Entry Notice definition
Examples of Entry Notice in a sentence
Purchaser will provide to Seller notice (for purposes of this Section 5.1(a), an "Entry Notice") of the intention of Purchaser or the other Licensee Parties to enter the Real Property at least 24 hours prior to such intended entry and specify the intended purpose therefor and the inspections and examinations contemplated to be made and with whom any Licensee Party will communicate.
If Seller is the importer of record, Xxxxx will not be a party to the importing, Xxxxx’s name will not appear as importer of record on any customs declaration, the purchase will be done after importation occurs, and Seller will give Buyer a properly executed Customs Form 7552 "Delivery Certificate" and Form FD 701 "Importers Entry Notice," if applicable.
Redeveloper’s Entry Notice shall set forth a date and time of entry, the identity of all persons and entities who shall enter upon the Property, the estimated duration of the entry, and a description of the anticipated Entry Activities to be performed during the entry and locations where the activities will be performed.
All payments for works to be completed in respect of a Task should be made directly by the Customer to the Subcontractor.
Recipients of Federal funds and CoCs must provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services necessary to ensure effective communication (e.g. Braille, audio, large type, assistive listening devices, and sign language interpreters) (HUD Coordinated Entry Notice: Section II.B.5.c)The CoC will provide training opportunities at least once annually to organizations and/or staff people at organizations that serve as access points or administer assessments.
Coordinated Entry changed a CoC from a project-focused system to a person-focused system by asking that communities prioritize people who are most in need of assistance “and strategically allocate their current resources and identify the need for additional resources” (Coordinated Entry Notice CPD-17-01).
The lessor/property manager will give a tenant no less than seven days written notice on the RTA Form 9 – Entry Notice.
HUD Coordinated Entry Notice: Section II.B.5.c / Access: Marketing - CoC’s written CE policies and procedures document steps taken to ensure effective communication with individuals with disabilities.
CoC ensures participants may not be denied access to the coordinated entry process on the basis that the participant is or has been a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking.HUD Coordinated Entry Notice: Section II.B.12.e5.
Entry for maintenance (DoE employees only) requests is issued by the LAC/Principal through the Entry Notice RTA Form 9.