Group Health Benefits definition
Examples of Group Health Benefits in a sentence
If Your Group Health Benefits EndIf you are a qualified continuee and your group health benefits end due to your termination of employment or reduction of work hours, you may elect to continue such benefits for up to 18 months, if you were not terminated due to gross misconduct.The continuation: (a) may cover you or any other qualified continuee; and (b) is subject to "When Continuation Ends".
A person who is a Resident of New Jersey who is not eligible to be covered under a Group Health Benefits Plan, Group Health Plan, Governmental Plan, Church Plan, or Part A or Part B of Title XVIII of the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. § 1395 et.
I am requesting cancellation of my existing benefits as checked above.I apply for the Group Health Benefits Certificate or Group Agreement for which I am eligible.
The name of this Plan is the Group Health Benefits Plan of the Employees of the State of South Carolina, the Public School Districts, and Participating Entities (“State Health Plan” or “Plan”).
The City’s Dental Self Insurance Fund, Workers Compensation Self Insurance Fund and Group Health Benefits Self Insurance Fund, intragovernmental service funds, operate under financial plans that were adopted by the governing board at the time the City’s budget ordinance was approved, as is required by the General Statutes.