Workforce Council Sample Clauses

Workforce Council. The BOARD and the UNION will work cooperatively through co-sponsorship for the establishment of an educational manpower council or to join a similar established council. The council will be represented as a goal by the ten largest employment sectors in the metropolitan area with representatives from the business community, other educational institutions, labor organizations and state and local governments to identify workforce needs within the Chicago metropolitan area to ensure that CTE curricula and programs are aligned to those needs.
Workforce Council. The BOARD and the UNION will work cooperatively through co-sponsorship for the es- tablishment of an educational manpower council or to join a similar established council. The council will be represented as a goal by the ten largest employment sectors in the met- ropolitan area with representatives from the business com- munity, other educational institutions, labor organizations and state and local governments to identify workforce needs within the Chicago metropolitan area to ensure that CTE curricula and programs are aligned to those needs. 18-12. CTE Teacher Credentials. The parties agree that the CTE teachers must keep current in their content areas and industry credentials in order to maintain their posi- tions. If the BOARD seeks to require that the current CTE teachers increase their credentials (other than staying current in their content area or industry certifications) in order to qualify for their current positions, the BOARD will meet with the CTE Committee or other UNION designees to bargain over the impact of changes in such requirements. In accordance with CTE policies and pro- cedures, and where funds are available, CTE will support CTE teachers’ training for obtaining previously approved credentials. CTE will support CTE teachers training for
Workforce Council. The BOARD and the UNION will work cooperatively through co-sponsorship for the es- tablishment of an educational manpower council or to join a similar established council. The council will be rep- resented as a goal by the ten largest employment sectors in the metropolitan area with representatives from the business community, other educational institutions, labor organizations and state and local governments to identify workforce needs within the Chicago metropolitan area to ensure that CTE curricula and programs are aligned to those needs. 18–12. CTE Teacher Credentials. The parties agree that the CTE teachers must keep current in their content areas and industry credentials in order to maintain their posi- tions. If the BOARD seeks to require that the current CTE teachers increase their credentials (other than staying current in their content area or industry certifications) in order to qualify for their current positions, the BOARD will meet with the CTE Committee or other UNION de- signees to bargain over the impact of changes in such re- quirements. In accordance with CTE policies and procedures, and where funds are available, CTE will sup- port CTE teachers’ training for obtaining previously ap- proved credentials. CTE will support CTE teachers training for obtaining previously approved credentials. Credentials for all cooperative education teachers will be reviewed and approved by the Department of Career and Technical Education in accordance with Illinois State Board of Education Rules and Regulations as outlined in the State of Illinois Cooperative Education Handbook.

Related to Workforce Council

  • Recognition of Union Stewards and Grievance Committee In order to provide an orderly and speedy procedure for the settling of grievances, the Employer acknowledges the rights and duties of the Union Stewards. The Xxxxxxx shall assist any Employee, which the Xxxxxxx represents, in preparing and presenting her grievance in accordance with the grievance procedure.

  • Training Committee The parties to this Agreement may form a Training Committee. The Training Committee will be constituted by equal numbers of Employer nominees and ETU employee representatives and have a charter which clearly states its role and responsibilities. It shall monitor the clauses of this Agreement which relate to training and ensure all employees have equal access to training.

  • ADVISORY COUNCIL An Advisory Council consisting of the superintendent of each participating District, or his/her designee is hereby created. The purpose of such Advisory Council is to monitor the performance of this Agreement, amend this Agreement (with concurrence of all parties affected), and terminate this Agreement as provided in Section IX. Activities of the Advisory Council shall take place as needed, called by a majority of its members or by the Superintendent of the NWESD, or his/her designee. Decisions by the Advisory Council will be made by a vote of greater than fifty percent (50%) of a quorum. A quorum is defined as at least fifty percent (50%) of the representatives appointed to the Advisory Council. Participation may occur via technological participation, including email providing at least seven (7) calendar days prior written notice was provided to each District superintendent or designee.

