Wing Sample Clauses

Wing. (i) Upper and lower wing skins and stiffeners between the forward and rear wing spars. (ii) Wing spar webs, chords and stiffeners. (iii) Inspar wing ribs. (iv) Inspar splice plates and fittings. (v) Main landing gear support structure. (vi) Wing center section lower beams, spanwise beams and floor beams, but not the seat tracks attached to floor beams. (vii) Wing-to-body structural attachments. (viii) Engine strut support fittings attached directly to wing primary structure. (ix) Support structure in the wing for spoilers and spoiler actuators; for aileron hinges and reaction links; and for leading edge devices and trailing edge flaps. (x) Trailing edge flap tracks and carriages. (xi) Aileron leading edge device and trailing edge flap internal, fixed attachment and actuator support structure.
Wing. (a) Upper and lower wing skins and stiffeners between the forward and rear wing spars. (b) Wing spar webs, chords, and stiffeners. (c) Inspar wing ribs. (d) Inspar splice plates and fittings. (e) Engine strut support fittings attached directly to wing primary structure. (f) Wing to body structural attachments. (g) Wing landing gear support structure. (h) Wing center section lower beams, spanwise beams and floor beams but not the seat tracks attached to the beams. (i) Spoiler support beam. (j) Support structure in the wing for spoilers and spoiler actuators, for aileron hinges and reaction links; and for leading edge devices and trailing edge flaps and winglet support fittings./ (k) Trailing edge flap tracks and carriages. (l) Aileron, leading edge device and trailing edge flap internal, fixed attachment and actuator support structure. SLP1-1 P.A. No. 2021 28
Wing. (a) Upper and lower skins and stiffeners between the forward and rear wing spars. (b) Wing spar webs, chords and stiffeners. (c) Inspar wing ribs. (d) Inspar splice plates and fittings. (e) Main landing gear support structure. (f) Wing center section floor beams, lower beams and spanwise beams, but not the seat tracks attached to floor beams. (g) Engine strut support fittings attached directly to wing primary structure.
Wing. (a) Upper and lower wing skins and stiffeners between the forward and rear wing spars. (b) Wing spar webs, chords and stiffeners. (c) Inspar wing ribs. (d) Inspar splice plates and fittings. (e) Main landing gear support structure. (f) End ribs removable outboard wingbox, including spars and skins. (g) Wing center section lower beams, spanwise beams and floor beams, but not the seat tracks attached to floor beams. (h) Wing-to-body structural attachments. (i) Engine pylon support fittings attached directly to wing primary structure. (j) Support structure in the wing for spoilers and spoiler actuators; for aileron hinges and reaction links; and for leading edge devices and trailing edge flaps/flapperon. (k) Leading edge device and trailing edge flap support system. (l) Aileron leading edge device and trailing edge flap internal, fixed attachment and actuator support structure. (m) Winglets (787-3).
Wing. Upper and lower skins and stiffeners between the front and rear wing spars. · Wing spar webs, chords and stiffeners. · Inspar wing ribs. · Inspar splice plates and fittings. · Main landing gear support structure. · Wing center section floor beams, lower beams and spanwise beams, but not the seat tracks attached to floor beams. · Engine strut support fittings attached directly to wing primary structure. · Wing-to-body structural attachments. · Support structure in the wing for spoilers and spoiler actuators; for aileron hinges and reaction links; and for leading edge devices and trailing edge flaps. · Trailing edge flap tracks and carriages. · Fixed attachment and actuator support structure in the wing for ailerons; and for leading edge devices and trailing edge flaps.
Wing. Slightly better represented in the historiography is the RNAS role within the 41st Wing of the RFC, formed in October 1917 in response to Germany’s Gotha bombing campaign. The early history of the RAF represents most of the historical material on this subject, leaving the Navy’s contribution generally under-examined. As the literature on the subject invariably engages with the controversy of strategic bombing as perceived from the post-Second World War perspective, the limited results of the Navy’s efforts in 1916 and 1917 are believed to have been so minute as to have been insignificant. Robert Grattan stated that 'the results gained in the First World War did not justify the exaggerated claims' of the strategic bombing enthusiasts.139 On the other hand, Jones stated that 'it is clear that the [morale] effect produced by the naval bombing wing was disproportionate to the number of raids'.140 The researcher must carefully judge for his or herself what was the real impact of the Navy’s long-range bombing.
