Media Coverage Sample Clauses
Media Coverage. Exhibitor must obtain advance written approval from HR Houston for any media coverage. All requests for media coverage must be submitted no later than July 2, 2021.
Media Coverage. During the school year there are often times when your child's picture may be taken or name used in print. Some of these times may include, but are not limited to the following: • Articles in a school or District newsletter: honors and awards. • Pictures taken to accompany a newspaper article. • Pictures taken to include in a slide presentation or an electronic slide show about our District that is shown to new staff, various service organizations and groups from other schools. Pictures taken for the teacher to use in his/her class activities and District web sites. • Video taken of participation in a special event or program. • Video conferencing activities with other educational institutions. • Pictures taken to be used in pamphlets or brochures about our District. NJ FamilyCare provides quality, free or low-cost health coverage for uninsured children and teens 18 and younger and low-income parents. This program already covers more than a half million New Jersey children. NJ FamilyCare offers full health care coverage through established Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) that operate throughout the state. To find out if you are eligible, or for more information, call 0-000-000-0000 or visit the website at The team participates in educational planning and provides input into emergent issues relative to each building, Primary, Elementary and Middle Schools. The principal and selected Board of Education members meet on a regular basis throughout the year (approximately 8 meetings). The Upper Township Parent Teacher Organization has a threefold mission: promoting the partnership of parents and educators in the education of our children; providing educational opportunities for parents; and acting as an advocate for the welfare of all children. Membership is open to all. PTO membership fee is $10.00. Meeting dates and sponsored activities are listed on the calendar located at the end of this booklet. Your input and participation are greatly needed. Please join and volunteer your time and talents. If you have any questions or are interested in joining the PTA, you can contact any of the following officers: Xxxxx Xxxxxx – President Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx – Vice President Xxxxxxxxx XxXxxxxxxxx – Secretary Xxxx Xxxxxxxx – Treasurer Xxxxx Xxxxxxx – Membership Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx – Parliamentarian Xxxxx Xxxxx – Chair of Fundraising Xxx Xxxxxx & Xxxxxx Xxxxxx – Co-Chairpersons PS Xxxxx Xxxxxxx – Chairperson ES Parking space is at a premium at...
Media Coverage. 17.1 Under no circumstances should a member of staff speak or write to representatives of the press, TV or radio, about a suspected fraud without the express authority of the Chief Executive.
17.2 The Officer in Charge of the criminal case, whether from CFS or Police Scotland, will be responsible for collaborating with the Board’s communications department in relation to preparing and agreeing the timing and content of an appropriate press release.
Media Coverage. Articles will be prepared for publications in outlets such as technical magazines, online outlets, national and regional public newspapers, journals etc. both in print and online. Several press releases are planned to publicize the most important milestones and achievements of the project. They will be prepared by all the partners to cover a broad geographical area. Under media coverage, the consortium also aims to publish non-scientific and non-peer-reviewed publications such as publications with a general description of the project and the targets achieved.
Media Coverage. The loss to all forms of electronic, magnetic and optical tapes and discs used in any electronic computer or electronic data processing equipment directly damaged by an accident to an Object. For the purpose of this coverage, the valuation basis for “Media” is as follows: For “Media” that are mass-produced and commercially available, at the replacement cost. For all other “Media,” at the cost of blank material for reproducing the records.
Media Coverage. You must acknowledge the Trust’s assistance on all signs, reports, websites and promotional material relating to the Project (see Condition 31 of your Grant Agreement). Copies (or summary) of media coverage obtained should also be included with your reports.
Media Coverage. Donations may not be made for the purpose of soliciting media coverage. If the media solicits coverage of an event, XXXXXX’s IBP Relations department must be notified immediately to review the media opportunity.
Media Coverage. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parties agree that other than in connection with any required regulatory notice or filing arising from this Agreement or the Transactions, neither Party will issue any press release, whether joint or individual, concerning this Agreement, the Transactions or anything related thereto. The Parties further agree that they will not seek to obtain media coverage in relation to this Agreement, the Transactions or anything related thereto.
Media Coverage. The Promoter shall use its best endeavors to ensure that the event receives full media coverage.
Media Coverage. The Lakeland School System periodically distributes press releases to the media that highlight the achievements of students and schools, as well as interesting educational and extracurricular programs happening throughout the school system. LSS press releases are designed to offer newspapers and TV media an opportunity to cover these positive stories in schools and classrooms.