Examples of Charter Renewal in a sentence
This report contains appendices that provide additional statistical and organizationally related information including a largely statistical school overview, copies of any school district comments on the Application for Charter Renewal, and the SUNY Fiscal Dashboard information for the school.
CONSIDERATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMENTS In accordance with the Act, the Institute notified the district in which the charter school is located regarding the school’s Application for Charter Renewal.
The report’s Appendix provides a School Overview, copies of any school district comments on the Application for Charter Renewal, the SUNY Fiscal Dashboard information for the school, and, if applicable, its education corporation and additional evidence on student achievement contained in the School Performance Summaries.
The school’s Application for Charter Renewal contains all necessary elements as required by the Act.
While the SUNY Charter Schools Institute (the “Institute”) conducts a comprehensive review of evidence related to all the State University of New York Charter Renewal Benchmarks (the “SUNY Renewal Benchmarks”) near the end of a charter term, most mid-cycle school evaluation visits focus on a subset of these benchmarks.
REPORT FORMAT The Institute makes the foregoing renewal recommendation based on the school’s Application for Charter Renewal, evaluation visits conducted and information gathered during the charter term and a renewal evaluation visit conducted near the end of the current charter term.
GC Member Required Training Update, including Charter Renewal Training.
This report contains appendices that provide additional statistical and organizationally related information including a statistical school overview, copies of any school district commentson the Application for Charter Renewal, and the SUNY Fiscal Dashboard information for the school.
Carl McCall SUNY Building353 BroadwayAlbany, NY 12246 INTRODUCTION & REPORT FORMATThis report is the primary means by which the SUNY Charter Schools Institute (the “Institute”) transmits to the State University of New York Board of Trustees (the “SUNY Trustees”) its findings and recommendations regarding a school’s Application for Charter Renewal, and more broadly, details the merits of a school’s case for renewal.
School Performance Summaries C: District CommentsD: School Fiscal DashboardSUNY Charter Schools InstituteSUNY Plaza 353 BroadwayAlbany, NY 12246 INTRODUCTION & REPORT FORMATThis report is the primary means by which the SUNY Charter Schools Institute (the “Institute”) transmits to the State University of New York Board of Trustees (the “SUNY Trustees”) its findings and recommendations regarding a school’s Application for Charter Renewal, and more broadly, details the merits of a school’s case for renewal.