USAID Sample Clauses
USAID. To the extent relevant, MCC expects to coordinate with USAID on potential investments relevant to its programming as ACFD Project activities are identified.
USAID. During Compact development, MCC coordinated closely with USAID. Representatives from USAID participated in the peer review of proposed compact activities. The Parties will work with USAID, as appropriate, to identify and explore potential opportunities for future coordination with respect to IPPs associated with the Electricity Generation Project.
USAID. MCC’s due diligence relied heavily on the reports and findings of MCC’s Philippines Threshold Program administered by USAID. That program included support for anti-corruption activities under the aegis of the office of the ombudsman, and assistance to the Department of Finance’s anti-corruption units, as well as the extension of the Integrated Tax System (eTIS’ predecessor) to regional offices that had not previously been able to implement that system. The lessons learned under MCC’s Philippines Threshold Program were the basis for decisions to focus on internal administrative disciplinary procedures (the focus of the RIPS Activity) rather than the pursuit of tax evaders and smugglers through the courts, to broaden the scope of tax administration, and to focus more resources on training and process redesign than on hardware and software.
USAID. The United States Agency for International Development (“USAID”) has had significant experience with community-based development that targets poor communities, and the “Growth with Equity in Mindanao” Program has provided a number of lessons for the implementation of the KALAHI-CIDSS Project as it relates to small-infrastructure construction specifically. Approximately 60 percent of USAID’s program funding is provided to Mindanao and the agency aims to continue these investments and others like it in the region. Therefore, USAID, the World Bank and MCC agreed that MCC would concentrate its KALAHI-CIDSS Project in the Luzon and Visayas regions thereby broadening the reach of such programs throughout the Philippines.
USAID. USAID is not currently funding any programs in Nepal specifically targeting the transport sector. Throughout the implementation of the Compact, MCC will coordinate with USAID if any transport-related activities are supported by USAID.
USAID. While USAID is not currently active in secondary national road rehabilitation in the Philippines, USAID’s “Growth with Equity in Mindanao” Program mentioned above includes the development of road infrastructure.
USAID. The Electricity Transmission Project benefits from close inter-agency collaboration between MCC and USAID. Specifically, MCC has coordinated closely with USAID on its US$10 million ongoing technical assistance activity, which provides a review of the Government’s regulatory regime and provides ongoing assistance to the Government to achieve financial close on several large hydropower project transactions. USAID’s assistance is complementary to MCC’s efforts in the electricity sector.
USAID. Some monies associated with this contract may be from USAID grants. There are special donor provisions that should be considered by the Supplier, satisfied as complied with by GOAL. The Supplier shall abide by USAID Standard Provisions,1 in particular, but not limited, to: M1. Allowable costs M2. Accounting, Audit and Records M6. USAID Eligibility Rules for Procurement of Commodities and Services M7. Title to and Use of Property M10.Award Termination and Suspension M11.Recipient and Employee Conduct M12.Debarment and Suspension (full provision except for paragraphs c (2) to (4)) M14.Preventing Terrorist Financing M15.Trafficking in Persons (paragraph a (1) to (3) only) The following are required as applicable (RAA) Standard Provisions: RAA8. Travel and International Air Transportation RAA9. Ocean Shipment of Goods RAA10. Reporting Host Government Taxes 1 Available at xxxxx:// It is the responsibility of the Supplier to ensure that all terms and conditions are understood by it (including all relevant employees, agents and sub-contractors) and obligations under the USAID Standard Mandatory Provisions and other USAID requirements in this contract are met.
USAID. USAID will work closely with the Government (specifically the Ministry of Finance) to assist the Government to successfully implement the Program and achieve the Results and the Objective contemplated by this Agreement. USAID will enter into one or more agreements with one or more third-party implementing partners (each, an “Implementing Partner”) to implement the Program. Such agreements may include grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts. The Implementing Partners may be local, United States, international or multi-national, governmental or nongovernmental, organizations or persons. USAID will select the Implementing Partners in accordance with USAID regulations and policies and in consultation with representatives of the Government and MCC. USAID will monitor performance under such agreements and will oversee the performance of the Implementing Partners and progress toward achievement of the Results.
USAID. MCC has been in constant coordination with the United States Agency for International Development (“USAID”) to ensure that the GP Project complements other US Government priorities including the Indonesia Clean Energy Development Project (ICED), the Indonesia Forest and Climate Support Project (IFACS), and Low Emission Development Strategy (LEDS). In addition, MCC will draw upon the work of a US Government expert team consisting of the United States Forest Service (as the lead agency), the United States Geological Survey, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to jointly assess needs and develop a program of assistance to create a single authoritative map of Indonesia, starting with forestry and climate change that is consistent with the Geospatial Law of April 2011.