Very Good performance is marked by initiative and high quality and quantity of work. Employee regularly makes valuable contributions to the organization. Judgments are sound and employee demonstrates knowledge and mastery of his/her position.
Very Good. Boats in #3 condition will have only light visible cosmetic flaws. The coloration of the deck might be off from original, and the varnish might have some light clouding. Small repairs, or areas that need small repairs, might be in plain sight. All gauges will be present, but the faces might be faded or even cracked. Chrome is good, but possibly not all of it is fresh. A seasoned boater will be able to make a list – from five feet away – of this boat’s needs.
Very Good. For a very good performance displaying a high level of command of most aspects of the relevant material, with only minor weaknesses
Very Good. Completely operable original or “older restoration” showing wear. Also, a good amateur restoration, all presentable and serviceable inside and out. Plus, combinations of well-done restoration and good operable components; or a partially restored car with all parts necessary to complete it and/or valuable new old stock (NOS) parts. This is a “20 footer.” That is, from 20 feet away it may appear perfect. But as we approach it, we begin to notice that the paint may be getting thin in spots from frequent washing and polishing.
Very Good. Differs from outstanding in terms of degree. The employee, while usually performing above the level of a fully-successful employee, has not achieved a complete constancy of outstanding performance in all areas of work.
Very Good. The employee’s performance often exceeds work requirements. The employee demonstrates an ability to exceed an acceptable level of performance. It characterizes an employee who does more than what is expected of him/her.
Very Good. The proposal meets the criterion very well overall (all evaluation elements are addressed), but some shortcomings are present. 4 8
Very Good. O.K. Are there agj' resolutions on the desk.
Very Good. Profile: The faculty member has achieved excellence in most of the criteria for teaching and advising listed in Sections 23.4.1 and Improvement is needed in certain of the criteria for excellence in teaching or advising.
Very Good. Profile: The faculty member has achieved excellence in most of the criteria for scholarship listed in Section 23.4.3. The faculty member engages productively in scholarship or creative endeavor, with evidence of impact on the field in the development of new knowledge or innovations. Dissemination of results has occurred regularly. Students benefit from the faculty member's activities in the professional, creative, or research field. In fields where it is feasible, success is indicated by receiving some external support. Examples that illustrate this level of scholarship may include:
a. Regularly does research, scholarly writing, or creative work which is recognized beyond the local level.
b. Publishes, or otherwise disseminates results, beyond the campus, conducts local workshops or presentations, and participates at least in local public forums or campus shows or concerts.
c. Students benefit from the faculty member's scholarly work through exposure in class or in the lab or studio.
23.7.3 Satisfactory Profile: The faculty member has achieved favorable results in most of the criteria. The faculty member does some research, creative work, or professional writing (beyond requirements for academic degree) and disseminates results at least at the local level. Examples illustrative of this level of scholarship may include:
a. Engages in scholarly or creative work.
b. Publishes or otherwise disseminates results or communicates results of work to colleagues on campus.