Concluding provisions. In matters not explicitly addressed in this Agreement, the rights and obligations of the contractual parties shall be governed by the relevant provisions of generally binding legal regulations in force in the Czech Republic, in particular the CC and other legal provisions related to the subject matter of this Agreement. Changes or amendments to this Agreement can only be made in the form of written amendments which are agreed by both parties, are numbered in an ascending order, and which shall become integral parts of the Agreement. All text documents submitted by the Seller to the Purchaser in the performance of this Agreement must be submitted in Czech or English. The Seller is not entitled to assign a claim arising from this Agreement to a third party without the prior written consent of the Purchaser. Any disputes which the contractual parties are unable to resolve through amicable settlement will be settled by the court having subject-matter and local jurisdiction in relation to the Purchaser. This Agreement shall be executed in one counterpart in electronic form and in two counterparts in paper form. Each counterpart shall be valid as an original. Each contractual party shall receive one counterpart. If, for any reason, any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid, that fact will not invalidate the entire Agreement. In such a case, the contractual parties are obliged to replace the invalid clause with a new valid one that will accord with the meaning and purpose of this Agreement. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its signature by the last contractual party and take effect on the date of its publication in the Register of Contracts. The contractual parties explicitly agree to the publication of this Agreement in the profile of the Contracting Authority (The Purchaser) according to PPA and in the Register of Contracts in accordance with Act No. 340/2015 Coll., on Special Conditions for the Effectiveness of Certain Contracts, the Public Disclosure of These Contracts. The Purchaser undertakes to ensure the publication of the Agreement through a register of contracts in accordance with the Act on a Register of Contracts. GDPR: By signing this Agreement, the Seller, as a data subject, confirms that the Purchaser, as a data controller, has fulfilled an obligation to inform it, in the meaning of the provisions of Section 11 of Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Personal Data, as amended, concerning, in particular, the ...
Concluding provisions. 1. In matters not explicitly regulated by this Agreement, the rights and obligations of the contractual parties shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the generally binding legal regulations in force in the Czech Republic, in particular the Section 1765(2) of the CC and other legal provisions related to the subject matter of this Agreement.
2. Any disputes which the parties to the Agreement are not able to resolve through the amicable settlement shall be settled by the court having subject-matter and local jurisdiction in relation to the Purchaser.
3. This Agreement is made out in two counterparts. Each counterpart has the validity of an original. Each party to the Agreement shall obtain one counterpart.
4. This Agreement may be amended or added to only by written and mutually agreed amendments numbered in ascending order, which shall become an integral part of the Agreement. Annexes must also be concluded in accordance with the PPA. The exchange of e-mail or other electronic messages is not deemed to be an permissible written form for this purpose. Either party may raise an objection that an amendment is invalid on the grounds of failure to comply with the required form, even if performance has already been commenced. The procedure set out above shall not be applied in the context of a reserved change in the obligation in case of a change in performance pursuant to Article II(6) of this Agreement. In such an event the parties to the Agreement have agreed that a written amendment to this Agreement will not be concluded and the reserved change will be implemented by means of the procedure laid down in Article II(6) of this Agreement. A change to the identification or contact details and a change to statutory VAT shall not be regarded as a change to the Agreement.
5. If, for any reason, any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid, that fact shall not invalidate the entire Agreement. In such an event, the parties are obliged to replace the invalid clause with a new valid one that will accord with the meaning and purpose of this Agreement.
6. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its signature by the last contractual party and shall be effective on the date of its publication in the Register of Contracts.
7. The contractual parties declare that they have read this Agreement, and that it has been negotiated after mutual deliberation, according to their free will, certainly, seriously and comprehensibly, in witness whereof the ...
Concluding provisions. 1. In matters not explicitly addressed in this Agreement, the rights and obligations of the contractual parties shall be governed by the relevant provisions of generally binding legal
2. Tato smlouva může být měněna či doplňována pouze písemnými, oboustranně dohodnutými, vzestupně číslovanými dodatky, které se stávají její nedílnou součástí.
3. Veškerá textová dokumentace, kterou při plnění smlouvy předává prodávající kupujícímu, musí být předána či předložena v českém jazyce, popř. v anglickém jazyce.
4. Prodávající není oprávněn postoupit pohledávku plynoucí z této smlouvy třetí osobě bez předchozího písemného souhlasu kupujícího.
5. Veškeré spory, které se smluvním stranám nepodaří vyřešit smírnou cestou, budou řešeny věcně a místně příslušným soudem kupujícího.
