Agreement Musterklauseln

Agreement between the Republic of Austria and the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for the Promotion and Protection of Investments CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 Definitions
Agreement. The Licensor and Licensee (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Parties’) hereby agree that the terms and limitations of this agreement shall apply to the provision of the licensed software in a SaaS model (‘Software as a Service’) as a limited period demo version (‘Demo License’) to the Licensee by the Licensor. This agreement shall remain in force until the end of the demo license period. The Licensor reserves the right to cancel or withdraw from this agreement if the Licensee, or individuals who work for the Licensee, fail to adhere to the terms of this agreement.
Agreement between the European Patent Organisation and the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization in relation to the functioning of the European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority and International Preliminary Examining Authority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty
Agreement between the Republic of Austria and the United Mexican States on the Promotion and Protection of Investments CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE 1 Definitions
Agreement. Das Agreement regelt die Zusammenarbeit aller Partner. • Klärung wichtiger Ziel-, Organisations- und Ablauffragen • Regelung der Rechte und Pflichten der Partner (insb. IPR‘s) • Haftungsregelungen, Ein- und Austritt von Partnern, • Überbindung wichtiger Vertragsbestandteile, etc. • Die FFG hat das Recht in relevanten Gremien ohne Stimmrecht teilzunehmen − Für bestehende Zentren ist ein Amendment zu einem bereits bestehenden gültigen Agreement zulässig. − Detailliertere Regelungen erfolgen in (bilateralen) Kooperations- bzw. Projektverträgen und dürfen dem Agreement nicht widersprechen! AGREEMENT-LEITFADEN • Leitfaden enthält wichtige Regelungsbereiche eines Agreements inklusive der zu überbindenden relevanten Vertragsbestandteile • Hilfestellung zu Struktur und Aufbau • Mindestkriterien für IPR-Regelungen • Nicht zur unmittelbaren Übernahme geeignet sondern an eigene Erfordernisse anzupassen! Aktueller Leitfaden für COMET K2-Zentren 0.Xxxx 🡺 im Downloadcenter/Punkt 5 „Der Weg zum Vertrag“. 🡺 Abstimmung des Agreements mit FFG vor Unterzeichnung (keine rechtliche Prüfung) und Länder; die Kenntnisnahme der Länder ist mit diesen abzuklären! Exkurs: Best Practice Beispiel für Neuschutzrechte Grundsätzlich soll das Zentrum Eigentümer sein. Unterschiedliche Regelungen ggf. nach Projektkategorien: 1. Strategische Projekte: 2. Single Firm & Multi-firm Projekte
Agreement between Industrial Partner Address Postal Code represented by Industrial Partner (henceforth „Project Partner“) together with Hochschule Luzern – Technik & Architektur, Department Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00, 0000 Xxxx represented by Lecturer (henceforth „HSLU T&A“) and Student (henceforth „Student“) regarding The student writes a Bachelor Thesis within the context of his/her studies, in accordance with the legal principles and regulations of Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture (HSLU T&A) applicable for Bachelor Theses. The Project Partner agrees to pay a fee of CHF 1,000 per student to the Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture (HSLU T&A). The Project Partner will receive an invoice from HSLU T&A after the completion of the Bachelor Thesis.* The arrangement regarding any compensation for expenses with by the project partner is the responsibility of the student. The student must agree a budget in advance with the project partner for any supplementary expenses.
Agreement on the processing of personal data (pursuant to GDPR Art. 28) between - hereinafter referred to as the Client - and Xxxxxx-Xxxxx-Xxxx-Xxx 00 0000 Xxxxxx - hereinafter referred to as the Contractor - - hereinafter also referred to individually or jointly as the Parties -
Agreement. I have read, understood and agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, and I confirm that I have full power and authority to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy.
Agreement. This Agreement is between Customer and the Highcoordination GmbH (HICO) and governs the use of all TRUECHART Products and Services, currently accessed or used by Customer.
Agreement. In carrying out international search and international preliminary examination, the Authority shall apply the Guidelines for International Search and for International Preliminary Examination to be Carried Out under the Patent Cooperation Treaty. The Authority undertakes to apply and observe all the common rules of interna- tional search and of international pre- liminary examination.