Delivery Dates a) Any agreed delivery dates for goods and services are binding. If delays are expected or occur, the Supplier shall promptly notify SCHOTT thereof.
Delivery Dates. Delivery dates are stated according to our best estimations. They are only binding if expressly stated as such. form 533.03 The delivery time will be extended by a reasonable amount if we are prevented from delivering on time by problems in procurement production or delivery for us or our suppliers due, for example, to energy shortages, difficulties in procuring materials, traffic holdups, strikes, lockouts or other unforeseeable events. Purchaser's claims for damages due to delay in delivery as well as claims for damages in lieu of performance shall always be limited to the amount of damage foreseeable. In case of ordinary negligence we are not liable for consequential damage of the delayed or failed delivery, especially not for a pur-chaser's loss of profit or any other costs resulting from production loss.
Delivery Dates. 6.1 Observance of the stipulated time for Delivery is conditional on the timely receipt of all documents, necessary permits and approvals, especially of plans to be provided by the Buyer as well as fulfilment of the agreed terms of payment and other obligations by the Buyer. Unless these conditions are fulfilled on time, the time for Delivery shall be extended accordingly; this shall not apply if we are responsible for the delay.
6.2 Ist die Nichteinhaltung der Fristen auf höhere Gewalt, wie z.B. Mobilmachung, Krieg, Aufruhr, Streik, Aussperrung, Embargos etc. zurückführen, verlängern sich die Fristen angemessen.
6.3 Wird die vereinbarte Lieferzeit überschritten, so kann der Kunde, sofern er glaubhaft macht, dass ihm hieraus ein Schaden entstanden ist, eine Entschädigung für jede vollendete Woche des Verzugs von je 0,5 %, ins-gesamt jedoch höchstens 3 % des Netto-Preises des Teils der Lieferung verlangen, der infolge Verzuges vom Kunden nicht verwendet werden kann.
6.4 Ansprüche des Kunden auf Schadensersatz wegen Verspätung der Lieferung über die in 6.3 genannten Grenzen hinaus, sind auch nach Ablauf einer etwaigen vom Kunden gesetzten Frist zur Lieferung, ausgeschlossen. Dies gilt nicht, soweit wir in Fällen des Vorsatzes oder der groben Fahrlässigkeit haften.
6.5 Der Kunde kann eine Vertragsaufhebung nur verlangen, soweit wir die Verspätung der Lieferung zu vertreten haben und uns der Kunde eine angemessene Frist zur Erbringung der Lieferung gesetzt hat mit der Er-klärung, er lehne nach Ablauf der Frist die Annahme der Lieferung ab, und die Frist erfolglos verstrichen ist. Eine Änderung der Beweislast zum Nachteil des Kunden ist hiermit nicht verbunden.
6.6 Wir sind berechtigt, vertragliche Pflichten nach dem vorgesehenen Ter-min zu erfüllen, wenn der Kunde von der Terminüberschreitung informiert und ihm ein Zeitraum für die Erfüllung mitgeteilt wird. Der Kunde kann der Erfüllung innerhalb angemessener Frist widersprechen, wenn die Erfüllung unzumutbar ist. Der Widerspruch ist nur wirksam, wenn er uns vor Beginn der Erfüllung zugeht.
6.2 If non-observance of the time for Delivery is due to force majeure such as mobilization, war, riot or similar events e.g. strike or lock-out, the time limits shall be extended appropriately.
Delivery Dates. In accordance with separate agreement. The buyer shall have no claim to cancellation of contract and/or damages in the event of non-compliance by TRISA AG with delivery dates or deadlines, in particular as a result of late receipt of approved print and preparation documentation.
Delivery Dates. Our contractual obligations are subject to unimpeded production and shipping operations as well as to due and proper supplies from sub-contractors. Claims for damages and penalties for late deliveries are precluded.
Delivery Dates. 6.1 Observance of the stipulated time for Delivery is conditional on the timely receipt of all documents, necessary permits and approvals, especially of plans to be provided by the Buyer as well as fulfilment of the agreed terms of payment and other obligations by the Buyer. Unless these conditions are fulfilled on time, the time for Delivery shall be extended accordingly; this shall not apply if we are responsible for the delay.
6.2 If non-observance of the delivery periods is due to force majeure such as mobilization, war, riot, strike, lockout, embargoes, pandemics, administrative orders or similar events the delivery periods shall be extended appropriately.
