Workers Compensation Board. The Seller agrees to register with the Workers’ Compensation Board of BC or its equivalent from time to time (if applicable) and to ensure that all subcontractors register with the Workers’ Compensation Board (if applicable) and agrees to ensure that all assessments payable relating to the job are paid in full (if applicable) and the Seller may be required to show proof of this prior to payment.
Workers Compensation Board. As a courtesy the Company will advise the National Representative when it intends to protest an employee’s claim for Workers’ Compensation.
Workers Compensation Board. When an employee is unable to work as a result of an injury and/or illness incurred in the course of the employee’s duties, the employee shall inform the Employer so that a claim for compensation benefits can be forwarded to the Workers Compensation Board. Any information required by the Workers Compensation Board from the Employer shall be provided immediately.
Workers Compensation Board. If a permanent employee is prevented from performing regular work with the Employer on account of an occupational accident that is recognized by the Workers’ Compensation Board, the Employer will supplement the award made by the Compensation Board for loss of wages to the employee by such an amount that the award of the Compensation Board for loss of wages, together with the supplement by the Employer, will equal full net salary on date of disability. The said supplementation shall not be payable to any employee’s regular pension, nor will it be paid after the Compensation Board has certified that the employee is able to return to work, or has been awarded a permanent allowance for either partial or total disability. Neither will the Employer supplement be paid to an employee who has been recalled by the Workers’ Compensation Board for further treatment of an injury suffered by the employee before being employed by the Employer.
Workers Compensation Board. All monies received by an employee by way of compensation for loss of wages pursuant to the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act shall be paid to the Corporation, in return for which the Corporation shall pay the employee their normal net take-home pay (as opposed to regular gross pay). In the event that an employee was acting in a higher capacity (pursuant to the provisions of Article 4.4) at the time the injury was sustained, then "normal net take-home pay" shall be calculated based upon the rate in effect for the higher capacity class or rank.
Workers Compensation Board. Before commencing or performing the Consulting Services, the Consultant will obtain and provide to the County a letter or similar document, confirming that the Consultant has an active account that is in good standing from each Worker’s Compensation Board (herein defined as “WCB”) or similar body constituted in accordance with the workers’ compensation legislation of each jurisdiction in Canada in which the Consulting Services will be performed, and that the Consultant has not opted out of workers compensation, where allowed. The Consultant shall at all times comply with all the requirements of the Worker’s Compensation Act of Alberta (or equivalent legislation), amendments thereto, or any successor legislation; and shall upon notice by the County, provide evidence satisfactory to the County of said compliance with the Act prior to the commencement of any work resulting from this Agreement.
Workers Compensation Board. As a courtesy the Company will advise the Union Representative when it intends to protest an employee’s claim for Workers’ Compensation.
Workers Compensation Board. Before commencing or performing the Consulting Services, the Consultant shall obtain and provide to the County a letter or similar document, confirming that the Consultant has an active account that is in good standing from each Worker’s Compensation Board or similar body constituted in accordance with the workers’ compensation legislation of each jurisdiction in Canada in which the Consulting Services will be performed, and that the Consultant has not opted out of workers compensation, where allowed. The Consultant shall at all times comply with all the requirements of the Worker’s Compensation Act of Alberta (or equivalent legislation), amendments thereto, or any successor legislation; and shall upon notice by the County, provide evidence satisfactory to the County of said compliance with the Act prior to the commencement of any work resulting from this Agreement (herein defined as “WCB”).
Workers Compensation Board. D-2.01 When an employee is unable to work as a result of an injury and/or illness incurred in the course of the employee’s duties, the employee shall inform the Employer so that a claim for compensation benefits can be forwarded to the Workers Compensation Board. Any information required by the Workers Compensation Board from the Employer shall be provided immediately. You are hereby informed that Union membership is a condition of employment and that maintaining good standing in the union requires payment of Union dues, initiation fees and assessments as authorized by the Union. Articles of the Agreement between the United Food & Commercial Workers Union, Local 832, and G4S Secure Solutions (Canada) LTD. The Company shall deduct from the wages of each employee, such Union dues, initiation fees and assessments as are authorized by the Union as per Articles “Union Security” and “Union Dues” of the Collective Agreement. Please complete A Membership Application (sample below) immediately and return it to the Company so they can forward it to the Union office within 10 calendar days of your hire or rehire date. AGREEMENT BETWEEN: AND
Workers Compensation Board. The parties agree to abide by the requirements included in the Workers’ Compensation Act and the Workers’