Contract conclusion Musterklauseln

Contract conclusion. This Agreement is considered concluded once Customer concluded the registration process that includes the link to this Agreement. By following the steps in the Registration centre, Customer will conclude this Agreement by clicking “Register”. The online registration must be completed in full and truthfully. Service Provider may request the authorised signatory of Customer to show suitable evidence of authority to represent Customer. Service Provider reserves the right to refuse registration or to revoke or to delete such in case of misuse or if false information is provided.
Contract conclusion. The order is placed by the customer after a detailed and comprehensive discussion about the desired treatment or procedure. For this purpose, the customer has to sign the present GCS as well as the separate patient information/ declaration of consent. TREMP PLASTIC SURGERY AG reserves the right to refuse a treatment/operation of the customer if this is indicated due to the medical duty of care.
Contract conclusion. Offers, as well as each form of contract conclusion with the Uni- versity, need to be done in writing. This also applies to supple- ments and amendments to existing contracts or offers. Infor- xxxxxx and promises issued verbally, by telephone, Fax or e-mail are non-binding.
Contract conclusion. 3.1 The contract comes into effect when we issue a confirmation of order.
Contract conclusion. 3.1 The presentation of products in the Pneumatics Shop does not represent a binding offer for concluding a corresponding contract, but instead is only an invitation to the Customer to make a binding offer pursuant to the conditions listed in the Pneumatics Shop. The Customer order, therefore, represents a binding offer to us for concluding a corresponding purchase contract.
Contract conclusion. 3.1. The contract is considered concluded when b2 has sent a written order confirmation or shipment after receiving the order.
Contract conclusion. The TUBEX supply range is subject to change, unless stated otherwise in the order confirmation or explicitly stated otherwise by TUBEX in writing. A contract only comes into effect when TUBEX has confirmed an application from the Principal in writing or if TUBEX is already running a job or has started preliminary operation thereto. TUBEX shall be entitled to confirm or reject an order within a period of maximum 30 days. During this period, the Principal shall be bound by this order. TUBEX reserves the ownership of and copyright on all illustrations, brochures, calculations and other documents; they must not be made accessible to third parties. In particular, this applies to those documents marked as ‚Confidential‘; the Principal requires the express written confirmation of TUBEX before passing these documents to third parties. Unless otherwise stated in the written acceptance of the order, these documents are not incorporated into the order through reference. If required, the Principal must examine the documents and, before the design and manufacture of the product, ensure that they are suitable for its intended use, if necessary by means of appropriate testing. The TUBEX exclusive guarantee is outlined below (in Section 8 of the Conditions of sale). The Principal shall be solely responsible for the timely collection of and compliance with all permits, licenses and other legal requirements, that are necessary, for example, for exchange control, product import into the delivery country, and payment for the Products sold. The Principal shall make TUBEX aware of the receipt or fulfilment of such licences, permits or other legal requirements in writing. Unless expressly stated otherwise in the written order confirmation, all product prices shall be understood as ‚ex-works‘, as per Ex Works ICC Incoterm 2010, excluding freight and the sales tax applicable in each case. Changes to the order price stated in the written order confirmation may be made by TUBEX before the delivery date or date of provision of services, if there is a change to one or several of the factors used to determine the price, especially if the change was foreseeable at the time of the offer. TUBEX shall make the Principal aware of any such increases. Notwithstanding the above, our prices and rates shall be updated at least annually. The Principal shall bear the costs of the taxes and duties due for the Products, incurred now or in the future in association with the Products’ manufacture, sal...
Contract conclusion. 1.1 We place orders based on our General Terms of Purchase. Our Terms of Delivery and Document Terms apply in addition. Other terms and conditions are not to be considered as included in the contract even if not expressly objected by us. Our acceptance of deliveries/services without expressive objections does in no case imply the acceptance of your terms of delivery. Our General Terms of Purchase apply to companies as defined by § 14, section 1 of the German Civil Code only. The present General Terms of Purchase also apply to any future business transactions with you in case of an ongoing business relationship.
Contract conclusion. 1. A contract between Gelpell and a customer is only signed upon a placement of an order for the delivery of Goods or a written order confirmation by Gelpell.