Business Invitee definition
Examples of Business Invitee in a sentence
The injured Business Invitee must submit to examination, as often as required by the Insurer, by physicians of the Insurer’s choice and at the Insurer’s expense.
The Insurer will pay on behalf of the Insured, subject to the applicable Limit of Liability, the Medical Payments arising from any Bodily Injury suffered by a Business Invitee, where such Bodily Injury was caused by an Occurrence and is reported to the Insurer in accordance with the terms of this Policy.
Medical Payments The Insurer will pay on behalf of the Insured, subject to the applicable Limit of Liability, the Medical Payments arising from any Bodily Injury suffered by a Business Invitee, where such Bodily Injury was caused by an Occurrence and is reported to the Insurer in accordance with the terms of this Policy.
THOUGHT LEADERSHIPNo Duty Owed to Business Invitee Distracted by Product Displays Says Eastern DistrictKing of PrussiaPremises and Retail Liability March 1, 2019Key Points Defense Digest, Vol.
Knerr, 2012-Ohio-2342 (6th District) No Duty to Warn of Injury to Business Invitee if Criminal Act Not ForeseeablePlaintiff sued defendant store in tort action for personal injury following an incident in defendant’s parking lot where a third party vehicle struck plaintiff and drove away.
If business invitees with packages are to enter the Building, the Business Invitee Procedures described above are applicable.