6. Tato smlouva je vyhotovena v jednom vyhotovení v elektronické podobě.
7. Pokud bude z jakéhokoliv důvodu některé ustanovení této smlouvy shledáno neplatným, nečiní tato skutečnost neplatnou celou smlouvu. V takovém případě jsou smluvní strany povinny neplatné ustanovení nahradit novým platným, jenž bude odpovídat smyslu a účelu této smlouvy.
8. Tato smlouva nabývá platnosti dnem jejího podpisu poslední smluvní stranou a účinnosti dnem uveřejnění v registru smluv.
9. Smluvní strany výslovně souhlasí s tím, aby text této smlouvy byl uveřejněn na profilu zadavatele (kupujícího) dle ZZVZ a v registru smluv v souladu se zákonem č. 340/2015 Sb., zákon o zvláštních podmínkách účinnosti některých smluv, uveřejňování těchto smluv a o registru smluv.
10. Kupující se zavazuje zajistit uveřejnění smlouvy prostřednictvím registru smluv v souladu se zákonem o registru smluv.
11. GDPR: Podpisem této smlouvy prodávající jako subjekt údajů potvrzuje, že kupující jako správce údajů splnil vůči němu informační povinnost ve smyslu ustanovení § 11 zákona č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů, v platném znění, týkající se zejména rozsahu, účelu, způsobu, místa provádění zpracování osobních dat subjektu údajů a možnosti nakládání s nimi, jakož i osobě jejich zpracovatele. Prodávající podpisem této smlouvy regulations in force in the Czech Republic, in particular the CC and other legal provisions related to the subject matter of this Agreement.
Concluding provisions. 1. This Agreement shall take effect and enter force on the date it is signed by both Contracting Parties.
2. The loan period is agreed as until the end of time the study.
3. Changes to this Agreement may be effected exclusively in writing, by consecutively numbered amendments signed by both Contracting Parties. 4. The Contracting Parties are each entitled to revoke this Agreement at one week’s notice, counted as starting on the day the notice of cancellation is served on the other party, and the Agreement may also be terminated by the agreement of both Contracting Parties. 5. The Lender may demand return of the loaned device and its accessories if the arrangements agreed under Article III paragraph 2 of this Agreement are not observed. 6. In accordance with Section 89a of Act No 99/1963 Coll., the Civil Procedure Code, as amended, the Contracting Parties agree that the competent court is the Municipal Court in Brno. 7. The Contracting Parties are aware of the obligation, stipulated by Act No 340/2015 Coll. on Special Conditions for the
Concluding provisions. 16.1 By its signature below, the Insurance Company grants its consent to the contents and to the conclusion of the Agreement.
16.2 This Agreement and its interpretation shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic. With respect to any and all disputes arising from this Agreement or in relation therewith, including disputes as to its existence or validity, which the Parties do not resolve amicably, the Contractual Parties agree that they shall be resolved by courts of the Czech Republic, namely the District Court for Prague 4 and/or Municipal Court in Prague, depending on their subject- matter competence.
16.3 The rights arising from this Agreement may not be assigned without the prior written consent of the other Party. For this purpose, the exchange of e-mail or other electronic messages shall not be deemed to constitute written form.
16.4 The Agent may not unilaterally set off any of its due or undue receivables from this Agreement against the Principal.
16.5 This Agreement may only be amended by written amendments to the Agreement, signed by both Parties and numbered in an ascending order. Any other form of change to this Agreement is explicitly excluded by the Parties. The exchange of e-mail or other electronic messages shall not be deemed to constitute written form. Furthermore, the Parties agree that a failure to exercise or a delay in the exercise of any right or a failure to make any claim arising from this Agreement or applicable legislation shall not constitute a waiver of that right or claim and does not prevent its further exercise or the exercise of any other rights and/or claims. The exercise of a right or lodging of a claim on the basis of this Agreement shall not preclude the Parties from any further exercise of the right or claim in the future.
16.6 This Agreement shall become valid and take effect on the date of its conclusion by all Parties. This Agreement has been concluded for the definite term of twelve months from the date of its signing by all Parties.
16.7 This Agreement contains a complete agreement as to the subject-matter of the Agreement and all of the particulars that the Parties should have and intended to agree in the Agreement and which they consider important in order for the Agreement to be binding. No statement made by the Parties during negotiations about this Agreement or a statement made after the conclusion of this Agreement may be interpreted contrary to the express provisions of this Agreement, not may it es...
Concluding provisions. All cited laws, regulations and programme documents mentioned in this agreement are applicable in their currently valid version.
Concluding provisions