不可抗力. Neither party can be considered in default under this Contract if the performance of its obligations in whole or in part is delayed or prevented by following a force majeure situation. Force majeure is an external event, unforeseeable, irresistible and it absolutely impossible to fulfill an obligation. 如果一方因不可抗力事件部分或全部延迟或未能履行其义务,不认为是违约。不可抗力指外部事件,是无法预见、无法避免并导致不能履行义务。
不可抗力. 除付款义务外,由于合理控制范围之外的情况或原因,即并非由于根据第 12 节规定要求获得救济一方的疏忽或不当行为造成,包括但不限于火灾或其他事故、天灾、战争、恐怖主义或其他暴力、任何政府机构或当局颁布的任何法律、判令或要求,或超出该方合理控制的其他原因,从而导致任何延迟或其他不履行的行为,只要该方在此类不可抗力事件发生时即刻(包括合理估计履行所需的额外时间)通知另一方,并且该方采用合理的商业努力在合理可行的范围内尽快按照要求予以履行,则任何一方都无需因此承担责任。
不可抗力. 如果发生不可抗力情况(即火灾,水灾,地震, 战争,禁止进出口以及其它合同双方不抗拒或无法履行义务的情况)造成合同某一方不能完全或部分履行其合同,按不可抗力与其后果存在的时间推迟履行义务。
不可抗力. In the event that Roxtec shall be wholly or partially unable to fulfil its obligations under these Terms or the Agreement by reason of causes beyond Roxtec’s control, including but not restricted to acts of God, acts, omissions, or regulations of any government or subdivision thereof, judicial action, fire, storm, accident, war, riot, pandemics, epidemics, labour disputes (whether or not Roxtec is a party to such dispute), strikes, general shortage of material, machine damage, delay in delivery by sub- contractor or transportation failure, then Roxtec’s performance of its obligations, in so far as it is affected by such cause, shall be excused during the period of the continuance of such circumstances. ロクステックが、天災、いずれかの政府またはその支部の法令、不作為 または規制、訴訟、火災、嵐、事故、戦争、暴動、パンデミック、流行 病、労働争議(ロクステックが当該争議に加わっているかどうかにかか わらない)、ストライキ、一般的な材料不足、機械の破損、もしくは外 注先または輸送の過失による納品遅延を含むがそれに限定されないロク ステックのコントロールの及ばない事由により、本条件または本契約の 義務を全部または一部履行できない場合、ロクステックの義務の履行は、上記の事由の影響を受けている限りにおいて、上記の状況が継続する期 間は免責されるものとする。
不可抗力. 24.1. In the event of war, terrorism, revolution, insurrection, restraint of rulers, military disturbances, riot, civil commotion, civil disobedience or other similar action involving any country, strike or lockout or stoppage or restraint of labour, seizure or confiscation of assets or other governmental action having a similar effect, any imposition of currency exchange control or restraint of capital movement or transmission by any government, any "Act of God”, epidemic, pandemic, vandalism, disruption of the operation of any Exchange, breakdown of computer systems and/or communication facilities, or any other similar event outside the control of WAN LUNG which hinders or prevents the performance by WAN LUNG of its obligations under this Agreement (an “event of force majeure”), then WAN LUNG may, as an alternative to any performance otherwise required, at its absolute discretion either (a) postpone its performance until the event of force majeure no longer has such effect or (b) where any delivery or payment is required, provide or require a cash settlement based upon the prevailing price of a security or instrument relevant to such settlement on the second business day prior to the occurrence of the event of force majeure; such prevailing price being conclusively determined by WAN LUNG, WAN LUNG shall not be responsible or held liable for any loss suffered by Client arising out of or in connection with an event of force majeure, Client agrees to bear solely the risk of such event of force majeure. 一旦戰爭、恐怖主義活動、革命事件、暴動、統治者之管制、軍事騷動、暴亂、內亂、非暴力行動或其他涉及任何國家的類同行動、罷工或停工或拒絕工作或勞工管制、財產被扣押或充公或其他有類同影響的政府行動、政府管制貨幣兌換或政府管制資金流動或轉移、任何天災、流行性傳染病、全國流行性傳染病、惡意破壞行為、任何交易所之營運遭受擾亂、電腦系統及/或通訊設施故障、或任何其他類同事件發生,而非萬隆所能控制之範圍內,導致萬隆在履行本協議下其責任時受掣肘或阻礙(「不可抗力事件」),那時,萬隆可作為履行其責任之其他選擇,絕對酌情權決定:(a)延遲其履行責任直至該不可抗力事件失卻影響力;或(b)倘若須有任何交付或支付,提供或要求現金結算而該結算乃根據發生不可抗力事件前之第二個營業日當日之有關該結算之證券或金融工具的現行市價(該現行市價由萬隆終論地決定)。萬隆不會負責客戶任何因或關於發生不可抗力事件而招致之損失。客戶同意獨自承擔不可抗力事件之風險。 PART III - ADDITIONAL TERMS FOR ELECTRONIC TRADING SERVICE
不可抗力. In the event of any failure, interruption or delay in the performance of the Company’s obligations resulting from acts, events or circumstances not reasonably within its control, including, but not limited to, pandemic, epidemic, social movement, protest, riots, war, strike, terrorist action, lockout, flood, fire, typhoon, earthquake, industrial disputes, acts or regulations of any governmental or supranational bodies or authorities and breakdown, failure or malfunction of any telecommunications or computer service or systems, the Company shall not be liable or have any responsibility of any kind for any loss or damage thereby incurred or suffered by the Customer or the Investments held at the Customer’s Bank Account and managed by the Company under this Agreement. 