Examples of CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE in a sentence
CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE – means a guarantee at call obtained by the contractor from an institution approved by the employer in terms of the employer’s construction guarantee form as selected in the schedule.
C1.3.2: VARIABLE CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE - JBCC 2000 PRINCIPALBUILDING AGREEMENT (Edition 5.0 (Reprint 1) of July 2007)To:South African National Biodiversity Institute Private Bag X101Silverton 0184 Sir, VARIABLE CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE FOR THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT IN TERMS OF JBCC 2000 (5.0 EDITION JULY 2007) 5.
CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE (PRO-FORMA) GUARANTOR DETAILS AND DEFINITIONSGuarantor means ...........................................................................................................
The contract duration is 24 months VARIABLE CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE – (GCC (2010) 2nd EDITION: 2010)Director-GeneralDepartment of Public Works and Infrastructure Government of the Republic of South Africa To: Department of Public Works and InfrastructureIndependence Avenue Qhasana Building 5605 Sir,VARIABLE CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE FOR THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT IN TERMS OF GCC (2010) 2nd EDITION 20101.
C1.3.2: VARIABLE CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE - JBCC 2000 PRINCIPAL BUILDINGAGREEMENT (Edition 5.0 of July 2007) To:South African National Biodiversity Institute Private Bag X101Silverton 0184 Sir, VARIABLE CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE FOR THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT IN TERMS OF JBCC 2000 (5.0 EDITION JULY 2007) 5.