Volume Control Sample Clauses
Volume Control. A. Telephones required to have a volume control shall be identified by a sign containing a depiction of a telephone handset with radiating sound waves. These signs shall comply with the requirements set forth in Section III.B., above.
Volume Control. Exhibitors should control the volume inside the exhibition hall under 70 db to maintain a good environment.The organizer reserves the right to take any necessary action against an exhibitor refusing to comply with this rule.
Volume Control. A. Telephones required to have a volume control shall be identified by a sign containing a depiction of a telephone handset with radiating sound waves. These signs shall comply with the requirements set forth in Section III.B., above.
B. Public area and patient room telephones required to have a volume control shall be capable of a minimum of 12 dbA and a maximum of 18 dbA above normal volume. If an automatic reset is provided then 18 dbA may be exceeded. Exhibit 1 Model Communication Assessment Form __________________ Date __________________ am/pm Time ________________________________________ Name of Person with Disability (deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impairment) ________________________________________ Patient's Name Nature of Disability: ___ Deaf ___ Hard of Hearing ___ Speech Impairment ___ Other: __________________________ Relationship to Patient: ___ Self ___ Family Member ___ Friend/Companion ___ Other: __________________________ Do you want a professional sign language or oral interpreter? ___ No. I do not use sign language and do not use interpreters to lip read. ___ No. I prefer to have family members/ friends help with communication. ___ Yes. Choose one (free of charge): ___ American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter ___ Xxxxxxx Signed English interpreter ___ Signed English interpreter ___ Oral interpreter ___ Other. Explain: _____________________________________ Which of the following would be helpful for you? (free of charge) ___ TTY/TDD (text telephone) ___ Assistive listening device (sound amplifier) ___ Qualified note-takers ___ Writing back and forth ___ CART: Computer-assisted Real Time Transcription Service ___ Other. Explain: _____________________________________ If you, or the Patient who you are with, is ADMITTED to the hospital, which of the following will you want in the patient room? (free of charge) ___ Telephone handset amplifier ___ Telephone compatible with hearing aid ___ Closed caption decoders for television set (Note: any standard fee for television service applies) ___ TTY/TDD ___ Flasher for incoming calls ___ Paper and pen for writing notes ___ Other. Explain: ______________________________________ We ask this information so we can communicate with you effectively. All communication aids and services are provide FREE OF CHARGE. If you need further assistance, please ask your nurse or other hospital personnel. Any questions? Please call our Effective Communication Program Office, ______________(voice), ______________ (...
Volume Control. The Volume Control Sliders allow for both the Record level and Greeting Playback level to be adjusted. The volume settings for each slider will be saved in relation to the selected Recording Device when the ‘Ok’ button is pressed.
Volume Control. The first one-half inch of stormwater runoff from any rainfall event shall be infiltrated or retained entirely on the site.
Volume Control. The first half-inch of runoff from a 24-hour storm shall be infiltrated unless said infiltration is not practical in the opinion of the City Engineer.
Volume Control. A. Telephones required to have a volume control shall be identified by a sign containing a depiction of a telephone handset with radiating sound waves. These signs shall comply with the requirements set forth in Section III.B., above.
B. Public area and patient room telephones required to have a volume control shall be capable of a minimum of 12 dbA and a maximum of 18 dbA above normal volume. If an automatic reset is provided then 18 dbA may be exceeded. EXHIBIT 1 Sign language and oral interpreters, TTY's, and other auxiliary aids and services are available free of charge to people who are deaf or hard of hearing. For assistance, please go to the nearest nurses station or contact any Hospital personnel or the Program Office at ________________ (voice/TTY), room _________. EXHIBIT 2 RAVENSWOOD HOSPITAL'S COMPLIANCE REPORT Date ______________ The following information is submitted pursuant to Paragraph 63 of the Agreement entered into by the United States and Ravenswood Hospital. Defined terms herein have the meanings given in the Agreement. Section references below correspond to the same Sections of the Agreement.
A. Provision of Auxiliary Aids and Services Action: Date plan implemented or revised: 23. Immediate Aids and Services 34-40. Sign Language and Oral interpreters available 25-27. Assessment of Patient (Initial/Ongoing):
B. Complaint Resolution Mechanism
Volume Control. Provide audio controls including volume and mute. Compartmentalize them so that audio quality can be maintained and interference, acoustic feedback, and interruptions are minimized. Provide activation capability of Automatic Gain Control (AGC) for transmit and receive audio at the console.
Volume Control. At Absolute Social Club you are welcome to use your phone at your desk, however we have provided with alternative areas for more privacy. These areas include, but no limited to ,the phone booth couches, the outside seating area ,as well as the conference rooms.
Volume Control. The City shall have exclusive control over the volume of Reuse Water delivered to Owner’s Green Space. For example, The City may vary the volume of Reuse Water delivered to meet Carver County volume control and water quality requirements. Except as provided in Section 3.6.2 below, the City shall use commercially reasonable efforts to deliver no less than the Minimum Volume of Reuse Water each day during an Irrigation Season.