Statute of limitations Musterklauseln

Statute of limitations. Claims by exhibitors against Messe Berlin expire after 6 months if not precluded by cogent legal regulations.
Statute of limitations. With the exception of warranty claims (Clause 12), all claims by either party against the other expire after two years.
Statute of limitations. All claims against the principal, regardless of the legal grounds and regardless of the degree of culpability, become statute-barred within 6 months. The run of the limitation period, in all cases, begins with the time of the issue of the respective transport order.
Statute of limitations. The statutory periods of limitation provided for by Section 438 par- agraph 1 Clause 3 of the German Civil Code (two years) apply where the statute of limitations regarding claims for defects is concerned. Accessibility of the Internet portal
Statute of limitations. All contractual and legal claims of the exhibitor against LMS fall under the statute of limitations of six months, unless these are based on wilful intent of the legal representatives of LMS, their employees or vicarious agents. The same applies for di- rect claims against the above-mentioned group of persons. The regulations of 5.1 are unaffected. The period of limitation starts with the working day following the end of the event.
Statute of limitations. All claims asserted against the principal, irrespective of legal grounds and the degree of fault, are subject to the Statute of Limitations following the expiration of a period of six months. The limitation period be- gins in all cases at the time the respective transport order is placed. These provisions shall apply mutatis mutandis to all other transports (not only to truck transports), irre- Abkommens erfüllt ist. Ansonsten gilt das österreichi- sche Binnenschifffahrtsgesetz (BinnSchiffG).
Statute of limitations. Sämtliche Ansprüche gegen den Auftraggeber, gleich aus welchem Rechtsgrund und unabhängig vom Grad des Verschuldens, verjähren binnen 6 Monaten. Der Lauf der Verjährungsfrist beginnt in allen Fällen mit dem Zeitpunkt der Erteilung des jeweiligen Transportauftrages. 30.
Statute of limitations. There is a six month statute of limitations (from the moment the vehicle was returned) for the proprietor’s claims of compensation due to changing or worsening of the vehicle, according to §§ 558, 225 BGB.
Statute of limitations. To the extent a longer period is not provided for at law, the statute of limitations for claims by ITM shall run twenty-four (24) months Vertragspartner ist insbesondere untersagt, eigene Geschäfts- oder Betriebsgeheimnisse durch Beobachten, Untersuchen oder Testen der vertraulichen Informationen zu erwerben.
Statute of limitations. All contractual and legal claims of the exhibitor against LMS fall under the statute of limitations of six months, unless these are based on wilful intent of the legal representatives of LMS, their employees or vicarious agents. The same applies for di- rect claims against the above-mentioned group of persons. The regulations of 5.1 are unaffected. The period of limitation starts with the working day following the end of the event. gegenüber der LMS nicht innerhalb der dem Aussteller ge- setzten Frist, so ist die LMS berechtigt, die zurückbehaltenen Gegenstände nach schriftlicher Ankündigung freihändig zu verkaufen. Für Beschädigung und/oder Verlust der Gegen- stände haftet die LMS nur bei Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässig- keit.