Examples of Alternative work in a sentence
Alternative work schedules include job sharing, four (4) day workweek, alternative schedules with core time, and actual flex time.
Alternative work will be given to pupils who are withdrawn from sex education.
Alternative work schedules must comply with federal and state laws.
Alternative work schedules are anything other than five (5) consecutive eight (8) hour days.
Alternative work schedules are anything other than five (5) consecutive eight (8)-hour days.
The Bid Price shall include the price for all Work Packages described in the Scope of Work and any Alternative work proposed by the Bidder.
Alternative work schedules not specified in this Agreement or Addendums hereto may be established by the Employer with the consent of the Union.
Alternative work schedules can establish when an employee’s second regular day off occurs and therefore when double time pay will apply to overtime.
Alternative work will be given to students who are withdrawn from sex education.
Alternative work schedules may only be used in those circumstances where in the judgment of the department head all requirements for the provision of public service, public access, and economical staffing are met; no increase in overtime costs are incurred; and internal and external contact needs are fulfilled.