  • Technical Committee 1. The Technical Committee shall comprise: (a) nine experts representing different regions of the Agreement Area, in accordance with a balanced geographical distribution; (b) one representative from the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), one from the International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau (IWRB) and one from the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC); and (c) one expert from each of the following fields: rural economics, game management, and environmental law. The procedure for the appointment of the experts, the term of their appointment and the procedure for designation of the Chairman of the Technical Committee shall be determined by the Meeting of the Parties. The Chairman may admit a maximum of four observers from specialized international inter- governmental and non-governmental organizations. 2. Unless the Meeting of the Parties decides otherwise, meetings of the Technical Committee shall be convened by the Agreement secretariat in conjunction with each ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties and at least once between ordinary sessions of the Meeting of the Parties. 3. The Technical Committee shall: (a) provide scientific and technical advice and information to the Meeting of the Parties and, through the Agreement secretariat, to Parties; (b) make recommendations to the Meeting of the Parties concerning the Action Plan, implementation of the Agreement and further research to be carried out; (c) prepare for each ordinary session of the Meeting of the Parties a report on its activities, which shall be submitted to the Agreement secretariat not less than one hundred and twenty days before the session of the Meeting of the Parties, and copies shall be circulated forthwith by the Agreement secretariat to the Parties; and (d) carry out any other tasks referred to it by the Meeting of the Parties. 4. Where in the opinion of the Technical Committee there has arisen an emergency which requires the adoption of immediate measures to avoid deterioration of the conservation status of one or more migratory waterbird species, the Technical Committee may request the Agreement secretariat to convene urgently a meeting of the Parties concerned. These Parties shall meet as soon as possible thereafter to establish rapidly a mechanism to give protection to the species identified as being subject to particularly adverse threat. Where a recommendation has been adopted at such a meeting, the Parties concerned shall inform each other and the Agreement secretariat of measures they have taken to implement it, or of the reasons why the recommendation could not be implemented. 5. The Technical Committee may establish such working groups as may be necessary to deal with specific tasks.

  • Shop Stewards 15. The Union may select one xxxxxxx and/or alternate xxxxxxx in each department or bureau in which employees covered by this CBA are working. A xxxxxxx shall only deal with grievances within or related to the xxxxxxx'x department or bureau. 16. The Union shall furnish the City with an accurate list of shop stewards. The Union may submit amendments to this list at any time because of the permanent absence of a designated shop xxxxxxx. If a shop xxxxxxx is not officially designated in writing, by the Union, none will be recognized. 17. The Union and the City recognize that it is the responsibility of the shop xxxxxxx to assist in the resolution of grievances or disputes at the lowest possible level. 18. While handling grievances, discipline, or meeting with the City representatives concerning matters affecting the working conditions and status of employees covered by this CBA, not more than two shop stewards shall be allowed time off during normal working hours to perform such duties without loss of pay; provided, however, that time off for investigation shall be reasonably related to the difficulty of the grievance. No xxxxxxx shall leave the duty or work station or assignment without specific approval of the employee's department head or other authorized manager. Such release time for the shop xxxxxxx shall not be unreasonably denied. 19. If, in the judgment of the supervisor, permission cannot be granted immediately to the shop xxxxxxx to investigate or present a grievance during on duty time, such permission shall be granted by the supervisor no later than the next working day from the date the shop xxxxxxx was denied permission, unless the parties agree to an alternative time. 20. In handling grievances or disciplinary matters, the shop xxxxxxx shall have the right to: 21. Consult with the affected employee regarding the presentation of a grievance after the employee has requested the assistance or presence of the shop xxxxxxx. 22. Present to a supervisor a grievance, which has been requested by an employee or group of employees, for resolution or adjustment. 23. Investigate any such grievance so that such grievance can be properly discussed with the supervisor or the designated representative. 24. Attend meetings with supervisors or other city representatives when such meetings are necessary to adjust grievances or represent employees in disciplinary matters. In scheduling meetings, due consideration shall be given to the operating needs and work schedules of the department, division, or section in which the employees are employed. Release time for the shop xxxxxxx shall not be unreasonably denied. 25. In emergency situations, where immediate disciplinary action may be taken because of violation of law or a City or departmental rule (theft, etc.), the shop xxxxxxx shall, if possible, be granted immediate permission to leave his/her post of duty to assist the employee. 26. Shop stewards shall not interfere with the work of any employee. 27. Pursuant to the Xxxxxx-Xxxxxx-Xxxxx Act and Employee Relations Ordinance, a reasonable number of stewards or other designated employees may attend during working hours with no loss of pay, meetings scheduled with representatives of the Appointing Officer for the purpose of meeting and conferring on terms and conditions of employment, and may participate in the discussions, deliberations and decisions at such meeting. 28. Stewards shall receive timely notice of departmental orientation sessions, and shall be permitted to make appearances at departmental orientation sessions, in order to distribute Union materials and to discuss employee rights and obligations under this CBA. The Union and a department or bureau may agree to other arrangements for contact between stewards and new employees.