6.3 In the event that we are responsible for a delay of the Deliveries and provided that the Buyer can establish credibly that it has suffered a loss for such delay, the Buyer may claim agreed damages of 0.5 % for every completed calendar week of delay but in no event shall the aggregate of such damages exceed a total of 3 % of the net price for that part of the Deliveries which because of the delay could not be put to the intended use by the Buyer.
6.4 Claims by the Buyer for damages due to a delay of Delivery as well as claims for dama- ges for non-performance which exceed the limits specified in 6.3 shall be excluded in all cases of delayed Delivery even after expiry of the time limit for Delivery fixed by the Buyer. This exclusion shall not apply in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence or bodily injury where liability is mandatory.
6.5 The Buyer shall only be entitled to withdraw from the Contract to the extent that we are solely liable for the delay in Delivery and the Buyer has set us a time limit within which to perform the Delivery and states that it will cease to accept the Delivery after expiry of the time limit and such time limit has expired. This shall not imply a change in the burden of proof to the detriment of the Buyer.
6.6 We shall be entitled to perform any contractual duties after the initial date if the Buyer was informed about the late date and the date of performance. The Buyer is entitled to contradict the performance within a reasonable period if performance is unreasonable. Contradiction shall only be valid if received by us prior to performance.
Delivery Dates. (1) The delivery date that is stated in the order shall be binding.
(2) The contractor agrees to notify us in writing immediately of any circumstances that have occurred or that can be foreseen by him, which will result in exceeding the agreed delivery date. The contractor has no resulting entitlement to any extension of the delivery date.
(3) If the delivery is delayed for reasons outside our control, we are entitled to claim a flat rate damage caused by delayed performance of 0.5% of the agreed price for every delay period of 7 days that has been entered into, but only up to a maximum of 5% of the agreed price, without requiring any additional proof of damage. However, the contractor shall have the opportunity to prove that we have not suffered any damage at all or only minor damage. Other entitlements of FEV according to law shall remain unaffected by the above.
(4) If a delivery is likely to be delayed or has already been delayed, the contractor shall, on request, give us access to all relevant documents in connection with the order and provide us with the names of all respective subcontractors and suppliers. If we think this to be necessary, the contractor shall entitle us to contact all relevant subcontractors and suppliers directly in order to prevent any delayed delivery or to reduce the delay period to a minimum. The contractor shall retain the overall responsibility for the order.
Delivery Dates. Only delivery dates pledged in writing are binding. Such delivery dates are deemed appropriately prolonged,
a. if the suppliers details that are necessary for delivery do not arrive on time, or when the customer subsequently alters them.
b. if the customer is behind schedule in the execution of his contractual obligations, particularly when he does not meet the conditions of payment.
c. if hindrances occur outside the responsibility of the supplier like natural disasters, mobilization, war, insurgency, epidemics, accident and Illness, substantial business breakdown, work disputes, delayed or faulty deliveries, as well as governmental measures. The supplier can affect partial deliveries. In cases of delay the customer shall grant the supplier an appropriate time extension to carry out works outstanding. Where the time extension surpassed and further delays are unacceptable for the customer, he xxx declare nullification of the contract, providing he communicates it within three working days following expiry of deadline. Where the delay in the deadline is the fault of the supplier and there is the proof thereof, despite works outstanding being carried out, or nullification of the contract, the customer can claim compensation for real damage. Compensation is limited to one percent per week, at the most ten percent of the calculated value of the delayed delivery. Further claims to delays in delivery are excluded.
Delivery Dates. 1. Delivery dates are calculated from the date of the confirmation of order or from the final explanation of the execution and contractual treatment if the order can be dealt with without impediments or difficulties in obtaining materials. Even if the delive- ry date is stated as a calendar date it is to be interpreted with a tolerance of one week.
2. In the event of force majeure we are empowered to postpone delivery by a term equal to the duration of the impediment and a suitable running-in period or to withdraw from the unfulfilled part of the con- tract. Force majeure shall include strikes, lock-outs and other occurrences which make delivery extre- mely difficult or impossible.
3. In the event of a general shortage of goods or shortages caused by force majeure, we are empo- wered to reduce deliveries. In such an event the customer may request an explanation as to whether we wish to withdraw from the contract or deliver within a suitable term. If we provide no ex- planation in response to this request, the customer is empowered to withdraw.
4. In case of delayed delivery the purchaser can de- mand a lump sum as indemnity for default as far as he suffered any damage here from. It amounts to 0,5 % for each full week of the delay but only to a maximum of 5 % based on the value of the portion of the total delivery which could not be used timely because of the delay.
Delivery Dates. Upon changes to agreed or approved delivery dates becoming known or in the case of any difficulties in delivery you shall notify us in writing of such within 3 work days.