Performance Musterklauseln

Performance. Service Provider will perform Services taking into account the recognised rules of technology
Performance. Die Verrentungsart Performance besteht aus einer Aktivphase und einer Ruhestandsphase. Diese Verrentungsart sieht eine lebenslange, gleich- bleibende garantierte Rente in der Aktivphase und in der Ruhestands- phase vor. Die Aktivphase startet mit dem Rentenbeginn. Während der Aktivphase wird Ihr Vertragsvermögen im Sicherungsvermögen und im Sondervermögen investiert. Die Ruhestandsphase beginnt mit dem 85. Lebensjahr der versicherten Person. Während der Ruhestandsphase ist Ihr Vertragsvermögen ausschließlich im Sicherungsvermögen angelegt, eine Anlage im Sondervermögen ist nicht mehr möglich. Nähere Informationen zur Kapitalanlage und zu Überschüssen in der Ak- tivphase finden Sie im Abschnitt 5.1. Die Ruhestandsphase endet mit dem Tod der versicherten Person.
Performance. Xxxxxx presents the expected future performance of the investment as well as a forecast of the expected monthly annuity. Vantik cannot guarantee that the forecast performance or expected annuity will be achieved or that the stated (historical) average return will be achieved in the future. The forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. The customer acknowledges that the forecasts made within the Vantik Platform may prove to be incorrect. Plattform getätigten Prognosen sich als falsch herausstellen können.
Performance. Schnelle Ladezeiten sind Pflicht für jeden Webseiten-Betreiber, daher sollten Sie keine Kompromisse bei der Performance eingehen. Die Serversysteme müssen so konzipiert sein, dass sie auch nach einer erfolgreichen Werbeaktion hohen Zugriffsraten standhalten. Auch die Positionierung in Suchmaschinen hängt unmittelbar mit der Performance der Seite zusammen.
Performance. 3.1 Proper and complete performance of the contract shall requires having the products (containing goods and services) provided and delivered properly, completely, and as set out in the contract and / or these GTCP. The following shall apply to both, goods and services, the latter, however, mutatis mutandis as nature of such products allows. Except for norm and standard parts meeting the standards of Supplier, Supplier shall inform JCT about any intended subcontracting of production or (parts of) products in a timely manner and obtain approval thereto in writing, including via e-mail or fax.
Performance. Xxxxxx presents the expected future performance of the investment as well as a forecast of the expected monthly annuity. Vantik cannot guarantee that the forecast performance or expected annuity will be achieved or that the stated (historical) average return will be achieved in the future. The forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. The customer acknowledges that the forecasts made within the Vantik Platform may prove to be incorrect. Third party content The contents published on the Vantik platform also originate from third parties. Vantik can neither guarantee the correctness, completeness nor topicality of the contents, so that a guarantee is excluded in this respect, unless otherwise agreed.
Performance. Die Aktivphase startet mit dem Rentenbeginn und endet mit Erreichen des 85. Lebensjahres der versicherten Person. Die Verrentungsart Per- formance sieht eine gleichbleibende garantierte Rente bei Übergang in die Ruhestandsphase vor. Dies gilt nicht für die betriebliche Altersversor- gung.
Performance. 2.1 Benefit and risk shall pass upon receipt of delivery at the place of performance. Until that time, transport of the goods is at Supplier’s risk and expense. The decision whether or not to accept the goods shall be made by Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG’s Quality Control. 2.2 The place of performance for the delivery of goods is the destination (delivery address) specified by Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG. 2.3 Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG is not liable to Supplier if Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG is unable to fulfil its contractual duties because of any instance of force majeure, including but not limited to strike, fire, flood, war, absence of workers, terrorist attacks, nuclear disasters, volcano eruptions, transport problems, power failures, interruptions of operations, disruptions affecting subcontractors, official actions, or the like. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG shall inform Supplier of any impediments resulting from force majeure. If any such impediment lasts for more than 30 days, then Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG has the right to withdraw from the agreement (including the master agreement). In that case, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG shall have no duty to compensate Supplier for any losses resulting from this withdrawal. 2.4 Every shipment must be accompanied by a delivery note containing the information requested by Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG. Delivery notes and pallets must contain the following information: name of Supplier, delivery date, delivery note number, date of order, order number, delivery address, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG item no., name of item, quantity unit, sales quantity unit, shelf-life, and lot number. If the requested accompanying documents are lacking or not fully completed, the goods shall be kept in storage at Supplier’s risk and expense until such time as these documents are received/ updated. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG has the right to refuse acceptance of deliveries that lack the requested accompanying documents (in particular, the original copy of the delivery note). Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG also reserves the right to demand production records and other documentation from Supplier. 2.5 No partial or advance deliveries shall be made without the prior consent of Xxxxx Xxxxxxx AG. 3.
Performance. Performance Premium Premium
Performance. (1) Time is of the essence and is essential to the performance of this agreement. Modine reserves the right to cancel all or any part of an order if it is not shipped within the time speci- fied. Seller shall inform Modine immediately in written form about any expected delay in delivery. Seller must also indi- cate the reasons for such delay and its expected duration. If the reason for the delay is beyond Seller’s control, Seller may invoke such reason only if Seller has met its obligation to notify Modine in due time. In the case of a delay in delivery, Modine is entitled to a contractual penalty from Seller. A penalty of 0.5 % will be charged for each week or part of a week, the maximum penalty is 5 % of the total order value. This agreement pertaining to the contractual penalty or en- forcement thereof shall not preclude any justified legal claims for a delay in delivery. Paid contractual penalties shall be set off against claims for damages. The contractual penalty may be claimed until the date of payment of the delayed goods.