Privacy Musterklauseln
Privacy. For information about Dell's privacy practices, please read Dell's global and country-specific privacy policies at These policies explain how Dell treats your personal information and protects your privacy.
Privacy. The legislation applicable to the protection of personal data and our privacy policy constitute the framework for the processing of this data that OVHcloud applies. ISMS complements this framework by consistently defining, implementing, and improving security arrangements that ensure the protection of hosted personal data. Customer Protection Customer trust Customer in cloud security Security Ecosystem External technical reputation Information system user Human resources Identity and access management Cryptography Physical security Supply Chain Architecture Configuration and hardening Administration Vulnerability and patch management Monitoring and detection Change management
Privacy. (a) Der Käufer nimmt zur Kenntnis, dass der Verkäufer seine personenbezogenen Daten zum Zwecke des Verkaufs der Ware in Übereinstimmung mit den Rechtsvorschriften über die Verarbeitung und den Schutz personenbezogener Daten verarbeitet, insbesondere, aber nicht ausschließlich, durch die Verordnung (EU) 2016 /679 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 27. Juni 2016 zum Schutz personenbezogener Daten und zum Schutz personenbezogener Daten . April 2016 die Richtlinie zum Schutz natürlicher Personen bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten und zum freien Datenverkehr und die Aufhebung der Richtlinie 95/46/EG(GDPR), das Gesetz Nr. 110/2019 Slg. über die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten in seiner geänderten Fassung sowie die gerichtliche oder administrative Auslegung der Rechtsvorschriften über die Verarbeitung und den Schutz personenbezogener Daten, die Richtlinien, Verhaltenskodizes oder genehmigten Zertifizierung Mechanismen des Amtes für den Schutz personenbezogener Daten. Einzelheiten über die Verarbeitung der persönlichen Daten des Käufers durch den Verkäufer finden Sie unter xxxxx://
Privacy. 16.1. SDT and COMPANIES are subject to Swiss data protection legislation and, to the extent applicable, the General Data Protection Regulation. The following information refers to the conclusion and fulfilment of the contract.
16.2. You transmit your data (first name, surname, address, etc., desired services, etc., credit card details, etc.) voluntarily and for the purpose of concluding the contract, fulfilling the contract and paying for the booked services (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR).
16.3. SDT and COMPANY transmit the data necessary for billing and collection (including credit card data) to GRF. GRF uses this data exclusively for payment processing and collection (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR).
16.4. SDT may collect, store and process data to the extent necessary or suitable for the fulfilment of contractual obligations, for the maintenance and improvement of customer relationships, quality and service standards, for the maximisation of operational safety or in the interest of sales promotion, product design, crime prevention, key economic data and statistics as well as invoicing. Customers hereby acknowledge and agree that: SDT may forward the customer data to the COMPANIES so that they can fulfil their obligations (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b and f GDPR).
16.5. It is possible that SDT and/or COMPANY are obliged to transmit the data to authorities or to make the data accessible to them (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR).
16.6. SDT as well as COMPANIES reserve the right to transmit the data to third parties for the enforcement of legitimate interests or in the event of suspicion of a criminal offence to the authorities (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR).
16.7. In addition, the data protection regulations of Sedrun Disentis Tourismus SA xxxxx://xxxxxxxx- xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xx/xx/xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx or those of the COMPANIES.
16.8. If you have any questions about the data protection of SDT contact the e-mail address xxxx@xxxxxxxx-xxxxxx.xx, for questions about the data protection of the COMPANIES directly to the COMPANIES.
Privacy. As controller, CLAAS processes the personal data of the participant in competitions and contests only in compliance with relevant data protection regulations, insofar as the processing is necessary for the provision, organisation and completion of the competition (Art. 6 (1b) GDPR), the participant has consented to processing (Art. 6 (1a) GDPR) or if processing serves the legitimate interests of CLAAS (e.g. legitimate promotional interest in publishing the profile name of the winner for the purpose of announcing the winner). CLAAS has appointed a data protection officer who can be contacted at the above address or at
Privacy. 7.1 Each course booking is a contract. With it, the participants agree to the General Terms and Conditions and give their consent under data protection law to the electronic recording and processing of personal information for all processes required for the operation of LD.
7.2 All personal information of the participants is treated by LD confidentially. The data will not be shared with third parties. By submitting the data, the participants agree that personal data (title, first and last name, address, telephone number, e-mail, date of birth), provided electronically, by telephone, verbally or in writing, is stored and may be used for the respective booking and transmission of information.