若本公司因其合理控制範圍以外的行動、事件或情況(包括(但不限於)瘟疫、流行病、社會運動、示威、暴動、戰爭、罷工、恐怖行動、鎖廠、水浸、火災、颱風、地震、勞資糾紛,任何政府、超國家機構或機關的法案或規例及電訊或電腦服務或系統損壞、故障或失靈等)而未能、中斷或延遲履行本公司的責任,則本公司毋須就客戶或本協議下在客戶的銀行帳戶持有的及本公司管理之投資項目因而產生或蒙受的任何損失或損害而承擔或負上任何類別的責任。 13. CONFIDENTIALITY 13. 保密 Except as permitted by this Agreement, the parties shall at all times keep confidential the terms of this Agreement and all information relating to it and shall not disclose the same to any person not authorised in writing by the other party, unless required by law, rule, regulation or the order of any Court or by any relevant authority. Notwithstanding anything 除獲本協議准許,各方於任何時間均須將本協議的條款及與本協議有關的一切資料保密,並不得向任何未獲他方書面許可的人士披露有關條款或資料,除非法律、規則、規例或經法院或有關當局所作出命令要求披露,則作別論。儘管本條載有任何規定,本公司仍可基於方便於本協議下所 contained in this clause, the Company may disclose information to any Delegate or affiliate for the purpose of facilitating the Services contemplated under this Agreement or in order for the Company to comply with any statutory or governmental or competent authorities' requirement to provide information concerning this Agreement to which we may be subject from time to time or to our professional advisers where reasonably necessary for the performance of their professional services or to enforce our rights and remedies under this Agreement. 擬定的服務或本公司為遵行任何法定、政府或有關當局發出而本公司須不時遵行並要求提供本協議有關資料的要求而向任何獲委派人或連絡人披露資料,或提供合理需要的披露予本公司專業顧問履行其專業服務或執行本協議所賦予本公司權利及補償。
不可抗力. 4.1 不可抗力事件 本协议所称不可抗力事件,是指发生当事人无法控制、无本方疏忽或故意不当行为的不可预见情况,包括但不限于任何政府部门的任何行为、战争行为、自然灾害、罢工、抵制、禁运、短缺、暴乱、封锁、劳资纠纷和民事骚动。
不可抗力. Except for the obligation of payment, neither party shall be liable for non-performance prevented or delayed by strikes or labor unrest, delay in transportation, delay in delivery by suppliers, fire, civil disobedience, wars, acts of governments, unavailability of power or other utilities, criminal acts of third parties (crimes affecting computers, networks or systems, computer-related extortion, fraud and forgery, and unauthorized access to or interference with data, identity theft, software and media piracy, web-site vandalism, release of viruses and worms, denial of service attacks, invasion of privacy, cyber-spying and illegal hacking) or acts of God (hurricane, tornado, flood, earthquake) (“Force Majeure Events”) In the event Force Majeure Events prevent provision of the Subscription Product for more than sixty (60) consecutive days, Customer’s sole remedy is to terminate the Subscription Term applicable to the Subscription Product on thirty (30) days prior written notice to Amadeus. In such case, neither party will be liable for penalties or damages arising out of a failure to perform under this Agreement. However, in such event, Amadeus shall provide Customer a pro-rata refund of any prepaid but unused Subscription Fees. This Section shall not operate to change, delete, or modify any of the parties’ obligations under this Agreement (e.g., payment), but rather only to excuse a delay in the performance of such obligations. . 除付款义务外,任何一方均不对因罢工或劳工骚乱、运输延误、供应商延迟交货、火灾、公民不服从、战争、政府行为、电力或其他公共设施无法使用、第三方的犯罪行为 (包括影响计算机、网络或系统的犯罪、与计算机有关的勒索、欺诈和伪造以及未经授权访问或干扰数据、身份盗窃、软件和媒体盗版、网站破坏、发布病毒和蠕虫、拒绝服务攻击、侵犯隐私、网络间谍和非法黑客攻击或天灾(飓风,龙卷风,洪水,地震) (“不可抗力事件”)而造成的不履约或延迟履约行为负责。。如果不可抗力事件导致连续六十(60)天以上无法提供订购产品,客户的唯一救济是提前三十(30)天书面通知艾玛迪斯终止适用于订购产品的订购期限。在这种情况下,任何一方都不对因未能根据本协议履约而产生的处罚或损害承担责任,但艾玛迪斯应按比例向客户退还任何预付但未使用的订购费。本条规定不得改变、删除或修改双方在本协议下的任何义务(例如付款义务),而只能作为延迟履行这些义务的理由。
不可抗力. 8.1 Force Majeure refers to the events that cannot be predicted by either party of the Contract and their occurrence and consequences cannot be avoided, including but not limited to wars, unrests, fires and natural disasters such as wind, rain and earthquake etc.
不可抗力. The events of force majeure referred to herein shall mean all objective events that are unforeseeable by either party at the time when this Agreement was signed, and which cannot be avoided or overcome and which events prevent total or partial performance by any party of all or part of its obligation hereunder. Such events shall include earthquakes, typhoons, flood, fire, war, failures of international or domestic transportation, terrorist acts, epidemics, strikes, action or inaction of any government that was not reasonably foreseeable at the time this Agreement was signed. 本协议中的不可抗力系指签署本协议时双方不可预见且双方对其发生不可避免和不能克服、致使任何一方不能履行本协议项下的全部或部分义务的所有客观事件。该等事件包括地震、台风、水灾、火灾、战争、国际或国内运输中断、恐怖行为、流行病、罢工、本协议签署时无法合理预见的任何政府的作为或不作为.