Vacation Transfer - Liquidation. An eligible nurse who transfers or is transferred from another Appointing Authority without an interruption in service shall carry forward accrued and unused vacation leave. A nurse who is on permanent layoff or who is separated from state service by resignation in good standing, discharge, retirement, or death shall be compensated in cash at the nurse's then current rate of pay, for all vacation leave to the nurse's credit at the time of separation. At the nurses option he/she may receive payment for accumulated vacation leave upon beginning an unpaid leave of absence approved for more than one year in duration provided the leave of absence is not for the purpose of accepting an unclassified position in State Civil Service. However, in no case shall payment exceed two hundred sixty (260) hours.
Vacation Transfer - Liquidation. An eligible nurse who transfers or is transferred from another Appointing Authority without an interruption in service shall carry forward accrued and unused vacation leave. A nurse who is on permanent layoff or who is separated from state service by resignation in good standing, discharge, retirement, or death shall be compensated in cash at the nurse's then current rate of pay, for all vacation leave to the nurse's credit at the time of separation.
Vacation Transfer - Liquidation. 303031 11 Section 7. Vacation Leave and Flexible Scheduling. 303031 12 Section 8. Vacation Donation Program. 303031 13 ARTICLE 8 ‐ SICK LEAVE 31 14 Section 1. Eligibility. 31 15 Section 2. Sick Leave Accrual Rate. 313132 16 Section 3. Sick Leave Upon Transfer 323233 17 Section 4. Sick Leave Restoration Upon Reinstatement or Reappointment. 323233 18 Section 5. Usage. 333334 19 Section 6. Requests for Medical Statements. 353536