DUES DEDUCTIONS AND REPRESENTATION FEES. The Association and its affiliates (WEA and NEA) shall have the exclusive right of automatic payroll deduction of membership dues and representation fees for employees in the bargaining unit. WEA and NEA are referred to in this article only for the purpose of computing membership dues. On or before August 1 of each year, the Association shall give written notice to the Board of: a) the dollar amount of dues of the Association, including the National Education Association the Washington Education Association, and the local Uniserv Council which are to be deducted in the coming school year under all payroll deductions, b) a prorated hourly dues schedule to be used for dues deductions for less than full-time employees, and c) the name of the designated charitable organization(s). The total for these deductions shall not be subject to change during the school year; however adjustments will be made monthly to reflect dues obligation changes from FTE fluctuations that occur throughout the year. For continuing employees, the deductions authorized above shall be made in twelve (12) payments from each paycheck beginning with the pay period in September through the pay period in August of each year. Employees hired at the beginning of the school year will not have a dues deduction in September. The yearly obligation for these employees shall be made in eleven (11) payments from each paycheck beginning with the pay period in October though the pay period in August of the first year. Subsequent deductions will be at the continuous employee full year payment schedule. Employees who commence employment after September or terminate employment before June, shall have their deductions prorated at 1/12 of the total annual amount for each month the teacher is employed. Less than full-time employees shall have deducted each month that amount based upon the number of hours worked and shown on the prorated hourly schedule. The Board agrees promptly to remit directly to the Association, or its designee, all monies so deducted, accompanied by a list of employees from whom the deductions have been made. A duplicate list shall be promptly provided the Association as receipt for said transaction. The Board will provide the Association with a copy of the personnel report with each Board packet or with an updated version after each meeting. The Association and the District mutually agree to reimburse any employee who had dues or representation fees deducted, those sums in excess of th...
DUES DEDUCTIONS AND REPRESENTATION FEES. 1.1 All bargaining unit members may voluntarily join the Association, however no bargaining unit member shall be required to do so. Employees opting to join the Association will sign a membership form authorizing deduction of membership dues and other assessments required for membership. The District, upon receipt of authorization from an employee, will deduct from the employee’s salary each pay period the dues amount set by the Association and provided to the District Payroll Office. Deductions for employees submitting authorization after the commencement of the school year shall commence in the first possible pay period following such authorization. The district will transmit all dues deduction funds to the account or entity specified by the Association on a monthly basis. Authorizations in effect prior to July 1, 2018 and authorizations provided by employees hired after that date will be on a continuing basis from year to year, unless withdrawn in writing to the Washington Education Association through the established process. The District shall not discontinue dues collection for any employee until receiving confirmation of completion of the aforementioned process through WEA.
1.2 Members of the Association may sign a separate voluntary membership form and dues deduction authorization for WEA-PAC and NEA-PAC. The District will deduct these dues in the same manner described for dues in section 1.1 above.
1.3 The Association agrees to defend and hold the District harmless in the event any employee should bring legal action against the District for compliance with the dues deduction provisions contained in this agreement. The Association, at its expense, will provide such defense. The District shall cover any expense incurred should it choose to employ additional legal counsel.
DUES DEDUCTIONS AND REPRESENTATION FEES. Section 7.1 On or before September 15 of each school year, the Association will give written notice to the District of the dollar amount of dues required for membership in the Association, including required affiliate dues, which are to be deducted in the coming school year and transmitted to the Association.
Section 7.1.1 The deductions authorized above will be made in twelve (12) equal amounts from each paycheck beginning the pay period in September through the pay period in August of each year. Employees who commence employment after September or terminate employment before June will have their deductions prorated at one twelfth (1/12) of the total annual amount for each month the employee is employed. The District shall remit all funds so deducted.
Section 7.1.2 The deductions authorized above for substitute teachers will be computed on a daily rate multiplied by the number of days worked each month. The District shall remit all funds so deducted accompanied by a list of substitute employees from whom the deductions were made.
Section 7.1.3 The Association shall reimburse any employee dues or representation fees deducted in excess of the total amount due to the Association at that time and provided that the Association or its affiliate actually received the excessive amount.
DUES DEDUCTIONS AND REPRESENTATION FEES. A. On or before August 25 of each school year, the Association shall give written notice to the Board of the dollar amount of dues and assessments of the Association including the National Education Association and the Washington Education Association, which dues and assessments are to be deducted in the coming school year under all payroll deductions. The total for these deductions shall not be subject to change during the school year.
