ARTICLE UNION REPRESENTATION. The Union shall name a Shop Committee of not more than five (5) members, at least one (1) of which shall be from the who shall be employees of the Company covered by this Agreement. Matters pertaining to the interpretation, application, or administration of this Agreement shall be discussed and adjusted by the Company and the Shop Committee who shall meet as often as may be deemed necessary or at least once each month during working hours with a prepared agenda of matters to be discussed and adjusted. Only Shop Committee members, a Business Representative, and/or an International Officer of the Union shall be present at meetings with the Company. The Union may designate and the Company shall recognize Shop Stewards and a Shop Stewards for such work areas as shall be agreed by the parties hereto to be reasonable and proper. The Company shall be kept informed of the name of each Shop Xxxxxxx and Shop Stewards and the work area the Union has so designated him. A Shop Xxxxxxx or Shop Xxxxxxx shall be permitted the necessary time during working hours without loss of pay to perform the functions provided by Article hereof for the settlement of a complaint or grievance; he shall not leave his work station except as provided by the said Article and only after having informed his Supervisor as to the nature of his business. The Shop Chairperson shall be available to perform his regular duties for the first four hours of his shift, after which he will be assigned his lunch and be free to perform Union Business for Consolidated employees. He must not leave the Company premises without permission from the General Manager or his designate. The Company will supply adequate office space with a telephone, desk and chairs for the Shop Chairperson to perform his duties. The Company agrees to have the office space furnished and ready for use within days of the ratification of this Agreement. The Shop Committee, Shop Stewards and Shop Stewards shall perform the functions herein provided in such manner as to promote good order and shop discipline and with the least possible interference with the regular duties of their employment.
ARTICLE UNION REPRESENTATION. The Union shall elect or otherwise select a Union committee of four employees; it being understood that the Chairperson of the full-time bargaining unit section may be a member of the Committee. The Employer will recognize and deal with the said Committee on grievances and on any other matter properly arising out of this Agreement, including the negotiations for, or renewal of this Agreement. It is agreed that the Union Representative of Local may be present with the Committee at the request of either the Union or the Employer. The Union acknowledges and agrees that members of the Committee have regular duties to perform in connection with their employment and all activities of members of the Union Committee will be carried on outside regular working hours, unless otherwise mutually agreed. Members of the Union Committee will not leave their duties without first obtaining permission from the Supervisor of the Department or Unit in which they are working, and upon completion of such Union business shall report back to that official Each member of the said Union Committee shall receive his regular pay for all regularly scheduled working hours lost due to his attendance at contract negotiation meetings between the parties, up to and including conciliation, whether on or off the Hospital premises, for which permission has been granted. A Xxxxxxx, and where applicable, members of the Union Committee, shall receive their regular pay for regularly scheduled working hours lost due to attendance at grievance meetings, which shall for the purposes of clarity, cover meetings with a grievance settlement officer appointed under Section of the Labour Relations Act with representatives of the Hospital, whether on or outside the Hospital premises, for which permission has been granted. The Union agrees to supply the Employer with the names of the members constituting the Committee in duplicate, and will keep such list up to date at all times. It is mutually agreed that one of the duplicate copies shall be posted on the bulletin board by the Union. The Committee and the Employer shall meet once each month at times mutually agreed on, providing there is business for their joint consideration. Necessity for a meeting will be indicated by letter from either party to the other party, containing an agenda of the subjects to be discussed.