Wing. Upper and lower wing skins and stiffeners between the forward and rear wing spars.
Wing. A section of a building that houses twenty to ninety residents; each Wing offers a social and educational budget, student- planned programming, hall government officers, and one to three Student Leaders. This is not a lease. Neither this contract nor your occupancy of space in University Housing is subject to the “Oregon Residential Landlord and Tenant Act.” This contract creates no right to occupy a particular Room in a particular residence hall or a particular wing. This contract obligates the University of Oregon to provide you with housing only as set forth in this contract. All portions of university residence halls remain under the exclusive ownership and control of the University of Oregon. The University of Oregon and those acting on its behalf or at its request may, when warranted, remove any person from the residence halls without resort to the procedures set forth in ORS 105.105 through 105.168. Such procedures are expressly, knowingly, and voluntarily waived by execution of this contract. This contract may be signed electronically by the Student/Resident if they are 18 years of age or older without a parent/guardian co- signature. If a Resident is under 18 years of age, a parent/guardian signature is required.
Wing. 256 The operational experience gained had been immense, both at the Dardanelles and against the Königsberg, and the practicality of naval gunfire spotting had been demonstrated. Vice-Admiral de Robeck’s post-evacuation naval establishment required two seaplane carriers and two kite-balloon carriers, in addition to No. 2 Squadron under Wing Commander Eugene Gerrard at Imbros, plus an airship base at Mudros.257 By the beginning of 1916 the Air Department had dispatched a significant number of seaplane and balloon carriers, and this force was now collected together at the recommendation of Sykes’ replacement Wing Captain F. R. Scarlett, along with a pair of Royal Navy monitors, to act as a mobile striking force in the Eastern Mediterranean: the prototype of an aircraft carrier group.258 The formation of a single 252 Ibid, p. 153. 253 Ibid, p. 153. Jones, WIA, vol. II, p. 64. 254 Ash, Air Revolution, pp. 75-6. 255 Ibid, p. 77. Grove, ‘Air Force, Fleet Air Arm – or Armoured Corps?’ p. 37. 256 W. A. B. Douglas, ‘The R.N.A.S. in Combined Operations 1915-1914,’ in Dreadnought to Polaris: Maritime Strategy since Mahan, ed. A. M. J Hyatt (Vancouver: The Copp Clark Publishing Company, 1973), p. 27. 257 Jones, WIA, vol. V, p. 370. 258 Ibid, p. 371. squadron was at first resisted by Vice-Admiral de Robeck who believed that the seaplane carriers operating along the Egyptian coast were best kept with the C-in-C East Indies.259 Thus on 7 January 1916 Ben-my-Chree was transferred to the Eastern Mediterranean as part of the EIESS, formed at Port Said under 24 year-old Squadron Commander Cecil L’Estrange-Malone, who was supported by Lt. Erskine Childers as intelligence officer.260 In March 1916 the squadron included Ben-my-Chree, Empress, and two converted German freighters, now the seaplane carriers Anne and Raven II. 261 On May 14 Wing Commander Samson arrived to take charge of the EIESS, minus Empress which was deployed to the Bulgarian coast, while L’Estrange-Malone took command of Raven II, acting as Samson’s executive officer with Flight Lieutenant T. H. England as his SFO.262 The carriers were grouped together with monitors M15 and M26 to provide a mobile bombardment force. On 18 May the group successfully bombarded the El Arish forts and airfield, damaging the latter and successfully destroying the former.263 On 3 June Empress flew gunfire spotting missions for HMS Grafton and the monitor Earl of Peterborough, against the railway bridge north-east of Scala Nuova.264 ...
Wing a. Upper and lower integral xxxxxxxx machined wing planks. b. Machined spar, including auxiliary spars. c. Caps, webs and stiffeners on fabricated spars. d. Front spar to rear spar wing box ribs. e. Main landing gear (MLG) machined trunnion rib. f. MLG side stay machined attachment fittings. g. Wing/fuselage machined attachment fittings.