Union Dues and Representation Fee Sample Clauses

Union Dues and Representation Fee. A. The Employer agrees to deduct monthly from the pay of each employee who furnishes a written authorization for such a deduction in a form acceptable to the Employer, the amount of monthly Union dues. Dues shall be two (2) hours pay per month, based on a forty (40) hour week or such other amount as may be certified by the CWA to the Employer at least thirty (30) days prior to the month in which the deduction of Union Dues is to be remitted by the Employer. Such deductions are to be sent to Communications Workers of America, c/o Secretary/Treasurer, 000 0xx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx 000, Xxxxxxxxxx, X.X. 00000-0000, by the tenth (10th) day of the month following the calendar month in which such deductions are made. A list of employees from whose pay such deductions were made, plus their weekly base pay rate, shall be supplied to the Union at the above address. A copy of such list shall also be delivered to the Local CWA President.
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Union Dues and Representation Fee. 3.1 The District agrees to deduct in twelve equal installments from the wages of each bargaining Union member who has provided the District written authorization the amount of annual membership dues and will remit same to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Union within 10 days following the deduction. The Union’s continuing membership application form will serve as the recognized authorization form. The Union shall certify to the District the amount of the annual dues to be deducted by June 30 of each year. Dues deduction authorizations received by the District during the fiscal year will be prorated over the remaining payments of the employee's current wages.
Union Dues and Representation Fee 

Related to Union Dues and Representation Fee

  • DUES DEDUCTIONS AND REPRESENTATION FEES 1.1 All bargaining unit members may voluntarily join the Association, however no bargaining unit member shall be required to do so. Employees opting to join the Association will sign a membership form authorizing deduction of membership dues and other assessments required for membership. The District, upon receipt of authorization from an employee, will deduct from the employee’s salary each pay period the dues amount set by the Association and provided to the District Payroll Office. Deductions for employees submitting authorization after the commencement of the school year shall commence in the first possible pay period following such authorization. The district will transmit all dues deduction funds to the account or entity specified by the Association on a monthly basis. Authorizations in effect prior to July 1, 2018 and authorizations provided by employees hired after that date will be on a continuing basis from year to year, unless withdrawn in writing to the Washington Education Association through the established process. The District shall not discontinue dues collection for any employee until receiving confirmation of completion of the aforementioned process through WEA.

  • Representation Fee A. If an employee does not become a member of the Association during any membership year which is covered in whole or in part by this Agreement, said employee will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year. The purpose of this fee will be to offset the employee's per capita cost of services rendered by the Association as majority representative.

  • Appearance and Representation Hearings held under this procedure shall be conducted at a time and place that will afford a fair and reasonable opportunity for all persons entitled to be present to attend. When such hearings are during school hours, all persons who are required to participate shall be excused with pay for that purpose and that time shall not be deducted from the teacher's personal leave. School hours are defined herein as the hours during which the teacher is assigned direct control of the students.

  • WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATION 34.1 Neither of the Parties will be bound by any express or implied term, representation, warranty, promise or the like, not recorded herein.

  • Contractor Commitments, Warranties and Representations Any written commitment received from the Contractor concerning this Agreement shall be binding upon the Contractor, unless otherwise specifically provided herein with reference to this paragraph. Failure of the Contractor to fulfill such a commitment shall render the Contractor liable for damages to the County. A commitment includes, but is not limited to any representation made prior to execution of this Agreement, whether or not incorporated elsewhere herein by reference, as to performance of services or equipment, prices or options for future acquisition to remain in effect for a fixed period, or warranties.

  • Recognition and Representation Section 1: Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Employee-Management Relations Act (NRS 288 inclusive) the CITY OF XXXXXXXXX, NEVADA, a local government employer (hereinafter referred to as the "CITY"), recognizes the GENERAL SALES DRIVERS, DELIVERY DRIVERS, AND REPRESENTING THE PUBLIC SECTOR, LOCAL NO. 14, affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, AFL-CIO (hereinafter referred to as the "UNION") as the Bargaining Agent for eligible employees as hereinafter defined for the purpose of collective bargaining. The UNION makes this Agreement in the capacity of the Bargaining Agent for the CITY's employees in the hereinafter described Bargaining Unit classified as Supervisors.

  • G2 Warranties and Representations G2.1 The Contractor warrants and represents for the duration of the Contract that:

  • Warranties and Representations The Contractor warrants and represents that:

  • ARTICLE UNION REPRESENTATION a) The Employer agrees to recognize a committee of five employees consisting of the President of the local, two (2) part time employees, and two (2) full time employees to negotiate amendments or renewals to this agreement, The Employer agrees to recognize elected Union stewards to assist employees in the presentation of any grievance that properly arises under the provisions of this agreement. The Union agrees to provide the Employer with lists of these stewards and any changes to this list as necessary. The Employer shall recognize up to four (4) employees plus the president of Local to act as Union representatives to the full-time and part-time Employee Relations Committee. It is understood that the committee shall meet periodically at the request of either party. Employees serving on the Employee Relations Committee or any Committee established to address issues of joint concern shall be paid at their regular rate of pay up to or hours per pay period or lieu time in excess of this (as per article a) and for time spent attending the Employee Relations Committee meetings. Part time employees will be paid at least the minimum shift at straight time Employees serving on the Union's Negotiating Committee shall be paid for lost time from his normal straight time working hours at his regular rate of pay, in direct contract negotiations, up to the point of arbitration, for renewal of this Collective Agreement. Upon reference to arbitration, the Negotiating Committee members shall receive unpaid time off with no loss of credits or benefits for the purpose of attending Arbitration Hearings. The Union shall advise the Employer, in writing, the names of its committee. The Employer shall not be obliged to recognize committee members until such time as written notice has been received. The Area Representative may attend meetings at the invitation of the local Union. A representative from may assist in negotiations.

  • Duty of Fair Representation You must be sure that the information you have given to us to pass on to the insurers is a “fair presentation” of the risk. This means that you must have clearly disclosed every material circumstance which you, your senior management, or persons responsible for arranging your insurance knows or ought to know following a reasonable search. A material circumstance is one which may influence an insurers’ judgement over whether to take the risk, and if so on what terms. If you are in doubt as to whether a circumstance is material then you should disclose it. Furthermore, you must inform us if any of the information provided to us has changed. If it has, then you must tell us about the changes before we arrange cover. Your duty to notify material changes in the risk applies when you purchase an insurance policy, throughout the life of the policy and when you renew that policy. Please note that failure to disclose a material circumstance may entitle an insurer to impose different terms on your cover or reduce the amount of a claim payable. In some cases your cover could be invalidated, which would mean that a claim would not be paid.

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