Delivery Musterklauseln
Delivery. Whether or not a delivery is on time shall be determined by the time of receipt at the delivery point specified by us, for deliveries including setup/assembly as well as services the time of acceptance shall be relevant. The supplier has to inform us without delay about any foreseeable delay of a delivery or a service or about any deviation from the agreed quality respectively and has to obtain our decision. Our acceptance of a delayed delivery/service shall not constitute a waiver of any rights of the Mondi Group, in particular but not limited to damage claims. Partial delivery of the quantity of products ordered in a single purchase order shall not be permitted, unless we have expressly agreed to them.
Delivery a. The delivery dates and delivery periods specified in our purchase orders are binding. The timeliness of delivery is determined by the time of receipt at our notified reception point (or the time of acceptance for work performed). If goods are delivered earlier than agreed, we reserve the right to send back the goods at the Supplier’s expense. If we do not return goods delivered early, we take them into stock at the expense and risk of the Supplier until the delivery date.
b. If a delay in delivery or performance is recognizable or if circumstances occur that indicate that the stipulated delivery period or agreed delivery date cannot be adhered to, we must be notified thereof without delay and of the reasons for, and the probable duration of, the delay. This does not affect our right to withdraw from the contract or to claim damages as appropriate.
c. If the Supplier is in default, we may require payment of a contractual penalty of 0.5% of the order value for each week commenced, however, a maximum of 5% of the order value. We may require payment of the contractual penalty if we reserve the right to do so at the latest by the end of the month after acceptance of the last deliveries and services to be performed for the order. This contractual penalty will be taken into account against any claims for damages.
d. If we accept the delayed delivery or service without attaching any conditions, this does not constitute any waiver of the claims to compensation accruing to us by reason of the delayed delivery or service. This applies until we have made payment in full of the remuneration for the relevant delivery or services.
e. We accept part deliveries only by express agreement. In the event of agreed part-deliveries, the amount of the back order must be shown. In the event of excess deliveries that exceed the usual commercial volumes, we reserve the right to return the excess goods delivered at the expense of the Supplier.
f. The Supplier may only invoke the absence of necessary documents to be supplied by us if the Supplier has sent us a written reminder regarding the documents but failed to receive them within a reasonable period of time.
g. The Supplier must supply all evidence (e.g. certificates of origin) that we require to satisfy customs requirements and/or obtain other favourable terms. If the origin of the goods differs from the Supplier’s declaration in our possession, the change must be specifically mentioned on the delivery note and invoice and the...
Delivery. The agreed product or service shall not be entrusted to a subcontractor without our written consent. The agreed delivery date is binding. If the supplier realises after returning the order confirmation that for reasons of force majeure he is unable to comply with the said date, he shall notify us thereof immediately. In the event of a delay we reserve the right to make full use of the legal possibilities available to us. This shall also apply even if we expressly agree to a notified delay in delivery. Invoices for quantities and weights shall be based exclusively on the values recorded by ourselves. In the event of a delivery in excess of the order, we reserve the right to return the excess at the supplier’s expense.
Delivery. 1. Delivery times and dates are always non-binding and subject to the Seller having been correctly supplied on time, other than the Seller has to justify non- compliance.
2. If a stipulated delivery date is exceeded by more than 4 weeks, then the Buyer is entitled to assert its rights after having granted the Seller in writing a grace period of at least 7 calendar days.
3. Partial deliveries within a reasonable extent are permissible and have to be accepted.
4. Delivery and performance delays on account of force majeure, and events that significantly impede a delivery or make it impossible - this includes operational disruptions, strikes, lock-outs, natural occurrences, official directives, legal requirements, transport disruptions, also when they arise with the Seller´s suppliers - do not have to be justified by the Seller, even with binding delivery times and dates. Such circumstances entitle the Seller to postpone the delivery or performance by the duration of the hindrance, plus a commensurate start-up period.
5. The Seller must immediately notify the Buyer at the beginning and end of such a hindrance. At the request of the Seller the Buyer shall be obliged to declare, within a reasonable period, whether or not, on account of the delay, it wishes to withdraw from the contract and/or demand compensation or insist upon delivery.
