TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM. The parties recognize the impact of the use of technology on the administrative functions which are part of teachers’ roles. The Board agrees to provide teachers who are required to use computerized evaluation reporting systems reasonable access to computers in the school. Wherever possible, and except in the case of emergencies, teachers will be required to enter data only once for each required evaluation period, providing a hard copy of the data to the school office. The terms of this Letter of Understanding are grievable and arbitrable under Article 16 of the Collective Agreement. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario,Signed and agreed on behalf of the Board: day of 2016.Signed and agreed on behalf of the Bargaining Unit: Chair of the Board President Director of Education Federation Officer APPENDIX D LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING between THE AVON MAITLAND DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD and THE ONTARIO SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ FEDERATION DISTRICT 8 TEACHER BARGAINING UNIT
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TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM. The parties recognize the impact of the use of technology on the administrative functions which are part of teachers’ roles. The Board agrees to provide teachers who are required to use computerized evaluation reporting systems reasonable access to computers in the school. Wherever possible, and except in the case of emergencies, teachers will be required to enter data only once for each required evaluation period, providing a hard copy of the data to the school office. Teachers will not be responsible for entering attendance data into a computer system at a separate time from obtaining the attendance data. The terms of this Letter of Understanding are grievable and arbitrable under Article 16 of the Collective Agreement. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this day of January, 2004. Signed and agreed on behalf of the Board Signed and agreed on behalf of the Bargaining Unit: Chair of the Board President Director of Education Federation Officer APPENDIX D LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING between THE AVON MAITLAND DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD and THE ONTARIO SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ FEDERATION, DISTRICT 8
TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM. 1: Equipment Each classroom-based professional employee shall be provided an adequate and appropriate device such as a computer or tablet designed to accommodate the needs of his/her classroom. Additionally, each classroom shall be equipped with such devices as may be needed to project, print, or otherwise allow the employee to deliver instruction in an interactive manner. Examples of instructional technology may include devices such as printers, projectors, cameras, smart boards and the accessories necessary for connecting such devices. Each classroom and each device shall be connected as required into an integrated network. The system shall be used by professional employees for data management, communication, and delivery of instruction. Classroom facilities shall be modified as needed to accommodate ever-evolving instructional technology.
TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM. The parties shall meet upon request of the Union to discuss proper handling of technology and educational materials.
TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM. The parties recognize the impact of the use of technology on the administrative functions which are part of teachers’ roles. The Board agrees to provide teachers who are required to use computerized evaluation reporting systems reasonable access to computers in the school. Wherever possible, and except in the case of emergencies, teachers will be required to enter data only once for each required evaluation period, providing a hard copy of the data to the school office. The of this Letter of Understanding are and arbitrable under Article of the Collective Agreement. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 27th day of April, Signed and agreed on behalf of the Board Signed and agreed on behalf of the Unit: APPENDIX D LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING between THE AVON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD and THE ONTARIO SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ FEDERATION DISTRICT TEACHER BARGAINING UNIT


  • Technology Research Analyst Job# 1810 General Characteristics Maintains a strong understanding of the enterprise’s IT systems and architectures. Assists in the analysis of the requirements for the enterprise and applying emerging technologies to support long-term business objectives. Responsible for researching, collecting, and disseminating information on emerging technologies and key learnings throughout the enterprise. Researches and recommends changes to foundation architecture. Supports research projects to identify and evaluate emerging technologies. Interfaces with users and staff to evaluate possible implementation of the new technology in the enterprise, consistent with the goal of improving existing systems and technologies and in meeting the needs of the business. Analyzes and researches process of deployment and assists in this process.

  • Research Use The Requester agrees that if access is approved, (1) the PI named in the DAR and (2) those named in the “Senior/Key Person Profile” section of the DAR, including the Information Technology Director and any trainee, employee, or contractor1 working on the proposed research project under the direct oversight of these individuals, shall become Approved Users of the requested dataset(s). Research use will occur solely in connection with the approved research project described in the DAR, which includes a 1-2 paragraph description of the proposed research (i.e., a Research Use Statement). Investigators interested in using Cloud Computing for data storage and analysis must request permission to use Cloud Computing in the DAR and identify the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) or providers and/or Private Cloud System (PCS) that they propose to use. They must also submit a Cloud Computing Use Statement as part of the DAR that describes the type of service and how it will be used to carry out the proposed research as described in the Research Use Statement. If the Approved Users plan to collaborate with investigators outside the Requester, the investigators at each external site must submit an independent DAR using the same project title and Research Use Statement, and if using the cloud, Cloud Computing Use Statement. New uses of these data outside those described in the DAR will require submission of a new DAR; modifications to the research project will require submission of an amendment to this application (e.g., adding or deleting Requester Collaborators from the Requester, adding datasets to an approved project). Access to the requested dataset(s) is granted for a period of one (1) year, with the option to renew access or close-out a project at the end of that year. Submitting Investigator(s), or their collaborators, who provided the data or samples used to generate controlled-access datasets subject to the NIH GDS Policy and who have Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval and who meet any other study specific terms of access, are exempt from the limitation on the scope of the research use as defined in the DAR.

  • Technology Transfer Subject to the terms of the Development Supply Agreement, as soon as reasonably practicable, but in no event later than the fifth (5th) anniversary of the Effective Date, Alnylam shall initiate a technology transfer to MedCo, or to its Third Party manufacturer(s) of Licensed Product, selected by MedCo and reasonably acceptable to Alnylam, of Alnylam Know-How that is reasonably necessary or useful for the Manufacture of the Licensed Product, and shall make available its personnel on a reasonable basis to consult with MedCo or such Third Party manufacturer(s) with respect thereto, all at MedCo’s expense, including the Costs reasonably incurred by Alnylam in connection with such technology transfer activities. MedCo shall reimburse Alnylam such Costs incurred with respect to such Manufacturing technology transfer within [***] days after receipt of an invoice therefor. Alnylam and its Affiliates shall keep complete and accurate records in sufficient detail to enable the payments payable hereunder to be determined. Alnylam shall not be required to perform technology transfer to more than one Third Party manufacturer for each stage of the Licensed Product supply chain (i.e., Bulk Drug Substance, Bulk Drug Product and Finished Product). Promptly after MedCo’s written request, Alnylam shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to assign to MedCo any manufacturing agreement between Alnylam and a Third Party that is solely related to the manufacture of Licensed Products. Such assignment shall be subject to the terms and conditions of such agreement, including any required consents of such Third Party and MedCo’s written agreement to assume all the obligations of Alnylam under such agreement to be undertaken after such assignment, but Alnylam shall remain solely responsible for its obligations under such agreement arising prior to such assignment. Except as provided in the immediately preceding sentence, MedCo shall be solely responsible for contracting with such Third Party manufacturer (and any other Third Party manufacture to whom Alnylam has initiated technology transfer as set forth in this Section 5.3) for the supply of such Licensed Product and Alnylam shall have no obligations under such agreement between MedCo and such Third Party manufacturer. Alnylam shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to obtain any such consent in a form reasonably acceptable to MedCo.

  • ACADEMIC FREEDOM A. The parties seek to educate young people in the democratic tradition, to xxxxxx a recognition of individual freedom and social responsibility to inspire meaningful awareness of a respect for the Constitution and the Xxxx of Rights, and to instill appreciation of the values of individual responsibility. It is recognized that these democratic values can best be transmitted in an atmosphere that is free from censorship and artificial restraints upon free inquiry and learning, and in which academic freedom for teacher and student is encouraged.

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