Annual Management Fee definition

Annual Management Fee means a fee of 0.80% (plus VAT if applicable) per annum of the value of the Portfolio payable to TIME. TIME may arrange for Shares to be sold to fund any payment of the Annual Management Fee if it cannot be met out of any cash held in respect of the Investor in the Client Bank Acccount.
Annual Management Fee means the fee payable to the Fund Manager under Article 11.1;
Annual Management Fee means the rate at which the Crypto-Asset Entitlement dimin- ishes over time. The Annual Management Fee may be lowered by the Issuer at any time and the Issuer shall notify the Bondholders thereof in accordance with § 18 of the Terms and Conditions.

Examples of Annual Management Fee in a sentence

  • The Manager may also charge to a Fund less than the maximum management fee in footnote Maximum Chargeable Annual Management Fee Rates on the Statements of Comprehensive Income, resulting in the Manager waiving management fees.At its sole discretion, the Manager may stop absorbing class-specific or series-specific operating expenses and/or waiving management fees at any time.

  • The maximum annual management fee expressed as a percentage of the average net asset value for each class or series of units of the Fund is reported in footnote Maximum Chargeable Annual Management Fee Rates on the Statements of Comprehensive Income.

  • The Manager may also charge to a Fund less than the maximum management fee in footnote Maximum Chargeable Annual Management Fee Rates on the Statements of Comprehensive Income, resulting in the Manager waiving management fees.At its sole discretion, the Manager may stop absorbing class-specific operating expenses and/or waiving management fees at any time.

  • The maximum annual management fee expressed as a percentage of the average net asset value for each class of units of the Fund is reported in footnote Maximum Chargeable Annual Management Fee Rates on the Statements of Comprehensive Income.

  • The Manager may also charge to a Fund less than the maximum management fee in footnote Maximum Chargeable Annual Management Fee Rates on the Statements of Comprehensive Income, resulting in the Manager waiving management fees.At its sole discretion, the Manager may stop absorbing operating expenses and/or waiving management fees at any time.

More Definitions of Annual Management Fee

Annual Management Fee shall refer to the amount earned by Contractor and calculated in accordance with Section 4 hereof and paid to the Contractor by City for managing the Food Services at the Facility.
Annual Management Fee means the rate at which the Crypto-Asset Entitlement diminishes over time. As of the Issue Date, the Annual Management Fee is [2.00][●] percent. The Annual Management Fee may be lowered by the Issuer at any time and the Issuer shall notify the Bondholders thereof in accordance with § 18; "Jährliche Verwaltungsgebühr" be- zeichnet die Rate, mit welcher der Krypto- wertanspruch im Laufe der Zeit abnimmt. Am Emissionstag beträgt die Jährliche Ver- waltungsgebühr [2,00 %][●]. Die Jährli- che Verwaltungsgebühr kann von der Emit- tentin zu jeder Zeit herabgesetzt werden und die Emittentin teilt dies den Anlei- hegläubigern gemäß § 18 mit; "Authorised Participant" means any en- tity supervised by a financial supervisory authority in a member state of the Euro- pean Economic Area, which has been ap- pointed by the Issuer as an Authorised Par- ticipant and as a consequence may buy Bonds directly from the Issuer in the pri- mary market; "Autorisierter Teilnehmer" bezeichnet jedes von einer Finanzaufsichtsbehörde überwachtes Unternehmen in einem Mit- gliedstaat des Europäischen Wirtschafts- raums, das von der Emittentin als ein Au- torisierter Teilnehmer ernannt wurde und folglich Schuldverschreibungen direkt von der Emittentin im Primärmarkt erwerben kann; "Authorised Participant Agreement" means an agreement entered into between the Issuer and an Authorised Participant, appointing the Authorised Participant and the fees, terms and conditions in respect of which it acts in such role; "Autorisierter Teilnehmer-Vertrag" be- zeichnet einen zwischen der Emittentin und einem Autorisierten Teilnehmer geschlos- senen Vertrag, durch den der Autorisierte Teilnehmer ernannt wird und die Kosten und Bedingungen in Bezug auf die Ausfüh- rung dieser Funktion festgelegt werden; "Bondholders’ Meeting" means a meet- ing of Bondholders held in accordance with§ 17; "Gläubigerversammlung" bezeichnet eine Versammlung der Anleihegläubiger, die gemäß § 17 abgehalten wird; "Bondholders’ Representative" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in § 17 (5); "Gemeinsamer Vertreter" hat die in§ 17 (5) festgelegte Bedeutung; "Business Day" means a day (other than a Saturday, a Sunday or a public holiday) on which (i) the Clearing System, (ii) the banks in Frankfurt am Main and Vienna and(iii) the Trans-European Automated Real- time Gross settlement Express Transfer system 2 (TARGET2), or any successor system thereto ("TARGET") settle pay- ments; "Geschäftstag" bezeichnet einen Tag (au- ßer einem S...
Annual Management Fee means the annual management fee in respect of the Services as set out in the Commercial Schedule;
Annual Management Fee is defined in Section 6.21(c).
Annual Management Fee is defined in Section 2.3(a).
Annual Management Fee means, up to 1% of the NAV of a Company per annum (as assessed by reference to the Pre-fee NAV) together with any applicable VAT;
Annual Management Fee means the annual charge payable by the Member to the Company and/or the Managing Agent, which is each Member's pro-rata portion of the funds required to cover the costs, as projected by the Directors or the Management Company (as the case may be) at or prior to the start of a Use Year, to discharge the cost and expenses projected in the Annual Operating Budget for the Use Year as adjusted for the actual expenses and the Managing Agent's fee. At inception of the Scheme an Annual Management Fee has been established per share block per year.