Weather Limitations. Fog seal and chip seal shall not be applied when the weather is foggy or rainy. Seal coats requiring cover aggregate shall not be applied when the temperature of the surface being treated is below 70 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade. Fog seal coats shall not be applied when the surface temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade.
Weather Limitations. The material shall be placed only when the surface is dry and the atmospheric and surface temperature is at least 45°F and rising and there is no chance of temperatures below 32°F within 24 hours from the time the material is applied.
Weather Limitations. Dust abatement Materials shall not be applied when it is raining. Bituminous Material shall be applied when the surface temperature of Traveled Way is 50 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Lignin sulfonate and magnesium chloride shall be applied when the atmospheric temperature is 40 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
Weather Limitations. 47 Do not place HMA for wearing course on any Traveled Way beginning October 1st 48 through March 31st of the following year without written concurrence from the Engineer. 2 Do not place HMA on any wet surface, or when the average surface temperatures are 3 less than those specified below, or when weather conditions otherwise prevent the 4 proper handling or finishing of the HMA. 5
Weather Limitations. Do not transport asphalt mix from the plant to the roadway unless all weather conditions are suitable for the paving operations.
Weather Limitations. 4.1 The Services are to be continuous except in the event of inclement weather. The City reserves the right to suspend any or all work due to poor weather conditions. The City reserves the right to authorize the delayed work to be performed at a later date, or the City may deem it more appropriate to omit the delayed work and resume the normal schedule. The Contractor should not perform any suspended work without written authorization from the City.
4.2 While work is suspended due to inclement weather conditions, the Contractor should maintain readiness to resume work when conditions again become favorable enough to proceed or within two (2) days’ notice from the City.
Weather Limitations. Place the overlay during favorable weather conditions. When the atmospheric temperature is expected to exceed 85 °F (29 °C) during daylight hours, schedule work hours that insure complete placement by 10:30 a.m. Do not schedule placement when wind velocity is expected to exceed 20 mph (32 km/hr) or when rain is expected. The minimum acceptable temperature of concrete at the point of delivery is 50 °F (10 °C). Keep overlay concrete at a temperature above 50 °F (10°C) for at least 72 hours after placement.
Weather Limitations. 411 - Asphalt Prime Coat ........................................................................... 411.05 Weather Limitations. ..................................................................... 411.08 Maintenance. ................................................................................. 411.09 Acceptance..................................................................................... 412 - Asphalt Tack Coat............................................................................. 412.05 Weather Limitations. ..................................................................... 413 - Asphalt Pavement Milling ................................................................ 413.01 Description..................................................................................... 413.03 Milling. ........................................................................................... 413.05 Measurement. ............................................................................... 413.06 Payment. ........................................................................................ 602 - Culverts and Drains 23 602.05 Laying Metal Pipe 23 603 - Structural Plate Structures............................................................... 603.03 General........................................................................................... 603.04 Erecting. ......................................................................................... 625 - Turf Establishment ............................................................................ Section 625. -TURF ESTABLISHMENT.......................................................
Weather Limitations. A. Do not apply asphalt concrete when the surface is wet or contains an excess of moisture which would prevent uniform distribution and the required penetration.
B. Construct asphalt concrete surface course only when atmospheric temperature is above 40 degrees F, when the underlying base is dry and when weather is not rainy.
C. Base course may be placed when air temperature is above 30 degrees F and rising, and when acceptable to the Architect and the Owner.
Weather Limitations. Bituminous material shall not be placed during rainy or threatening weather, or when the moisture on the surface to be treated would prevent satisfactory bond, or when the air temperature is less than forty degrees Fahrenheit (40°F). This work shall consist of furnishing and placing Seal Coat to the existing asphalt parking lot surfaces at the following locations: Big Horn Corp Yard, Xxxxxxxxxxx Sports Park (2 lots), Zimblman Park Laguna Community Park, Xxxx Xxxx Park, Xxxxxx Sr. Park, Kunsting Family Park, Xxxxx Community Park (2 lots), Xxxxxxxxxx Family Park, Xxxx-Xxxxxxx Park, Xxx Xxxxxxx Park, Elk Grove Regional Park Pavilion, Point, Xxxxx Xxx, CSD Administration Building, and a portion of the road within Elk Grove Regional Park. Prior to applying seal (1) coat, the Contractor shall ensure all pavement cracks one-quarter inch (1/4”) in width and greater have been sealed per section “Crack Treatment”.