ARTICLE UNION REPRESENTATION. The Employer and the Union agree that there will be seven (7) stewards (one each from kitchen, laundry, housekeeping and care staff, also one from the afternoon shift, one from the night shift) and one Chief Xxxxxxx selected who may assist the employees in presenting their grievances to the representatives of the Employer. The Union agrees to keep the Employer advised as to their names and any changes thereto, such notification to be given by the Union no later than ten working days from the time of the appointment. The stewards and the Chief Xxxxxxx shall constitute the Union Grievance Committee and each Xxxxxxx shall have been continuously employed in his department for at least three months; not more than one xxxxxxx and the Chief Xxxxxxx are to meet with the representatives of the Employer at any one time (except as provided for in Article of the Grievance Procedure). Employees shall not be eligible to serve as Xxxxxxx or members of the Negotiating Committee until after they have been placed on the seniority list. The Union acknowledges that Stewards, Members of the Negotiating Committee and Union Officers have regular duties to perform on behalf of the Employer and that such persons will not leave their regular duties without obtaining the permission of their immediate supervisor, such permission will not be unreasonably withheld and when resuming their regular duties will report to their immediate supervisor so that the length of time they are absent from their regular duties will be under reasonable control. The Employer will advise Employees of their entitlement to union representation at any formal counselling or disciplinary meeting. It is recognized that counselling sessions are not disciplinary in nature. Providing Stewards and Union Officers comply with the reporting requirements of the preceding paragraph, the Employer will compensate such employees at their regular rate of pay for the time spent handling grievances of employees. This undertaking does not apply to time spent in such matters outside of regular working hours.
ARTICLE UNION REPRESENTATION. For the purpose of representation with the Employer, the Union shall function and be recognized as follows:
ARTICLE UNION REPRESENTATION. The Union shall notify the Company in writing of the names, addresses, phone numbers, and positions of the persons authorized to represent the Union and/or the employees for the purpose of this Agreement. Furthermore, the Union shall notify the Company in writing of any changes in these names. A employee and/or Business Agent, with the written consent of that employee, shall have access to any report, complaint, and/or personnel records that may be contained in that employees’ file, at reasonable times with five (5) working days notice, and shall upon request, be supplied with copies of any document found therein provided there is due reason to view the file. Said copies shall be at no cost to the requesting party within reason. Company staff must be present at all times and the original file shall not leave the Company file room. Any reply by the employee and/or the Business Agent under the Grievance Procedure shall form part of the employee’s record. It is agreed and understood that access to personnel records shall not be unreasonably denied. The Company shall correct any personal information found therein to be inaccurate. Upon the Union giving two (2) days written notice, Saturday, Sunday and Statutory Holidays not included, the Company will broadcast of Union meetings across the dispatch system once every four (4) hours during the seventy- two (72) hour period immediately preceding the date of the Union meeting. Such meeting announcements will not occur more frequently than twice a month. Leaflets will not be used and any radio announcements will be made using a code system so as to keep the disruption to the customers to a minimum. Any Union communication will be restricted the feeder area and not be on the curb, in the queue or in the airport terminal. Upon written request from the Business Agent of the Local Union, a leave of absence shall be granted:
ARTICLE UNION REPRESENTATION. The Hospital agrees to recognize a Grievance Committee composed of not more than three (3) employees (full-time and part-time).
ARTICLE UNION REPRESENTATION. It is agreed that a Union Xxxxxxx may be appointed by the Union for each project. If, on a multiple-towered project there are twenty (20) or more employees in the direct employ of the Employer who is covered by this Agreement, then two (2) Stewards may be appointed. The Union shall be required to notify the Employer of the name of the Union Xxxxxxx and the location of the project, in writing. It is further agreed that the Union Xxxxxxx shall be one of the last two (2) men retained by the Employer on the project. It is further agreed that the Union Xxxxxxx will not be excluded from overtime work and that he shall not be discriminated for, or against. The Union acknowledges that the Union Xxxxxxx has regular duties to perform as an employee of the Employer, Union business will not be transacted during regular working hours. The Business Representative of the Union shall have access to all working areas during working hours, but in no case shall his visit interfere with the progress of the work. When visiting a job, he will first advise and identify himself to the job superintendent or other supervisory personnel of the Employers.
ARTICLE UNION REPRESENTATION. The Bargaining Unit shall continue to have access to the Board’s courier service for communication with its members and with the Board’s representatives. The Board shall provide Occasional Teachers with suitable meeting space on request, free of charge, provided this does not interrupt the instructional program. It is understood that any additional custodial costs incurred by the Board as a result of making meeting space available to the Union shall be borne by the Union.
ARTICLE UNION REPRESENTATION. The Company recognizes the right of the Union to elect, appoint, or otherwise select a Bargaining Committee of not more than five
ARTICLE UNION REPRESENTATION. The Union will elect from the bargaining unit up to a maximum of seven (7)