Formation of Contract Musterklauseln

Formation of Contract. 3.1 The PURCHASE ORDER can take effect upon the signing of the PURCHASE ORDER by the PARTIES or upon the return of an identical signed order acknowledgment by the SUPPLIER. Attention shall be ex- pressly drawn to any deviations from the PURCHASE ORDER. The SUPPLIER declares to know all the CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS, and that it has examined, checked and approved them. 3.2 In no case a partial acceptance of the PURCHASE ORDER consisting, as unbinding example, in signing the DOCUMENTS being part of it par- tially and/or making amendments and/or modifications of any nature to the order and/or adding SUPPLIER´s sales conditions, shall be allowed. The SUPPLIER shall be obliged to accept the PURCHASE ORDER from LTP within a period of two weeks and to send LTP an appropriate order acknowledgment. If this does not happen, LTP shall be entitled to withdraw the order, even if the order was preceded by a binding offer from the SUPPLIER. 4.0
Formation of Contract. 2.1. The Contract shall be deemed to have been entered into when, upon receipt of an order, the seller has sent an acceptance in writing within the time limit of fourteen days hereby fixed by the buyer.
Formation of Contract. The customer’s verbal or written registration or booking with LA or one of its points of sale shall constitute the formation of a binding contract between the customer and LA. By making the booking, the customer accepts these General Terms and Conditions as an integral part of the contract between himself/herself and LA. The organiser undertakes to provide the service required by the customer within the scope of the offers and/or the order confirmation. Extended services may be considered upon consultation with the organiser. Any additional costs shall be borne by the customer.
Formation of Contract. 2.1. The Contract shall be deemed to have been entered into when, upon receipt of an order, the seller has sent an acceptance in writing within the time limit of fourteen days hereby fixed by the buyer. 2.2. Any weights, dimensions, capacities, prices, performance ratings or any other data contained in catalogues, circulars, advertisements or price lists constitute an approximate guide and shall not be binding save to the extend that they are by reference expressly included in a contract. Any such data submitted to the seller prior or subsequent to the formation of the contract remain the exclusive property of the buyer. They must not be communicated to a third party.
Formation of Contract. 1.1 A contract is deemed to be concluded when, on receipt of an order, Manufacturer has accepted it in writing. Manufacturer’s invoice shall be deemed to be an order confirmation.
Formation of Contract. 2.1 Der Lieferant hält sich an seine Angebote mindestens sechs (6) Monate gebunden. Ein bindender Vertrag kommt durch Zugang der Bestellung von HQM beim Liefe- ranten zustande, es sei denn, der Lieferant widerspricht der Bestellung schriftlich innerhalb von 2 Werktagen nach deren Zugang. Grundlagen des Vertrages sind ausschließ- lich die Bestellung, etwaige Zusatzvereinbarungen dazu sowie diese Allgemeinen Einkaufsbedingungen. Etwaige Ergänzungen und Änderungen des Vertrages bedürfen der ausdrücklichen schriftlichen Bestätigung durch HQM. Der Schriftwechsel ist ausschließlich mit der Geschäftsführung von HQM oder den von HQM benannten Ansprechpart- nern zu führen. Absprachen mit anderen Mitarbeitern von HQM bedürfen, sofern dabei Vereinbarungen getroffen werden, die im Vertrag festgelegte Punkte verändern, der ausdrücklichen schriftlichen Bestätigung der Geschäfts- führung oder der benannten Ansprechpartner in Form ei- nes Nachtrags zum Vertrag. Bei Waren, die sukzessive von HQM abgerufen werden, definiert ein Rahmenvertrag das Produkt, den Lieferort, den Preis und die sonstigen Ver- tragsbedingungen (Transport, Verpackung etc.), soweit sie von diesen Einkaufsbedingungen abweichen sollen. Ein Rahmenvertrag wird in der Regel auf unbestimmte Dauer geschlossen. Die Lieferdaten und -mengen werden in peri- odischen Abständen durch Lieferabrufe festgelegt. Der Lieferant verpflichtet sich insbesondere zur Einhaltung der in den Abrufen festgelegten Liefermengen. Bei Lieferabru- fen sowie deren Änderungen reicht Datenfernübertra- gung aus. 2.1 Supplier is bound by his quotation for at least three (3) months. Upon receipt by Supplier of a Pur- chase Order, a binding Agreement shall be formed unless Supplier objects to the Purchase Order within two (2) working days without weekends after its receipt. These GTCP, together with the relevant Purchase Order and its annexes issued by HQM, set forth the terms under which HQM purchases Goods and/or services. Any additions and amendments of this Agreement require the express written confir- mation by HQM. Any correspondence related to this Agreement shall be conducted solely with HQM’s general management or with the purchasing department designated by HQM. Any arrangement agreed to by HQM’s other employees which change the content of this Agreement requires the written consent of HQM’s general management or a duly authorized person. In the case the Goods are called off successively by HQM, a framework agreement will define t...

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