or student-initiated transfer will be granted per school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedulesyear unless another teacher volunteers to receive the affected student.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologistsAfter the fourth week of each semester, social workers a teacher involved with any student transfer shall be notified in advance and psychologist-social workers are be provided with an opportunity for input prior to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensationdecision to transfer a student.
3. A When a teacher initiates a student transfer request, the transfer will be discussed in a meeting between the requesting teacher, the site administrator or designee, and the receiving teacher(s) prior to the transfer.
X. Xxxxxxxxx who move classrooms will be allowed compensatory time off, in the form of early release time following the completion of the student day, for a total of fifteen hours. Hours earned shall be expected to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal or his/her designee. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-related items submitted on the agenda for the building meetingsa timecard within thirty days of (pack day) moving classrooms. The agenda for building meetings should be presented to the teacher at least one day in advance of the meeting.
4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to the designated prevailing lunch period for the particular school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception of kindergarten which release time may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the duty-free lunch period may be made by scheduled and utilized upon mutual agreement between the building principal affected employee and the teacher involvedhis or her Principal.
5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers are not expected to report for duty on those scheduled attendance days when the school district is closed to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there shall I. There will be no deductions from a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administration.
6. At the end of each semester a time shall be provided for all teachers to complete necessary records and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotes.)
7. The daily length of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers shall be seven (7) hours or the daily length of the normal school working hours of the high school, whichever is greater.
8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending shall be voluntary.
9. The schedule of student classes for the High School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39
10. The student schedule at the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high school will be mutually agreed upon by said parties no later than February 15 of each year, for the following school year.
b. Any changes in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
1. Teachers shall be assigned, except temporarily and for good cause, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study.
2. All secondary teachers shall have at least one period per day, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
3. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
a. A full time middle two required general faculty meetings per school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments.
4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (200) minutes of unassigned time per week during the student day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused by the building principal.
5. Item 3 above shall not be changed during the life of this contractmonth, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Association. The Board contemplates no increases in the number of assigned periods during the life of the contractcircumstances.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
TEACHING CONDITIONS. A. The Association and the Board shall mutually agree upon the Calendar(s) for each year of this Agreement. Said Calendar(s) teacher workday shall be set forth 7.5 hours. All full-time teachers shall have a minimum of 250 minutes of planning time per week. To the extent possible, all teachers shall have planning time during the student instructional day. If the nature of a subject or program requires the instructional schedule to be organized in Appendix "C" attached heretoblocks of time which makes this provision unworkable, planning time shall still be provided.
B. Both Parties agree that a quiet, orderly and well structured classroom environment is essential in providing successful learning experiences for students. The Calendar for Board agrees to support teachers and administrators in efforts to minimize unnecessary interruptions/observations to classroom activities.
C. When school is not in session, a teacher may be given access to the building by arranging such access with the administrator.
D. Faculty meetings in each year school may be scheduled as needed and determined by the administrator. Any meeting called to solicit funds from teachers shall be announced in advance, as to the purpose of this Agreement the meeting. Attendance at such meetings shall provide be voluntary. When possible and where practicable, the administrator or his/her designee will notify teachers at least one (1) working day before faculty meetings.
E. Private telephone access shall be made available for all confidential calls.
F. Administrators at each school shall designate a room for private conferences with parents and the community.
G. Teachers shall report in writing to their administrator alleged unsafe or hazardous conditions. Such report shall include the nature of jointly planned (the alleged condition, location and date observed. A copy of the report or action taken by school/district maintenance will be placed in the teacher’s box.
H. The School Board agrees to continue the practice of providing custodial services at each school.
I. The School Board agrees to provide a lounge for use by faculty and staff at each school.
J. In the event teachers are utilized to supervise students during their normal lunch period, an equivalent amount of release time shall be granted to those teachers during the school day.
K. If requested, every effort will be made to employ a qualified substitute for all full day teacher absences, if deemed necessary and appropriate by the Board and Association) in-service training for all teachersadministrator.
B. Working Hours
1L. The Board shall reimburse a teacher for clothing or other personal items that are damaged or destroyed as a result of assault and/or battery upon him/her suffered in the course of legal performance of his/her assigned duties unless such loss is covered by insurance or reimbursement is obtained from other sources. Teachers will report for duty not less than ten (10) minutes prior Full details of the incident that allegedly caused the damage and/or destruction shall be reported immediately to the start administrator along with evidence, where practicable, of clothing or other personal item damage for which reimbursement is being requested. All disciplinary actions regarding assaults upon teachers shall be administered in compliance with the adopted Code of Student Conduct.
M. Teachers shall maintain the right and responsibility to determine grades and other evaluations of students within the grading policy of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. Teachers will remain on duty for a sufficient period after the close of the school day to attend to those matters which require the teacher's attentionDistrict, but not less than ten (10) minutes, except for the high school staff, following the close of the school day as established for the administrative unit in which the teacher is employed. As used in this paragraph, the term "school day" shall encompass the time between the starting time based upon his/her professional judgment and ending time for pupils in the administrative unit involved. Provided, however, that with respect to any day on which teachers are scheduled to report for duty in the absence (or shortened presence) of pupils, the teacher's day shall be based on the normal school day unless adjusted by the administration for a particular administrative unit or the District at large. Teachers whose regular assigned duties vary from the normal school working hours will have proportionate adjustments made in their working schedulesdocumentation.
