Covered Lands definition

Covered Lands means the geographic area described in Chapter of the HCP upon which Authorized Take of the Covered Species may occur, and the lands to which the HCP’s mitigation measures apply.
Covered Lands means the lands owned by Permittee upon which the Permit authorizes incidental Take of Covered Species and the lands to which the HCP's conservation and mitigation measures apply. These lands are described in section 1.1.2 of the HCP.
Covered Lands means the geographic area described in Section 2.8 of this Agreement and in Chapter 2 of the MSHCP in which Covered Activities will occur.

Examples of Covered Lands in a sentence

  • Although the location of impacts may vary because new wind development under Alternative D could occur anywhere within the study area (rather than limited to the Covered Lands), the impacts will be comparable in scale since both alternatives contemplate up to 33,000 MW of new wind energy development.

  • The suspension or revocation may apply to the entire ITP, or only to specified Listed Species, Covered Lands, or Covered Activities.

  • In responding to any requests to remove lands from Covered Lands, the FWS shall consent to such proposed removal unless it finds that the proposed removal of land would materially compromise the effectiveness of the HCP.

  • Nothing in this Agreement will limit the right or obligation of any Federal agency to engage in consultation required under Section 7 of the ESA or other Federal law; however, it is intended that the rights and obligations of the Permittees under the SLCHCP and this Agreement will be considered in any consultation affecting the Permittees’ use of the Covered Lands.

  • Upon execution of this Agreement by all Parties, and satisfaction of all other applicable legal requirements, the USFWS will issue Lincoln County, the City of Caliente and UPRR each a Permit under Section 10(a)(1)(B) of the ESA, authorizing incidental take by the Permittees of each listed Covered Species resulting from Covered Activities on Covered Lands.

More Definitions of Covered Lands

Covered Lands means the lands of the Plan Area described in Chapter 1, Section 1.3.1 of the BRCP which are covered by the Permits. During the Permit term, the Permits’ authorization of take of Covered Species incident to Covered Activities and the BRCP’s Operating Conservation Program apply or may apply to those Covered Lands that are approved for development by the Permittees as of the Effective Date.
Covered Lands or “Covered Area” means the non-Federal lands (approximately 30,674 acres) upon which the Permits authorize incidental take of Covered Species as well as the Federal and non-Federal lands within Southeastern Lincoln County to which the HCP's conservation and mitigation measures will be applied. Covered Lands on which incidental take of the Covered Species is expected to occur include: ▪ LCLA land ▪ Meadow Valley Industrial Park site ▪ Alamo Industrial Park site and Community Expansion area ▪ BLM lands identified for disposal within the Covered Area (includes the 640-acre Section 36 disposal parcel and lands in the vicinity of the town of Alamo) ▪ Lincoln County roads and rights-of-way ▪ Union Pacific Railroad land and rights-of-way ▪ City of Caliente property ▪ Other privately-owned lands along the Meadow Valley Wash within Southeastern Lincoln County where the landowners become Third Party Participants pursuant to IA Section 8.0
Covered Lands means those lands listed as “covered lands” in the HCP, that is, including lands and facilities associated with and/or potentially affected by covered activities located within the hydrologic boundary of the Xxxxx River Basin in Clackamas and Multnomah Counties, Oregon, as depicted in Figure 2-1 of the HCP.
Covered Lands means the City-owned lands upon which the permit authorizes incidental take of covered species. It includes the Cedar River Municipal Watershed, totaling approximately 90,546 acres and shown on Map 3 in the HCP.
Covered Lands means the certain lands of Tejon Ranch described in Section 1.3 of the TU MSHCP and depicted in Figure 1-4 of the TU MSHCP. During the Permit term, the Permit’s authorization of take of Covered Species incident to Covered Activities and the TU MSHCP’s Operating Conservation Program apply or may apply to those Covered Lands that are owned by Permittee as of the Effective Date. Additional Lands may be added to the Permit as Covered Lands only in accordance with Section 15.0 of this Agreement.
Covered Lands means those lands upon which the Permit authorizes incidental take of the Covered Species and the lands to which the NBC’s acquisition and management activities apply. These lands are depicted on Exhibits C, E, F and I.
Covered Lands means the lands (including lands added to the NFHCP pursuant to Section 5.0 of the NFHCP and subsections 11.1.1 through 11.1.3 of this Agreement) where the Covered Activities occur and the lands to which the NFHCP's conservation and mitigation measures apply. The Covered Lands are referred to in the NFHCP and NFHCP/EIS as the "Project Area". The Covered Lands include all land owned by Plum Creek as a matter of public record within the Planning Area Basins on the effective date of this Agreement (and those additional lands located outside of Planning Area Basins identified on Exhibit A to this Agreement). The Planning Area Basins are identified on Map 1.3-1 of the NFHCP/EIS. Map 2.2.1 (Note: Map 2.2-1 of the NFHCP depicts Plum Creek ownership as of 1/1/98. As a part of the administration of the NFHCP, Plum Creek will update the land ownership information as provided for in Section 5.0 of the NFHCP). The Covered Lands also include those lands owned by others but on which Plum Creek holds timber cutting rights of 30 years duration or longer. Finally, Covered Lands includes lands owned or managed by others over which Plum Creek holds access easements, rights-of-way, access permits, or which are subject to a road cost-share agreement to which Plum Creek is a party, and which access the Covered Lands owned by Plum Creek.