  • Stewards Each UNION shall have the right to designate a working journeyman as a xxxxxxx. The UNION shall notify the EMPLOYER in writing of the identity of their designated xxxxxxx. In addition to his work as an employee, the xxxxxxx shall have the right to receive, but not to solicit, complaints or grievances, and to discuss and assist in the adjustment of the same with the employee's appropriate supervisor. The EMPLOYER will not discriminate against the xxxxxxx in the proper performance of his union duties. The xxxxxxx shall not leave his work area without first notifying his appropriate supervisor or xxxxxxx as to his intent and the reason thereof, he can be reached, and the estimated time that he will be gone. Stewards shall not have the right to determine when overtime shall be worked or who shall work overtime. The EMPLOYER shall have the right to implement a system of written accountability of time spent by all stewards in the performance of their duties whenever they deem such action necessary. The presence or absence of the xxxxxxx shall not affect the work of the craft. The xxxxxxx, in addition to this work as a journeyman, will be permitted to perform during the work hours such of his normal UNION duties as cannot be performed at other times. The UNION agrees that such duties shall be performed as expeditiously as possible and the EMPLOYER agrees to allow the xxxxxxx a reasonable amount of time to perform such duties. The xxxxxxx shall receive his regular craft rate of pay. The xxxxxxx'x duties shall not include any matters relating to any supervisory function over which the EMPLOYER retains sole control. If a xxxxxxx violates any of the rules of this Article, or fails to work or competently perform work assignments, the EMPLOYER shall have the right to take whatever action deemed appropriate, including termination. The working xxxxxxx designated for one EMPLOYER has no authority with regard to the work of another EMPLOYER. If he should become involved in the affairs or disputes of another EMPLOYER, he will be subject to discharge. The EMPLOYER agrees to notify the UNION two (2) working days, confirmed in writing stating the cause, prior to termination of the working xxxxxxx except for a violation of work rules. The xxxxxxx shall be the last EMPLOYEE laid off provided he is qualified to perform the remaining work of the EMPLOYER.

  • Labour Management Relations Committee In recognition of the mutual benefits of open communications and on-going consultation between the faculty and the employer, the Labour/Management Relations Committee will meet on a regular basis and have equal representation for the Union and the Employer. The LMRC will serve as an open forum for the free and candid discussion of matters of mutual concern to faculty members and management.

  • MINISTRY/SCHOOL BOARD INITIATIVES ETFO will be an active participant in the consultation process to develop a Ministry of Education PPM regarding Ministry/School Board Initiatives.

  • Job Stewards (1) An employee appointed as a Job Xxxxxxx shall, upon notification by the Union to the employer be recognised as the accredited representative of the Union and he/she shall be allowed all necessary time during working hours to submit to the employer matters affecting the employees he/she represents and further shall be allowed reasonable time during working hours to attend job matters affecting the Union. Provided that the foregoing does not relieve the Job Xxxxxxx of the obligation imposed upon him/her by his/her employer. A Job Xxxxxxx shall notify the employer and where relevant the principal contractor's representative and the Union prior to the calling of any stop work meeting so that the procedures laid down in Clause 42. - Settlement of Disputes - may be observed before any stoppage of work occurs. (2) Prior to termination or transfer two days' notice shall be given to any Job Xxxxxxx and the Union. Payment in lieu of notice shall not be given. In the event of the Union disputing the decision of management to transfer the Job Xxxxxxx or terminate his/her service, the Union shall notify management within two working days after being informed of the decision of management. The Job Xxxxxxx shall remain on the job during which time a Board of Reference shall deal with the matter. The Union shall, within three working days of notifying the management that it disputes the decision to transfer or terminate the job xxxxxxx, request the Registrar or Deputy Registrar in writing to appoint a Board of Reference to deal with the matter. The Union and the employer shall do all things necessary to enable the Board to sit within ten working days of the management decision to transfer or terminate the job xxxxxxx. If the Board cannot sit within ten working days because of the employer's failure to nominate representatives, or their unavailability to sit on the Board, the decision to transfer or terminate the job xxxxxxx shall be null and void. If the Board cannot sit within ten working days because of the Union's failure to nominate representatives, or their unavailability to sit on the Board, the job xxxxxxx'x transfer or termination shall automatically take effect at the expiry of the period of ten working days. Provided that nothing in this subclause shall prevent the parties proceeding by agreement to have the matter settled by the Commission or a Local Disputes Board set up in accord with Clause 42 (3) in lieu of the Board of Reference procedure. Provided further that nothing shall affect the right of the employer to dismiss a job xxxxxxx without notice for misconduct or refusing duty.

  • CENTRAL LABOUR RELATIONS COMMITTEE C4.1 OPSBA, the Crown and OSSTF agree to establish a joint Central Labour Relations Committee to promote and facilitate communication between rounds of bargaining on issues of joint interest.