Prices and Conditions of Payment Musterklauseln

Prices and Conditions of Payment. (1) A price stated in an order shall (a) be fixed and binding, (b) in- clude all deliverables relating to the Purchase as well as any associ- ated packaging, transportation, insurance premiums, duties, tolls or taxes, and (c) not be subject to change in the event of changes in material or labor costs. Unless otherwise expressly provided for in the order, the Contractor shall have no claim for additional costs or expenses.
Prices and Conditions of Payment. Unless otherwise agreed upon, prices are in Swiss Francs (CHF), net, excluding shipping, transport and insurance. Prices are fixed; upon change in the prevailing basis of payment, however, in particular in the case of currency changes, TRISA AG reserves the right to adjust prices for deliveries not yet executed. Not included in the price are pallets, borrowed packaging etc. Payment of the invoiced amount is due within 30 days of the invoice date. In the case of payment by bill of exchange, TRISA AG reserves the right to offset the standard bank discounting charges. Unless otherwise agreed, packaging and freight shall be as decided by us.
Prices and Conditions of Payment. 2.1 Payment for the services will be due either according to the progress of a respective phase / module or currently during the period of provision of such services or upon termination of such services, as may have been agreed.
Prices and Conditions of Payment. (1) The prices for using the Services contained in the relevant reserved service package are set out in the respective current Dealer Services. Listed prices do not include the relevant value-added tax where applicable.
Prices and Conditions of Payment. Unless otherwise stated the prices are in Swiss Francs without value added tax, taxes, duties, transport, packaging, insurance, permits, authentication, installation, execution, schooling, and application support. They are payable net within thirty days of date of invoice. Should the customer cause interruptions in the contractual development the supplier is entitled to adjust the price accordingly. Where the customer has counter claims he may only settle the account with the undersigned consent of the supplier. Should the customer not meet the payment deadline he shall pay interest of eight percent a year from the due date of payment. In case of delay of payment the supplier may set an appropriate time extension. If the customer does not settle the whole amount in this time he may declare nullification of the contract and demand the return of the products and services.

Related to Prices and Conditions of Payment

  • Unmöglichkeit; Vertragsanpassung 1. Soweit die Lieferung unmöglich ist, ist der Besteller berechtigt, Schadensersatz zu verlangen, es sei denn, dass der Lieferer die Unmöglichkeit nicht zu vertreten hat. Jedoch beschränkt sich der Schadensersatzanspruch des Bestellers auf 10 % des Wertes desjenigen Teils der Lieferung, der wegen der Unmöglichkeit nicht in zweckdienlichen Betrieb genommen werden kann. Diese Beschränkung gilt nicht, soweit in Fällen des Vorsatzes, der groben Fahrlässigkeit oder wegen der Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit zwingend gehaftet wird; eine Änderung der Beweislast zum Nachteil des Bestellers ist hiermit nicht verbunden. Das Recht des Bestellers zum Rücktritt vom Vertrag bleibt unberührt.

  • Ausführung von Aufträgen Z 8. (1) Einen Auftrag, der seinem Inhalt nach typischerweise die Heranziehung eines Dritten erforderlich macht, erfüllt das Kreditinstitut durch Betrauung eines Dritten im eigenen Namen. Wählt das Kreditinstitut den Dritten aus, so haftet es für die sorgfältige Auswahl.

  • Berechnung 1. Für ein unvollständiges Arbeitsjahr sind die Ferien entsprechend der Dauer des Arbeitsverhältnisses zu gewähren.

  • Stimmrechte Mit den Anteilscheinen sind keine Stimmrechte verbunden.