HIV/AIDS Model Workplace Guidelines Grantee will: a. implement the System Agency’s policies based on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), AIDS Model Workplace Guidelines for Businesses at xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/hivstd/policy/policies.shtm, State Agencies and State Grantees Policy No. 090.021. b. educate employees and clients concerning HIV and its related conditions, including AIDS, in accordance with the Texas. Health & Safety Code §§ 85.112-114.
E-Verify Program Grantee certifies that it utilizes and will continue to utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system to determine the eligibility of: A. all persons employed to perform duties within Texas during the term of the Grant Agreement; and B. all persons, (including subcontractors) assigned by the Grantee to perform work pursuant to the Grant Agreement within the United States of America.
Customer The agency or eligible user that purchases commodities or contractual services pursuant to the Contract.
Data Encryption Contractor must encrypt all State data at rest and in transit, in compliance with FIPS Publication 140-2 or applicable law, regulation or rule, whichever is a higher standard. All encryption keys must be unique to State data. Contractor will secure and protect all encryption keys to State data. Encryption keys to State data will only be accessed by Contractor as necessary for performance of this Contract.