Weather Limitations. Fog seal and chip seal shall not be applied when the weather is foggy or rainy. Seal coats requiring cover aggregate shall not be applied when the temperature of the surface being treated is below 70 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade. Fog seal coats shall not be applied when the surface temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit in the shade.
Weather Limitations. The material shall be placed only when the surface is dry and the atmospheric and surface temperature is at least 45°F and rising and there is no chance of temperatures below 32°F within 24 hours from the time the material is applied.
Weather Limitations. Dust abatement Materials shall not be applied when it is raining. Bituminous Material shall be applied when the surface temperature of Traveled Way is 50 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Lignin sulfonate and magnesium chloride shall be applied when the atmospheric temperature is 40 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
Weather Limitations. 47 Do not place HMA for wearing course on any Traveled Way beginning October 1st 48 through March 31st of the following year without written concurrence from the Engineer. 2 Do not place HMA on any wet surface, or when the average surface temperatures are 3 less than those specified below, or when weather conditions otherwise prevent the 4 proper handling or finishing of the HMA. 5
Weather Limitations. 5.1 The Services are to be continuous except in the event of inclement weather. The City reserves the right to suspend any or all work due to poor weather conditions. The City reserves the right to authorize the delayed work to be performed at a later date, or the City may deem it more appropriate to omit the delayed work and resume the normal schedule. The Contractor should not perform any suspended work without written authorization from the City.
5.2 While work is suspended due to inclement weather conditions, the Contractor should maintain readiness to resume work when conditions again become favorable enough to proceed.
Weather Limitations. Place the overlay during favorable weather conditions. When the atmospheric temperature is expected to exceed 85 °F (29 °C) during daylight hours, schedule work hours that insure complete placement by 10:30 a.m. Do not schedule placement when wind velocity is expected to exceed 20 mph (32 km/hr) or when rain is expected. The minimum acceptable temperature of concrete at the point of delivery is 50 °F (10 °C). Keep overlay concrete at a temperature above 50 °F (10°C) for at least 72 hours after placement.
Weather Limitations. Permittee's activities within the stream shall be restricted to periods of low rainfall (less than ¼ inch per 24-hour period) and periods of no or low stream flow and dry weather (with less than a 40 percent chance of rain). Precipitation forecasts and potential increases in stream flow shall be considered when planning maintenance activities. All erosion control measures shall be utilized to meet the Measures of this Agreement. Permittee shall monitor the National Weather Service (NWS) 72-hour forecast for the Project area. Weather forecasts shall be documented upon request by CDFW.
Weather Limitations. The actual planting shall be performed during those times in this season which are normal for such work as determined by weather conditions, and accepted practice in the locality. No work shall be performed when the ground is frozen, wet or otherwise un-tillable or when even distribution of materials cannot be obtained.
Weather Limitations. Dust-abatement materials shall not be applied when it is raining, when the surface is too wet to receive the material, or if rain is anticipated to occur within twenty-four-hours of palliative application. Dust palliatives shall be applied only when the surface temperature of the traveled-way is fifty-degrees Fahrenheit in the shade, and rising.
Weather Limitations. Weather conditions limit the extent of the inspection. Snow cover and rain limit roof inspection and access. Snow cover also limits the inspection of landscaping, walks, driveways, grading, and drainage. Dry conditions limit the ability to determine moisture, leakage, and seepage in the dwelling. Dry conditions also limit the ability to determine flood conditions in and around the dwelling. Heating systems may not be tested during hot conditions. Cooling systems cannot be tested when the external temperature has fallen below 65 degrees Fahrenheit within the past twenty four hours.