Examples of Gaming Regulatory Authority in a sentence
Any person who controls common shares equal to or in excess of the Ownership Threshold, may be required to file an application, be investigated and have suitability as a shareholder determined by a Gaming Regulatory Authority, if such Gaming Regulatory Authority has reason to believe such ownership would otherwise be inconsistent with its declared policies.
The shareholder must pay all the costs of the investigation incurred by any such Gaming Regulatory Authority.
Such rights may be exercised through the Gaming Regulatory Authority or through an agent, employee, attorney, or independent accountant acting on behalf of the Band.
The funding of the operation of the Gaming Regulatory Authority shall, prior to the Commencement Date, be a start up expense of the Enterprise and thereafter shall be an Operating Expense.
Final determination of the qualifications of Band members and all other persons for employment shall be made by Manager, subject to any licensing requirements of the Gaming Regulatory Authority.