Classification series definition

Classification series means two or more classifications that perform similar tasks or work but differ in degree of difficulty and responsibility.
Classification series is a grouping of similar occupations performing a variety of semi-skilled and skilled duties.
Classification series means any group of classification titles that have the identical name but different numerical designations, or identical titles except for designated levels of supervision, except for those classification series established by the director of administrative services in accordance with division (A) of section 124.14 of the Revised Code.

Examples of Classification series in a sentence

  • Such workload adjustment is limited to DDS Stewards in the Disability Analyst Classification series due to their high production standards.

  • Classification Series Seniority Classification series seniority is defined as the employee’s length of continuous service within a classification series.

  • Classification series seniority shall be considered in connection with awarding and filling vacancies where there are no applicants from the classification where the vacancy exists as well as in layoffs and recalls.

  • An employee on an approved leave of absence thirty (30) days of less shall be reinstated to his/her former position or to a position of like Classification series and pay received at the commencement of the leave.

  • Classification series are defined as: secretarial (A13); secretarial (B21); secretarial (B22); secretarial (B22/21)paraeducator, custodial/maintenance, cook (A12, A13), and cook (B21).

More Definitions of Classification series

Classification series shall be defined as those jobs which are related in skills as described in Addendum C.
Classification series. There shall be established, five classification series as follows: Series 1: Education Aide Personnel includes: Medical Aides, ED/MD Aides, Instructional Aides, and One-on-One Aides Series 2: Transportation Personnel includes: Chief Bus Mechanic/Bus Driver, Bus Drivers and Bus Aides Series 3: Cafeteria Personnel includes: Van Driver/Kitchen Custodian, Cooks and Assistant Cooks Series 4: Custodial/Maintenance Personnel includes: Skilled Maintenance, Maintenance Custodial Grounds, Custodial Grounds, Custodians, and Flex Custodian Series 5: Secretarial Personnel includes: Secretaries and Clerical Aides
Classification series means a series of closely related classes which have similar titles and duties and constitute a common progression for promotion for employees.
Classification series means those nine (9) classification series identified in Article 20. Seniority point accumulation shall be in accordance with Article 20.
Classification series means one or more occupational groups having classes of positions with duties substantially similar in nature and character with progressively higher levels of responsibility. (Ordinance CS 557 § 3, 1994).
Classification series represents those classes which are in an exact line of progression. The career path is clearly delineated in specification content and movement from one level to another constitutes the normal avenue for advancement. For example, Developmental Services Worker 1, Developmental Services Worker 2, Supported Living Worker, Lead Developmental Services Worker, Supervising Developmental Services Worker 1, Supervising Developmental Services Worker 2.
Classification series are as defined in Appendix #1.