2. It is expressly understood that psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers are to meet their obligation as in the past as required in the future for attendance at meetings before and after the administratively scheduled working hours, including parent and staff training meetings in the evenings. This obligation does not require proportionate adjustments made in their working schedule and is without additional compensation.
3. N. A teacher shall be expected permitted to attend professional staff meetings when called by the building principal or hisuse necessary and reasonable force to quell a disturbance, to protect him/her designee. A teacher may place appropriate educationally-related items on the agenda for the building meetings. The agenda for building meetings should be presented or others from possible injury, to the teacher at least one day in advance of the meetingrestrain a disruptive student, or to protect personal and/or district property.
4. All teachers, with the exception of Central High School teachers, shall be entitled to an uninterrupted, duty-free lunch period. This period shall conform to the designated prevailing lunch period for the particular school in which the teacher is employed, but shall be of not less than forty (40) minutes duration, which may include five (5) minutes passing with the exception of kindergarten which may be adjusted by mutual agreement to thirty five (35) minutes to meet state mandated hours. Exceptions to the duty-free lunch period may be made by mutual agreement between the building principal and the teacher involved.
5. Emergency Conditions - Teachers are not expected to report for duty on those scheduled attendance days when the school district is closed to students. It is understood that during days when school is not in session there shall be no deductions from a teacher's leave days of absence. Should severe weather or emergency conditions cause the closing of the schools during a school day, the teacher will remain on duty until dismissed by the administration.
6. At the end of each semester a time shall be provided for all teachers to complete necessary records and reports as provided in Appendix C (calendar footnotes.)
7. The daily length of the scheduled school working hours for psychologists, social workers and psychologist-social workers shall be seven (7) hours or the daily length of the normal school working hours of the high school, whichever is greater.
8. In the event that the school district offers in-service programs and/or workshops beyond the school calendar and/or beyond the normal working hours for which teachers do not receive additional compensation for attending, said attending shall be voluntary.
9. The schedule of student classes for the High School shall be as printed below: 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 1st Hour 7:50-9:00 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 2nd Hour 9:06-10:16 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 3rd Hour 10:22-11:32 A LUNCH 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:13 4th Hour 11:38-12:48 B LUNCH 12:13-12:48 4th Hour 12:13-1:23 4th Hour 12:48-1:23 C LUNCH 12:54-1:29 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39 5th Hour 1:29-2:39
10. The student schedule at the Middle Schools shall be as printed below: LAKESHORE MIDDLE SCHOOL - 2009-2010 A2 A2 A2 Lunch 11:25 – 12:05 B1 Specials 11:26 – 12:16 A5 Core ends 12:05
B 1 Core begins 12:01 B2 Core begins 12:21 Lunch 12:09 – 12:49 B2 Core ends 1:45 B3 B1 Special 12:49 – 1:45 B3 Specials 1:50 – 2:42 B4 Core ends 2:42 B2 1:50 – 2:42 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 A1 7:33 – 8:25 Specials A1 Core begins 7:33 A1 Core 7:33 – 8:25 A3 A3 Specials 9:50 – 10:40 A3 Core begins 9:31 A4 Core ends 11:31 Lunch 10:43 – 11:26 A4 B1 Core begins 12:16 B2 Lunch 12:19 – 1:00 X0 X0 X0 Core begins 1:00 B3 Core ends 2:32 B4 Core ends 2:32 B2 Core ends 2:32
a. Any changes in the “annual daily schedule” for the middle schools and the high school will be mutually agreed upon by said parties no later than February 15 of each year, for the following school year.
b. Any changes in the current "annual daily schedule" shall be mutually agreed upon.
11. Elementary (K-5) school schedule Required normal duty day for elementary teachers shall not exceed 6 hours and 17 minutes for the 2009/2010 school year and 2010/2011 school years.
C. Teacher Assignments
1. Teachers shall be assigned, except temporarily and for good cause, within the scope of either of their teaching certification or of their major or minor field of study.
2. All secondary teachers shall have at least one period per day, equivalent to a normal teaching period, for the purpose of preparing lessons, student conferences, parent conferences, etc. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
3. A full time high school assignment would be four (4) class periods. Secondary high school classroom teachers shall not, without their consent, have more than four (4) assigned teaching periods each day. This shall not apply to Alternative Education Program teaching staff. Teacher planning time and class periods are set forth in Article VII, Paragraph G (Alternative Education Teachers).
a. A full time middle school assignment would be 1570 student contact minutes per week or for the dual site-based teacher, 1425 student contact minutes plus 150 minutes of transition time per week between buildings and teaching assignments.
4. Elementary classroom teachers shall be provided with two hundred (200) minutes of unassigned time per week during the student day for class preparation, planning and student conferences. Teachers must remain in the building unless excused by the building principal.
5. Item 3 above shall not be changed during the life of this contract, except in cases of emergency and then only after full consultation with the Association. The Board contemplates no increases in the number of assigned periods during the life of the contract.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Contract