6. At the request of the Buyer the Seller must immediately declare whether it wishes to withdraw from the contract or effect the delivery after expiry of the hindrance. If the Seller does not immediately give a corresponding declaration, then the Buyer can withdraw. Compensation claims are subject to VIII. of GTSD.
7. The Seller is only liable for delivery and performance delays if the Seller or its vicarious agents are at default, but not for the default of its subsidiary suppliers. Failure to observe the set grace period in conformity with Cipher 2 entitles the Buyer to withdraw from the contract or demand compensation. Compensation is limited to the recovery of the proven additional costs (replacement purchase). Further going compensation claims are herewith excluded other than they are not the result of serious default. The Seller is not liable for compensation on account of slight or normal negligence. In the event of gross negligence or intent, the Seller is only liable vis-à-vis merchants if the default is attributable to legal representatives, executive personnel of the Seller or other vicarious agents who have infringed ...
Delivery. 2.1 The delivery time or dates stated in the orders are obliging and shall be arriving at the delivery address Xxxxxxxxxxxx. 0, 00000 Xxxxxxxxxx. Subject to other agreements, the delivery takes place free domicile. If delivery dates change, the supplier should inform JKS immediately. In case of delivery delays we are entitled to withdraw from the complete order without prejudice to any other rights.
2.2 Der Lieferant hat die Versandvorschriften der JKS und die der jeweiligen Transportperson einzuhalten. In allen Versandpapieren, Zuschriften und Rechnungen werden die Bestell- und Artikelnummern der JKS angegeben. Wird dieses unterlassen, so sind die dadurch entstehenden Bearbeitungsverzögerungen nicht durch uns zu vertreten.
2.3 Die JKS ist berechtigt, die Annahme von Waren, die nicht zu dem in der Bestellung angegebenen Liefertermin angeliefert werden, zu verweigern und sie auf Rechnung und Gefahr des Auftragnehmers zurückzusenden oder bei Dritten einzulagern.
2.4 Lieferscheine sind sichtbar auf der Verpackung anzubringen.
2.5 Die jeweiligen einschlägigen Vorschriften für den Transport von Gefahrengütern sind durch den Lieferanten oder von ihm beauftrage Transportpersonen unbedingt zu beachten. Der Lieferant haftet für alle aus der Nichtbeachtung der gesetzlichen Vorschriften entstehenden Schäden und ist verpflichtet, die JKS im Schadensfall auf erstes Anfordern von jeglicher mit dem vorstehenden zusammenhängender Haftung freizustellen.
Delivery. 1. The time of delivery is the day on which the goods are dispatched from the works or the temporary store, or are placed at the Buyer’s disposal and are ready for shipment.
2. Shipment shall only be effected according to agreement between Seller and Buyer. If, upon request by the Buyer, shipment is made by any other mode of transportation or by express or special express service, the Buyer shall bear the additional costs incurred as compared to ordinary freight. Additional costs can be collected on delivery.
3. The Seller’s delivery shall be effected upon transfer of the goods to the freight carrier, or upon the date the goods are ready for shipment if so agreed. At this time, any risk shall pass to the Buyer, even if transport risk has been insured by the Seller.
4. All reusable yarn carriers as well as packaging materials are included in the sales price and can, upon agreement, be returned - freight prepaid - to the respective Seller’s works. The Seller reserves the right to define the relevant forwarding agent. Any returned empties from other suppliers shall be disposed of at the expense of the sender.
5. The Seller shall endeavour to meet the delivery date agreed upon. In case of delayed delivery, the Buyer shall grant a reasonable period of grace of at least six weeks. Any event of force majeure, shortage of raw materials, unforeseen difficulties and/or restrictions in operations, stoppage of operation, dispatch difficulties or any other unforeseen obstacles, making it impossible for the Seller or its suppliers to manufacture or dispatch the goods in whole or in part, shall discharge the Seller from its delivery obligation for the period of the interruption and its effects and the Seller shall be entitled at its own free discretion to either extend the delivery time accordingly or to withdraw from the non-performed part of the contract. The Seller shall, whenever practicable, inform the Buyer about such interruptions, notifying the presumable duration. Should the delivery time agreed upon be exceeded by more than eight weeks, both parties shall be entitled to with- draw from the contract to the extent of goods not yet shipped. In this case, the Buyer shall not be entitled to claim subsequent delivery or damage. The Seller shall not be liable for any damage due to late delivery unless it is due to a deliberate or grossly negligent breach of contract by the Seller or one of its assistants of perfor- mance.
