Examples of CEQA Documents in a sentence
Alternative Approaches to Analyzing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Global Climate Change in CEQA Documents.
Recommendations by the Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) on How to Analyze Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Global Climate Change in CEQA Documents.
F = District-wide sum (in dollars) of annual fees for sources subject to this Rule under Rule 301; 303 (excluding Section III, CEQA Documents Preparation); and that portion of Rule 301.3 fees collected for District costs associated with activities related to the operating permits program as specified in Section 502(b)(3)(A) of the CAA.
Recommendations by the Association of Environmental Professionals on How to Analyze GHG Emissions and Global Climate Change in CEQA Documents.
Buyer has all rights and powers available to it as a responsible agency under CEQA to participate in the CEQA review of the Facility, including commenting on the lead agency’s notice of preparation, consulting with and providing comments to the lead agency during preparation of the CEQA Documents.
Alternative Approaches to Analyzing Greenhouse Gases and Global Climate Change Impacts in CEQA Documents, by Michael Hendrix and Cori Wilson.
Recommendations by the Association of Environmental Professionals on How to Analyze GHG Emissions and Global Climate Change in CEQA Documents (March 5, 2007), as well as the South Coast Air Quality Management District (Chapter 6: The CEQA Guide, April 2011) and the US Forest Service (Climate Change Considerations in Project Level NEPA Analysis, July 13, 2009).
According to Recommendations by the Association of Environmental Professionals on How to Analyze GHG Emissions and Global Climate Change in CEQA Documents (March 5, 2007), an individual project does not generate enough GHG emissions to significantly influence global climate change.
Recommendations by the Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) on How to Analyze Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Global Climate Change in CEQA Documents (March 5, 2007), p.
Association of Environment Professionals, Alternative Approaches to Analyze Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Global Climate Change in CEQA Documents, Final, June 29, 2007.