Extended Contract definition

Extended Contract. The salary schedule is based upon the regular calendar and the normal teaching load as set forth in this agreement. Any employee covered under this agreement whose assignment exceeds the regular duty year (Article II, Section C) will be additionally compensated on a per diem basis based upon their placement on the salary schedule. The Board may add or delete extended contracts as long as all statutory notification deadlines are met. LUNCH ROOM Any educator volunteering for lunch supervision will be SUPERVISION: reimbursed for their time at a rate of $7.50 per lunch period. By mutual agreement between the building administrator and the educator, lunch supervision may be assigned provided conditions of Article II, A, #8 and Article II, B are fulfilled. OVERLOAD: An overload assignment will exist for any employee covered under this agreement whose long term assignment exceeds the regular load, including teaching or supervising during their planning time. (Article II, Section A, Part 8). In the event that unavoidable circumstances dictate an overload assignment as determined by the building administrator, such assignment shall be allowed. Overload assignments shall be made at the discretion of the building administrator. No educator shall be required to assume an overload assignment. In such cases where an educator accepts an overload assignment, he/she will receive an additional 1/6 of the current base contract. SUMMER PROGRAMS: Driver’s education will be compensated at the rate of $30.00 per hour. Summer school/jump-start programs will be compensated at the rate of $25.00 per hour. Other curricular activities beyond the educators’ primary contract will be compensated at a rate of $20.00 per hour. TEACHING LOAD: The daily teaching load at the high school shall be six periods and one planning period. Every effort will be given to minimize the number of preparations each educator is required to make. DRAMA/MUSICAL High school drama/musical supplementals and /or assignments will not exceed the amount allocated for said supplemental. Supplemental amounts will be determined by the personnel responsible for musicals and drama performances. Xxxxxxx allocated could include: director, assistant directors of costumes, sets/props, instrumental music and/or vocal music.
Extended Contract means that individual contract that is issued to an employee for day(s) beyond the employee's base contract days.
Extended Contract means that individual contract that is issued to employees for 40 days beyond the employee's basic school year of one-hundred-eighty (180) days plus one 41 Learning Improvement Day. 42

Examples of Extended Contract in a sentence

  • Examples of these “Value Propositions” include but are not limited to: Signing Bonus, Conversion Bonus, Volume Rebates, Large Order Rebates, Extended Contract Incentives, Discount Terms, and others.

  • Date Authorized Representative, TitleCONTRACTOR Acceptance of Request to Extend or Renew Contract ODH agrees to extend and renew the attached Contract with a Contract Ending Date of (e.g.) June 30, 2014, for an additional term with an Extended Contract Beginning Date and an Extended Contract Ending Date as set forth above, under and subject to the same terms and conditions of the attached Contract, and with no additional funding than already specified in section 2.03 of the Contract.

  • CONTRACTOR agrees to extend the Contract Ending Date to the Extended Contract Ending Date of the attached Contract and understands that the remaining Contract terms will be renewed upon the same terms and conditions as currently provided in the Contract, and that the extension of the Contract Ending Date is solely for the following purpose: (e.g.) allowing completion of performance of the Contract, beyond the State of Ohio biennium, with no additional compensation.

  • In accordance with the terms of the attached Contract between CONTRACTOR and ODH, CONTRACTOR hereby requests that ODH extend or renew the attached Contract with a Contract Ending Date of (e.g.) June 30, 2014, for an additional term with an Extended Contract Beginning Date of (e.g.) July 1, 2014 and an Extended Contract Ending Date of (e.g.) June 30, 2015, subject to the terms and conditions of the attached Contract.

  • Extended Contract; Cooperative Purchasing The College is an active member of the Strategic Alliance for Volume Expenditures (S.A.V.E.) Cooperative Agreement.

More Definitions of Extended Contract

Extended Contract means that individual supplemental contract that is issued to employees for time worked beyond the employee’s basic school year as defined in Article VIII, Section D.
Extended Contract means a period of time provided to instructors for employment beyond the regular contractual period.
Extended Contract means a supplemental contract for services by a teacher before the first day of the contract year or after the last day of the contract year.
Extended Contract means days agreed to by the District and the employee for a period of service beyond the regular traditional or year-round contract year.
Extended Contract means the Contract where in addition to the supply of the Equipment, the Contractor has to supply Works for a period of at least 3 years.
Extended Contract means that individual, supplemental contract 402 that is issued to an employee for days beyond the employee’s basic school year of 403 one-hundred-eighty (180) days. Such contracts are non-continuing one (1) year 404 only. 405
Extended Contract means that individual, supplemental contract 401 that is issued to an employee for days beyond the employee’s basic school year of 402 one-hundred-eighty (180) days. Such contracts are non-continuing one (1) year 403 only. 404 405 13. The term RCW” shall mean Revised Code of Washington. 406