UNIFICATION Sample Clauses
UNIFICATION. The conditions of Agreement shall be applicable to all the Hospital. If there are changes to any condition of Agreement during the Validity Period, e.g. mark down of prices, such changes must be accepted by the HA Head Office in writing and be applicable to all the Hospital. Seller is forbidden to change any conditions of Agreement on individual Hospital basis.
UNIFICATION. When an economically viable oil field extends continuously to one or more areas outside the Contract area, THE CONTRACTOR, in agreement with XXX and the remaining interested parties, will implement, subject to prior approval by the competent authority, a cooperative unified exploitation plan, subject to the provisions of Colombian law.
UNIFICATION. When an economically exploitable reservoir extends continuously into another area or areas located outside the Contract Area, the Operator, ECOPETROL and other interested parties should agree on a unified development program. Such program should respect engineering techniques for Hydrocarbon production and be approved by the Ministry of Mines and Energy. CLAUSE 17 - INFORMATION SUPPLY AND INSPECTION DURING EXPLOITATION
UNIFICATION. As demonstrated in the previous section, one of the main ingredients in the inference mechanism is the process of making two atomic formulas syntactically equivalent. Be- fore defining the notion of SLD-resolution we focus on this process, called unification, and give an algorithmic solution — a procedure that takes two atomic formulas as input, and either shows how they can be instantiated to identical atoms or, reports a failure. Before considering the problem of unifying atoms (and terms), consider an ordinary equation over the natural numbers (N) such as: 2x +3 =.
UNIFICATION. 18.1. The Contractor shall notify MEM in a term not exceeding ninety (90) Working Days, after having gathered the sufficient elements which allow inferring that there is a shared Field. Such notification shall contain at least:
(i) An underpinned technical analysis which determines the existence of the shared field;
(ii) The general characteristics of that shared Field;
(iii) The geological, geophysical and other studies used to determine the possible existence of such shared Field, including, if it is the case, the information obtained from the Well drilling by which it is determined that the Field in question exceeds the Contract Area limits;
(iv) A Work Program Proposal for the Oil Operations prior to the unification agreement within the Contractor and the third party(ies) involved, and
(v) The additional information the Contractor may deem convenient.
18.2. Once MEM has received the notification the following will be performed:
(i) MEM will issue in a term no longer than forty-five (45) Working Days counted upon the reception of the corresponding information, the technical opinion about the possible existence of the shared Field and to instruct the Contractor about the unification of a shared Field, and shall request the Contractor and the third party(ies) involved, the information related to the unification agreement. The Contractor will have twenty-four (24) months to send this information.
(ii) In case the Contractor does not submit MEM the information mentioned in previous section (i), MEM will determine the terms and conditions under which the unification will be performed. This, during the next Year, counted upon the end the term referred in previous section (i)
18.3. Based in the unification agreement and in the proposal of participation in the Oil Operations, before the unification agreement, as it may correspond, MEM may approve the Operator designated to perform Exploration and production activities in the shared Field area, in a way which the Work Units corresponding to the unified Field may be distributed within the parties as per the participation established in the unification agreement. At the same time, the activities developed to determine the existence of a shared Field shall be considered to accredit the fulfillment of the Minimum Work Program of each exploratory program or the additional exploration work commitments acquired.
18.4. According with what is foreseen in articles 18.1, 18.2 and 18.3 and supposing that the Field is partia...
UNIFICATION. When an economically exploitable reservoir extends continuously into another area or areas outside the Contracted Area, THE CONTRACTOR, in agreement with the XXX and other interested parties, shall implement, prior approval of the competent authority, a cooperative plan of unified exploitation, subject to the provisions of Colombian laws.
UNIFICATION. When an economically exploitable field extends continuously into another area or areas out of the Contracted Area, the Operator, in agreement with the Parties, and other interested Parties, subject to prior approval of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, shall formulate a unified exploitation plan, which must conform to the engineering techniques for hydrocarbon exploitation, applying without limitation thereto, any of the following methods: · Definition among the Parties of a basic production curve for the affected CPR Sxxxxxx commercial field and, in the event of the production decreasing below this curve, it shall be replaced with production from the new prospect. · Distribution of production in proportion to the reservoir yield corresponding to the area on surface of each field.
UNIFICATION. Formal Definition Those are the basic intuitions about unification, so let’s now give a precise definition. This is easy to do if we make use of the idea of subsumption, which we discussed above. The unification of two feature structures F and G (if it exists) is the smallest feature structure that is subsumed by both F and G. That is, (if it exists) F G is the feature structure with the following three properties:
1. F ± F H G ( F H G is subsumed by F) 2. G ± F H G ( F H G is subsumed by G)
UNIFICATION. When an economically exploitable field extends in a continuous manner to a structure located in the Contracted Area or another or other areas, the Operator in agreement with ECOPETROL and with the other interested parties, shall implement, with the prior approval of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, a unit exploitation plan, which must agree with the Petroleum exploitation engineering techniques. CLAUSE 17 - SUPPLY OF INFORMATION AND INSPECTION DURING EXPLOITATION
17.1 The Operator shall deliver to the Parties, as they are obtained, reproducible originals (sepias), and copies of the electrical, radioactive and sonic records of the wellx xxxlled, histories, core analyses, production tests and all routine reports made or received in relation to the operations and activities carried on in the Contracted Area.
17.2 Each one of the Parties, at its expense and for its account and risk, shall be entitled, through authorized representatives, to inspect the wellx xxx facilities of the Contracted Area and the activities related therewith. Said representatives shall be entitled to examine cores, samples, maps, records of the wellx xxxlled, surveys, books and any other source of information related to the development of this contract.
17.3 In order for ECOPETROL to comply with the provisions of Clause 29, the Operator shall prepare and deliver to ECOPETROL all the reports required by the National Government.
17.4 The information and data related to exploitation work must be kept confidential in the same terms of Clause 6 (subsection 6.3) hereof. CHAPTER IV - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CLAUSE 18 - CONSTITUTION
18.1 Within thirty (30) calendar days following the acceptance of a Commercial Field, each Party shall appoint a representative and its corresponding first and second alternates, to make up the Executive Committee and inform the other Party in writing of the names and addresses of its representative and alternates. The Parties may change representative or alternates at any time, but must inform the other party in writing. The vote or decision of the representative of each one of the Parties shall bind said Party. If the principal representative of one of the Parties cannot attend a meeting of the Committee, he shall designate in writing the alternate who is to attend, who shall have the same authority as the principal.
18.2 The Executive Committee shall hold ordinary meetings during the months of March, July and November, in which the exploitation program carried out by...
UNIFICATION. When an economically exploitable field extends continuously to another area or areas out of the Contracted Area, the Operator, in agreement with ECOPETROL and the other interested Parties, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, shall formulate a unified exploitation plan, which must conform to the engineering techniques for hydrocarbon exploitation.