Deadlines Musterklauseln

Deadlines. The construction and dismantling periods will be specified in the Special Conditions of Participation.
Deadlines. 4.1 Unless expressly agreed to be binding delivery or service periods stated shall only be approximate and non-binding. Binding agreements on deadlines shall be recorded in writing and subject to the Agency‘s written confirmation. 4.2 If the delivery/service of the Agency is delayed for reasons for which the Agency is not responsible, such as, e.g. events of force majeure or other unforeseeable events that can not be prevented by reasonable means, the service obligations shall be suspended for the duration and to the extent of the impairment and the periods shall be extended accordingly. If such delays continue for more than two months, the Customer and the Agency shall be entitled to rescind the contract. 4.3 If the Agency is in default, the Customer may only rescind the contract after having granted the Agency a grace period of at least 14 days and such period has expired fruitlessly. Claims of the Customer for damages on the ground of non-performance or default shall be excluded, unless intent or gross negligence can be proved.
Deadlines. 5.1 The delivery time starts on the day of order. If the supplier does not perform within the agreed delivery time, the supplier
Deadlines. Where deadlines are stipulated for the return of documents or for payments in these General Terms and Conditions, the send date of the e-mail or the postmark determines the beginning of the deadline period.
Deadlines. 3.1 Delivery is due at the place of performance on the agreed delivery date. Any and all delivery dates set by Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG and not immediately objected to by Supplier are binding. 3.2 Upon expiry of the delivery date, Supplier is automatically in default with its delivery. In particular, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG is not required to give any prior reminder nor grant a grace period to Supplier for this purpose. In case of default, Supplier is liable for damages to Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG. 3.3 If Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG receives an unannounced delivery of goods prematurely, then Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG may either reject the goods or place them in storage at Supplier’s expense. 3.4 In case of default by Supplier, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG has the right to cancel the purchase via written notice but without granting Supplier any grace period and to reject the delivery. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG also has the right to withdraw from the agreement and reject the delivery, if, even prior to the due date of the delivery, it has been conclusively established that Supplier will be unable to meet the delivery date. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG furthermore has the right to withdraw from the agreement if the circumstances clearly indicate that the delivery will be unfit for the intended use. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG reserves its claims for damages in this respect.
Deadlines. 5.1 Assurances regarding deadlines for performance shall only be given for MPG by the latter's legal representatives, the named contact or, if the latter is unavailable, by the latter's deputy. 5.2 Fixed delivery dates and deadlines shall only be valid if they are confirmed in writing and explicitly specified as such. 5.3 Compliance with deadlines and schedules is contingent on the ability to perform and on proper and timely fulfilment by the customer of the obligations referred to above. Delays in performance as a result of force majeure (e.g. strikes, lockouts, directives issued by public authorities, general disruption of telecommunications, etc.) and of circumstances for which the customer is responsible (e.g. failure to perform the customer's duties in good time, delay on the part of third parties for which the customer is responsible, etc.) shall not be the responsibility of MPG and shall entitle MPG to postpone performance of the relevant services itself for the duration of such impediments plus a reasonable preparation period. MPG shall notify the customer of any delays in performance due to force majeure.
Deadlines. 5.1 The deadlines given in the order confirmations shall be non- binding and approximate estimates. They shall only be binding if we expressly state them to be binding. 5.2 The deadline shall commence on the date of the written order confirmation; if any queries are necessary, only on the date when all of these issues have been clarified. If any advance pay- ments are agreed, the deadline shall commence only upon receipt of the first payment. 5.3 The deadline shall be deemed to have been kept if the readi- ness for delivery of the product has been communicated until its expiration. 5.4 We shall not be liable for any delays in supply or service which are owed to force majeure or other events which cannot be influenced by us and which have a provenly substantial impact on the manufacture or delivery of the object of supply – as for example strikes, lockouts, administrative orders, lack of material, non-availability or non-deliverability of goods etc. – also as far as suppliers of ours are concerned, even if we had granted the related deadlines and dates to be binding or if we are already in default. We shall inform the customer immediately about the beginning and the end of such obstacles. In case of temporary obstacles, we shall be entitled to postpone the supply resp. the service for the period of the existence of the obstacle plus an ap- propriate period for the continuance of work. In case of impos- sibility, we shall be entitled to rescind in whole or in part from the part of the agreement we have not yet fulfilled at that point in time. The customer shall be entitled to request a declaration from us whether we rescind from the agreement or will make delivery within an adequate deadline. If we do not grant such a declaration, the customer shall be entitled to rescind from the agreement if taking of the delivery is not acceptable for it due to the delay in supply.
Deadlines. 6.1 Terms of delivery/delivery dates specified in the order confirmation or the quotation shall only be binding if expressly assured in writing, otherwise they shall be deemed approximations. 6.2 The agreed term of delivery begins with the date of the written order confirmation or receipt of the order based on an unmodified quotation. It is deemed to have been adhered to if delivery was made or the customer was notified that it is ready for dispatch before its expiry. 6.3 Die Lieferfrist beginnt nicht zu laufen oder wird angemessen verlängert: a) wenn die Xxxxxxx AG die erforderlichen technischen und kommerziellen Unterlagen und Angaben, die Richard AG für die Vertragserfüllung benötigt, nicht rechtzeitig zugehen; oder wenn diese vom Kunden mit Zustimmung der Xxxxxxx AG nachträglich ergänzt oder geändert werden; b) wenn Hindernisse auftreten, welche die Richard AG trotz Anwendung der gebotenen Sorgfalt nicht abwenden kann, ungeachtet, ob sie bei ihr, beim Kunden oder bei einem Dritten entstehen. Als solche Hindernisse gelten beispielsweise Zeitverzögerungen auf Seiten von länderspezifischen Zulassungsbehörden oder von Prüfinstituten, behördliche Massnahmen oder Unterlassungen, Epidemien, Naturereignisse, Aufruhr, Mobilmachung, Krieg, terroristische Aktivitäten, Arbeitskonflikte, Aussperrungen, Streiks, Unfälle und andere erhebliche Betriebsstörungen, fehlende oder fehlerhafte Zulieferung der nötigen Rohmaterialien, Halb- oder Fertigfabrikate. c) wenn der Kunde oder von ihm beigezogene Dritte mit den von ihnen auszuführenden Arbeiten im Rückstand oder mit der Erfüllung ihrer vertraglichen Pflichten, ihrer Annahme- oder Abnahmeobliegenheiten in Verzug sind, oder wenn der Besteller die Zahlungsbedingungen nicht einhält. 6.4 Ist statt einer Lieferfrist ein bestimmter Termin vereinbart, ist dieser gleichbedeutend mit dem letzten Tag einer Lieferfrist; Ziff. 6.1 bis 6.3 sind analog anwendbar 6.5 Teillieferungen und Teilleistungen sind zulässig, soweit sie dem Kunden zumutbar sind. 6.3 The term of delivery shall not begin, or shall be extended appropriately:
Deadlines. 7.1 The time of the confirmation of the successful and processable upload of media content by adeins applies to the deadlines for the delivery of media content to be complied with in connection with orders to adeins.
Deadlines. Book your insurance without cancellation protection (at least one day) prior to your scheduled departure and for the entire travel period. The premium must be paid in advance for the entire travel period. An extension of the insurance coverage after departure is only possible after consultation with our Service Center (in writing until 14 days before expiry, if no gaps in the insurance period occur and no claim has been filed) Maximum of 31 or 62 days Worldwide: all countries of the world (except North Korea)