The City agrees to. 1. Lincoln Police Department will refer Youth and their families who are experiencing a behavioral health crisis to the YFCRC.
2. Lincoln Lancaster County Health Department will assist in analyzing data collected at the YFCRC.
The City agrees to. A. Provide payment for police services in relation to the parade event.
B. Provide payment for Emergency Medical Services in relation to the parade event.
C. Provide the assistance of the Public Works Department for street closures.
D. Provide trash clean-up crews and trash barrels through its Public Works Department and its Public Assembly and Recreation Department.
E. Provide city-owned equipment, such as stage, public address system, electrical material and other such equipment in connection with the parade and Krewe of Gemini related activities. The use of said equipment is subject to availability.
F. Provide the use of Festival Plaza for the staging or other related events or activities, subject to availability.
G. Provide the use of Riverview Hall for pre-parade and post-parade events.
H. Validate Driver’s License and conduct pre-parade and end of parade sobriety testing (Breathalyzer), as well as optional on route testing for all individuals operating a motorized vehicle in the parade.
The City agrees to. 1. Make periodic inspections of the Premises and equipment to determine if they are being maintained in a proper and orderly condition.
2. Provide utilities, including electricity, solid waste disposal, water, sewer, one (1) telephone line, internet connection for security system and Wi-Fi purposes, utility services, paper products, soap, and related restroom supplies.
3. Be responsible for the routine structural maintenance of the facility unless such maintenance is required as a result of damage caused by , its employees, agents or representative.
4. Purchase and erect a sign posting the days, dates and hours of operation.
The City agrees to. 1. Operate the Aurora Emergency Respite Center to quarantine and isolate homeless individuals and homeless families that are required to be isolated from the public due to a positive COVID-19 test, having symptoms consistent with COVID-19 illness, or who have been ordered by a medical service, doctor or hospital to isolate themselves.
2. Maintain the lease terms on behalf of the Parties of this Agreement pursuant to Attachment A – Lease, attached hereto and incorporated herein.
3. Allow vulnerable individuals and individuals unable to isolate themselves from their family in the non-congregate shelter at the Aurora Emergency Respite Center.
4. Provide the Parties and the guests with a Guest Agreement, Attachment B – Guest Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated herein, for everyone sheltered at the Aurora Emergency Respite Center. Each Guest is required to read and sign the Guest Agreement and follow all the provision of the Guest Agreement while sheltered at the Center.
5. Contract with Mile High Behavioral Healthcare (MHBHC) for the daily operation and control of the Aurora Emergency Respite Center, Attachment C – MHBHC Agreement, attached hereto and incorporated herein.
6. MHBHC shall contract with The Salvation Army to provide breakfast, lunch and dinner meals for those sheltered at the Aurora Emergency Respite Center.
The City agrees to. 1. Pay the contribution to the Service Provider in three instalments, payable and issued as follows:
The City agrees to. 1. Provide the Organization with the exclusive use of the softball fields or baseball field at Lake Alliance Park and/or Baseball field at City Park on the date(s) listed above for the purpose of a day(s) practice/game. If lessor amount is needed, the City has the right to lease out the remainder fields not in use.
2. A fee of $15.00 per field will be applied for dragging and lining fields in preparations for games on date(s) listed above.
3. Operate concession stand and retain all profits, and will not feed nor provide beverages for the coaching staff, players or umpires at no charge. (City’s discretion).
4. Scoreboards are available for use. The City cannot guarantee their performance. Operators of the scoreboards must be a coaching staff member, or a volunteer parent from the home team.
5. Final decision on the playability of the fields will be left to the discretion of the Parks & Recreation Director and they will confer with the coach/manager. Player safety and potential damage to the fields is a priority.
6. The City of Potterville is not responsible for accidents, injury, or loss of property during the times the facility is in use.
The City agrees to. 1. Provide the Organization with the exclusive use of the softball fields or baseball fields at Lake Alliance Park and/or City Park on the date(s) listed above for the purpose of a day(s) practice/game. If the lessor amount is needed the City has the right to lease out the remainder fields not in use.
2. A fee of $16.00 per field will be applied for dragging and lining fields in preparations for games on date(s) listed above.
3. Operate concession stand and retain all profits, and will not feed nor provide beverages for the coaching staff, players or umpires at no charge. (City’s Discretion).
4. Scoreboards are available for use. The City cannot guarantee their performance, nor do we provide operators to run the scoreboards. It is solely the team(s) responsibility to operate, if so.
5. Final decision on the playability of the fields will be left to the discretion of the Parks & Recreation Director and/or Supervisor in Charge and they will confer with the Coach/Manager of team. Player safety and potential damage to the fields is a priority.
6. The responsibility of canceling practices/games due to weather or field conditions is the responsibility and discretion of the Parks & Recreation Director and/or Supervisor in Charge and they may confer with the Coach/Manager. If the game is canceled due to weather conditions and the fields have been prepped, the field preparation fee per field will be owed.
7. If games are canceled due to weather or any other situations during a game, the fee for that game will be owed. Fax: (000) 000-0000 ⬩
8. The City of Potterville is not responsible for accidents, injury, or loss of property during the times the facility is in use.
The City agrees to. Make equal, quarterly payments to the County based on the square footage of space utilized by the City within the LEC and then multiplied by the percentage of the Operating Expenses made attributable to the City. The Operating Expenses shall be determined based on the percentages reflected within the attached Exhibit Number 1.
The City agrees to