DUES DEDUCTIONS AND REPRESENTATION FEES. On or about August 25 of each school year, the Association will give written notice to the Board of Directors the dollar amount of dues and assessments of the Association (including the National Education Association and the Washington Education Association), to be deducted in the coming school year under all payroll deductions. The District will also deduct contributions for a pro-rated share of local expenses to be paid to the local Education Association by non-members. The total deductions will not be subject to change during the school year. The deductions authorized above will be made in twelve (12) equal amounts from each paycheck beginning the pay period in September through the pay period in August of each year. Certificated employees who commence employment after September 30 will pay a pro-rated amount of the annual dues commensurate with the remaining portion of the membership year. If an employee terminates prior to the end of the school year, the balance of the annual dues will be deducted from the final paycheck. Certificated employees who commence employment after September 30 will pay a pro-rated amount of the annual dues commensurate with the remaining portion of the membership year. If an employee terminates prior to the end of the school year, the balance of the annual dues will be deducted from the final paycheck. The Board agrees to promptly remit directly to the Washington Education Association all monies so deducted, accompanied by a list of employees from whom the deductions have been made. The Association agrees to reimburse any certificated employee from whose pay dues and assessments or representation fees were deducted, those sums in excess of the total amount due to the Association at that time, provided the Association or its affiliate actually received the excessive amount.
DUES DEDUCTIONS AND REPRESENTATION FEES. 40 On or before August 25, of each school year, the Association shall give written notice to the District of: 41
DUES DEDUCTIONS AND REPRESENTATION FEES. On or before the first day of each school year, the Association shall give written notice to the District business office of: a) the dollar amount of dues and assessments of the Association including the National Education Association and the Washington Education Association, which dues and assessments are to be deducted in the coming school year under all payroll deduction; and b) the name of the designated charitable organization. All employees shall have their dues deducted on a twelve (12) months basis. Teachers who commence employment after September or terminate employment before June shall have their deductions prorated ($X/number of days in contract). The business office agrees to remit promptly to the Washington Education Association all monies so deducted, accompanied by a list of teachers from whom the deductions have been made. A duplicate list shall be promptly provided to the Association as receipt for said transaction. On or before the monthly pay period, the business office shall notify the Association of any changes in said list due to teachers entering or leaving the employ of the District. The Association agrees to reimburse any teacher, from whose pay dues and assessments or representation fees were deducted those sums in excess of the total amount due to the Association at that time, provided the Association or its affiliate actually received the excessive amount. Upon written request from an employee, the District shall deduct the amount requested and forward it to the Union or designee.
DUES DEDUCTIONS AND REPRESENTATION FEES. The Association shall give written notice to the District Finance Office of: the dollar amount of dues required of an Association member which are to be deducted during the school year under payroll deduction. This amount shall not be subject to change without at least thirty (30) days written notice to the District Finance Office. Any such change shall be implemented by the District within sixty (60) days of the written notice to the District Finance Office. The deductions authorized above shall be made in twelve (12) equal amounts from each pay warrant, allowing for an adjustment following ratification of this Agreement. Teachers who commence employment after September or terminate employment before August shall have their deductions prorated for the months the teacher is employed. The District Finance Office agrees to promptly remit directly to the Association all monies so deducted, accompanied by two copies of a list of teachers for whom the deductions have been made. The Association agrees to reimburse any teacher for any sums deducted in excess of the total amount due to the Association at that time, provided that the Association or its affiliate actually received the excessive amount.
DUES DEDUCTIONS AND REPRESENTATION FEES. All members of the bargaining unit shall, as a condition of employment, be a member of the Alliance and pay dues which will be deducted from the initial stipend payment each year.
DUES DEDUCTIONS AND REPRESENTATION FEES. On or about August 25 of each school year, the Association will give written notice to the Board of Directors the dollar amount of dues and assessments of the Association (including the National Education Association and the Washington Education Association), to be deducted in the coming school year under all payroll deductions. The District will also deduct contributions for a pro-rated share of local expenses to be paid to the local Education Association by non-members. The total deductions will not be subject to change during the school year. The deductions authorized above will be made in twelve (12) equal amounts from each paycheck beginning the pay period in September through the pay period in August of each year. Certificated employees who commence employment after September or terminate employment before June will have their deductions pro-rated at one-tenth (1/10) of the total amount for each month the employee is employed. The Board agrees to promptly remit directly to the Washington Education Association all monies so deducted, accompanied by a list of employees from whom the deductions have been made. The Association agrees to reimburse any certificated employee from whose pay dues and assessments or representation fees were deducted, those sums in excess of the total amount due to the Association at that time, provided the Association or its affiliate actually received the excessive amount.