Examples of Case management service in a sentence
Case management service activities include the following components.
Case management service providers, the Office of the Attorney General, the Administrative Office of the Courts (particularly the Foster Care Review Board and juvenile justice), and tribal social service agencies with title IV-E agreements are provided access designed specifically for their needs.
The department may conduct a site visit to verify all or part of the information submitted.77.39(12) Case management service providers.
Case management service reimbursement includes the costs of travel, POC development, planning, documentation, completion of a HENS (see attached) and service coordination.To be reimbursed, the unit rate associated with the services rendered must be included on the CSHCS Case Management and Care Coordination Supplemental Attachment to the CPBC FSR.
Case management service activities that are provided to the person with a developmental disability shall be provided directly by county agencies or under contract.