Common assessments means assessments that are charged proportionately against all units for common purposes.
Common assessments means identical or comparable assessments of student learning, growth, and achievement related to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks, Massachusetts Vocational Technical Education Frameworks, or other relevant frameworks used by educators in the same role across the district. These assessments may be commercial assessments or district developed, and may include, but are not limited to: portfolios, pre- and post tests, unit and course assessments, performance assessments, and capstone projects.
Common assessments. As defined in Section 7.02.
Examples of Common assessments in a sentence
Common assessments will be developed and administered to monitor student progress and track student achievement of established goals.
Common assessments of student learning, growth, and achievement related to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks or the Massachusetts Vocational Technical Education Frameworks or other relevant frameworks that are comparable across grades and/or subjects district-wide.
Common assessments: Lack of consistent use of common formative and summative assessments aligned with Colorado Academic Standards.
Common assessments for credit risk include management judgment, delinquency and monitoring.
Common assessments must meet the definition of direct or indirect measures as defined above.
More Definitions of Common assessments
Common assessments means assessments that are charged proportionately against all units for common purposes. (Definition is the same as in existing R.C. 5311.01(E).)
Common assessments means assessments charged 48
Common assessments means an assessment created for the purpose of maintaining the Common Areas, maintaining the Association, establishing replacement and reserve accounts, insurance, and other fulfilling any other duties of the Association resulting from all properties or Tracts within The Reserve, including the streets in The Reserve which are private and the maintenance for which the Association is responsible;
Common assessments means assessments that are charged 63
Common assessments means those assessments described in Section 19 to fund the Common Expenses, and include Regular Common Assessments and Special Common Assessments.
Common assessments means identical or comparable assessments of student learning, growth, and achievement related to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks, Massachusetts Vocational Technical Education Frameworks, or other relevant frameworks used by educators in the same role across the district. These assessments may be commercial assessments or district developed, and may include, but are not limited to: portfolios, pre- and post-tests, unit and course assessments, performance assessments, and capstone projects.
Common assessments means assessments charged proportionately against all Units for common purposes. NAME. The condominium Property shall be known as “Northwood Lakes Condominium”. PURPOSE AND INTENTION. Purpose. The purposes of this Condominium are to provide separately designated and legally-described freehold estates consisting of Units as are hereafter described and as shown on the drawings attached hereto, entitling the Unit Owner to the right to the exclusive ownership and possession of his Unit and to ownership of an undivided interest in the Common Elements in the percentage as is expressed in this Declaration. There are no commercial facilities situated in this Condominium and the use of said Units shall be for single family residence purposes only. Condominium Development. It is the intention of the Declarant to establish by this Declaration a Condominium Development consisting initially of five (5) buildings (ten (10) units) and to expand the Condominium Development through the first phase of twenty-one (21) buildings and the second phase of twenty (20) buildings. The Condominium Units initially submitted hereby and described on Exhibit A are Units 1912, 1914, 1916, 1918, 1920, 1922, 1915, 1917, 1923 and 1925. First Phase. The Declarant will add to this Condominium the Units that are constructed on the 8.241 acres described in Exhibit B, attached hereto. The Declarant plans to construct twenty-one (21) two family buildings on the land described in Exhibit B (including the existing units described on Exhibit A) and will add these buildings to the Condominium Plan as the same are constructed and by filing amendments to this Declaration for that purpose. The 0.932 acres described as Exhibit D and being a part of the land described in Exhibit B is not submitted by this Declaration will be added in part or in full by an amendment to the Declaration. There is presently completed thereon three (3) buildings and are units: 1900, 1920, 1904, 1906, 1908 and 1910. Second Phase. The Declarant also owns the 9.527 acres described in Exhibit C and plans to continue its Condominium Development upon the completion of development of the land described in Exhibit B to the Exhibit C land; there are Twenty (20 two family buildings contemplated for said land plus a community building. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING. There is one (1) type of Building to be constructed, each Building to be a two family Building with one Unit having two bedrooms and the other Unit having three bedrooms. T...