7.3 In the event that software or web-based platforms from third-party providers are used for a digital offer, the participants agree to the transfer of personal data to these third-party providers and to the processing by Daten an diese Drittanbieter und der Verarbeitung im dienstleistungsrelevanten Ausmaß durch diese Drittan- bieter zu. Darüber hinaus stimmen die Teilnehmer mit Abschluss eines Vertrags über ein digitales Angebot den Datenschutzbestimmungen dieser Drittanbieter zu.
7.4 Persönliche Daten der Teilnehmer werden nur in dem für die LD unbedingt erforderlichen Umfang ver- arbeitet und solange gespeichert, wie dies für die Erfüllung der Verwaltungsaufgaben der LD erforderlich ist.
7.5 Sollten sich die persönlichen Daten der Teilnehmer geändert haben oder diese keine weiteren Informationen von der LD erhalten wollen, kann dies per E-Mail oder telefonisch bekannt gegeben werden. these third-party providers to the extent relevant to the service. In addition, by concluding a contract for a digital offer, the participants agree to the data protection regulations of these third-party providers.
7.4 Participants' personal data will only be processed to the extent that is absolutely necessary for LD and will be stored for as long as this is necessary for the fulfilment of LD's administrative tasks.
7.5 If the personal data of the participants has changed or if they do not want to receive any further information from LD, this has to be communicated by e-mail or telephone.
Privacy. The Contractor undertakes to comply with the relevant data protection requirements. In this respect, it is primarily obliged to collect and process personal data in connection with the implementation of contractual relationships only in accordance with and in compliance with the data protection-relevant regulations, in particular taking into account the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation 2016/679) and the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).
Privacy a. Die persönlichen Daten des Mieters werden in die Adressdatei des Vermieters aufgenommen. Diese Daten werden ausschließlich für den verantwortungsvollen Geschäftsbetrieb verwendet. Der Vermieter gibt keine Informationen an Dritte weiter, die die Privatsphäre von (Mit-) Mietern oder Gästen beeinträchtigen, mit folgenden Ausnahmen:
i. Im Falle eines (vermuteten) Verstoßes gegen die Regeln und / oder Straftaten, bei denen der Vermieter die Polizei rufen muss.
ii. Situationen, in denen eine Notfallversorgung erforderlich ist.
b. Wenn ein Mieter während seines Aufenthalts versehentlich fotografiert wird und das betreffende Foto in einer Veröffentlichung durch oder im Auftrag des Vermieters verwendet wird, wird davon ausgegangen, dass die Zustimmung des Mieters zu dieser Nutzung erteilt wurde.
Privacy. 16.1. PRAETTIGAU and COMPANIES are subject to Swiss data protection legislation and, to the extent applicable, the General Data Protection Regulation. The following information refers to the conclusion and fulfilment of the contract.
16.2. You transmit your data (first name, surname, address, etc., desired services, etc., credit card details, etc.) voluntarily and for the purpose of concluding the contract, fulfilling the contract and paying for the booked services (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR).
16.3. PRAETTIGAU and COMPANY transmit the data necessary for billing and collection (including credit card data) to GRF. GRF uses this data exclusively for payment processing and collection (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR).
16.4. PRAETTIGAU may collect, store and process data to the extent necessary or suitable for the fulfilment of contractual obligations, for the maintenance and improvement of customer relationships, quality and service standards, for the maximisation of operational safety or in the interest of sales promotion, product design, crime prevention, key economic data and statistics as well as invoicing. Customers hereby acknowledge and agree that: PRAETTIGAU may forward the customer data to the COMPANIES so that they can fulfil their obligations (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b and f GDPR).
16.5. It is possible that PRAETTIGAU and/or COMPANY are obliged to transmit the data to authorities or to make the data accessible to them (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR).
16.6. PRAETTIGAU as well as COMPANIES reserve the right to transmit the data to third parties for the enforcement of legitimate interests or in the event of suspicion of a criminal offence to the authorities (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR).
16.7. In addition, the data protection regulations of Region Prättigau/Davos xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx/Xxxxxxxxx or those of the COMPANIES.
16.8. If you have any questions about the data protection of PRAETTIGAU contact the e-mail address xxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx, for questions about the data protection of the COMPANIES directly to the COMPANIES.
Privacy. Our general data protection declaration applies.