Operational Control Directing the operation of the Transmission Facilities Under ISO Operational Control to maintain these facilities in a reliable state, as defined by the Reliability Rules. The ISO shall approve operational decisions concerning these facilities, made by each Transmission Owner before the Transmission Owner implements those decisions. In accordance with ISO Procedures, the ISO shall direct each Transmission Owner to take certain actions to restore the system to the Normal State. Operational Control includes security monitoring, adjustment of generation and transmission resources, coordination and approval of changes in transmission status for maintenance, determination of changes in transmission status for reliability, coordination with other Control Areas, voltage reductions and Load Shedding, except that each Transmission Owner continues to physically operate and maintain its facilities.
Business Operations Company will provide all necessary equipment, personnel and other appurtenances necessary to conduct its operations. Company will conduct its business operations hereunder in a lawful, orderly and proper manner, considering the nature of such operations, so as not to unreasonably annoy, disturb, endanger or be offensive to others on the Airport. Company will provide all services under this Agreement on a fair and reasonable basis to all users of the Airport. Service will be prompt, courteous and efficient.