content data definition

content data means data as defined in Article 2, point 10, of Regulation (EU) … [on European Production and Preservation Orders for electronic evidence in criminal matters (…/… e-evidence Regulation)];
content data means any stored data in a digital format such as text, voice, videos, images, and sound other than subscriber, access or transactional data;
content data means the subject or purpose of the communication, or the message or information being conveyed by the communication, whether or not any interpretation, process, mechanism or device needs to be applied or used to make the meaning of the communication intelligible;

More Definitions of content data

content data means any electronic data, other than subscriber information or traffic data, relating to the substance of the data transferred by an information and communications technology system, including, but not limited to, images, text messages, voice messages, audio recordings and video recordings; [agreed ad referendum]
content data means any [computer data] [digital information] relating to a communication by means of a [computer system] [information and communications technology device] concerning the substance or purport of that communication, such as text, voice messages, audio recordings, video recordings and other types of information;
content data means any computer data found in the form of audio, video, picture, arithmetic formula or any other form that conveys the essence, substance, meaning or purpose of a stored or transmitted computer data or computer communication;
content data means the substance, its meaning or purport of a specified communication;
content data means any representation of fact, information or concept for processing in an information system including source code or a program suitable to cause an information system to perform a function;
content data means data as defined in Article 2, point 10, Article 3, point 12 of Regulation (EU) 2023/1543 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2023 … [on European Production Orders and European Preservation Orders for electronic evidence in criminal proceedings and for the execution of custodial sentences following criminal proceedings matters (…/… e-evidence Regulation)];
content data means the communication content of the communication, that is, the meaning or purport of the communication or the message or information being conveyed by the communication other than traffic data;