6. Unless otherwise agreed between the parties...
Delivery. 1) Vereinbarte Liefertermine und Lieferfristen sind einzuhalten, auch wenn sie nicht ausdrücklich als „fix“ bezeichnet sind. Lieferfristen und Xxxxxxxxxxxxx gelten erst mit rechtzeitiger Andienung als eingehalten.
1) Agreed delivery dates and delivery periods are to be adhered to, even if they are not expressly designated as "fixed". Delivery deadlines and dates are only deemed to have been met if they are offered in good time.
2) Vereinbarte Lieferfristen verlängern sich angemessen, wenn der Verkäufer aufgrund höherer Gewalt an der Erfüllung seiner Verpflichtungen gehindert ist. Verzögert sich die Lieferung in diesem Fall um mehr als vier Wochen, so ist die rekuplast GmbH berechtigt, vom Vertrag ganz oder teilweise zurückzutreten.
2) Agreed delivery times are extended appropriately if the seller is prevented from fulfilling his obligations due to force majeure. If the delivery is delayed by more than four weeks in this case, rekuplast GmbH is entitled to withdraw from the contract in whole or in part.
3) Kommt der Verkäufer mit der Lieferung der Ware in Verzug, ist die rekuplast GmbH nach eigener Xxxx berechtigt, Lieferung und Schadensersatz wegen verzögerter Lieferung (Verzugsentschädigung) oder – nach einer angemessenen Nachfristsetzung von höchstens drei Wochen, soweit diese nicht nach den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen entbehrlich ist Schadensersatz, wahlweise Aufwendungsersatz, statt der Leistung zu verlangen oder nach § 323 BGB vom Vertrag zurückzutreten. Im Falle des Verzuges des Verkäufers ist die rekuplast GmbH ohne Nachfristsetzung, unbeschadet weitergehender Schadensersatzansprüche, berechtigt,
Delivery a) Unless it is agreed that the lessee themselves will transport the item(s), delivery is made by the lessor at the agreed time. If no time has been agreed, delivery will be made prior to the start of the event for which the items are being rented. Binding deadlines require an explicit agreement and the written confirmation of the lessor.
b) The lessor shall not be responsible – even if binding dates or dead- lines have been agreed – for delivery and service disruptions arising from force majeure that make it significantly more difficult or impos- sible for the lessor to deliver the item(s).
c) The lessee undertakes, as soon as the item(s) are collected/delivered, to check that the furniture is in proper condition and that all items have been delivered in full. Any complaints in this regard must be lodged within 24 hours. Subsequent complaints will not be recognised.
d) At the end of the rental term, the rental item(s) must be ready for collection or, if so agreed, returned.
e) If the lessee themselves returns the items, they must do so in clean, sealed vehicles. In this instance, the transport risk shall be borne by the lessee.
Delivery. 9.1 Unless otherwise agreed, we deliver "ex works". The notification of readiness for dispatch or collection by us is decisive for compliance with the delivery date or delivery period.
9.2 Delivery dates and deadlines are non-binding unless expressly designated as binding in writing beforehand. Compliance with the delivery time is subject to our timely and complete delivery as well as the timely and proper fulfillment of the partner's other obligations.
9.3 The delivery period begins with the dispatch of our order confirmation and shall be extended accordingly if the conditions of § 15 are met.
9.4 Partial deliveries are permissible to a reasonable extent.
Delivery. In case we bear the freight costs, we may choose the means of transport. In the event that, due to force majeure or circumstances beyond our control, goods cannot be delivered by the agreed date or delivered at all, the delivery shall be regarded as cancelled. This applies in particular when, despite meticulous ordering by us, the necessary raw materials have not been supplied to us and we are unable to procure substitute materials at acceptable cost. We shall notify the customer immediately of any such situation by furnishing the customary documentary evidence and, in the case of straightforward delay, advise a new delivery date. We accept no liability in such an event for the consequences of non-performance or delay. Should the above apply to only part of a delivery, the rest of the contract shall remain in force.